this image contains text
S E P T E M B E R 1 9 9 8
1. Unrelated to what most of us consider news, well, not just most of us, but
everyone with the exception of Inazone: shamone!
2. If you are one of the fans that downloads their iCE packs every month to
read the creative and entertaining texts of senior staff like Force Ten, Slothy
and these days, Mass Delusion - you can kiss that off! There was an executive
decision made to begin manipulating the info file each month for our own more
devious purposes. So, open your mind to subtle suggestions.
3. Last month, we compared ourselves to the soaring stock market, with the
exception that we werent subject to any crashes. Well, its sad to say that
weve had yet another unbelievable month of returns and were still beating
the analysts predictions! isnt that quaint? Joining this month was
TaintedX, bringing with him not only some great ansi, but an attitude that is
most definitely iCE : welcome aboard! Were also seeing returns from one of
our favorites, Count Zero and a longtime revival by that little third party
monkey, Misfit. Welcome back boys!
4. Some people might call it luck, we like to call it, well, luck I suppose,
so whats your point?
5. For several years now, emulators have allowed computer owners to play the
actual arcade favorites of the last decade on their home computer. Using the
real ROM from the arcade game, these emulators play NES, SNES, Sega, Neo-Geo,
etc. Whats new however, is Syntax Errors involvement in a pure ASM emulator
released recently called Retrocade! This new emulator is blazingly fast
and features all artwork done by iCE members. Check it out right now at
6. After winning a forfeit to Dark team 1 in the Blender contest, the iCE
team is preparing to take on Mistigris in the Blender Final! We welcome one
and all to come and serve as iCE cheerleaders. Of course, nudity is required
and if youre male, you have to stand over in Nosegos corner.
7. Brevity is a wonderful thing. Brevity allows us to take a succinct thought
and deliver it in a compact package, accurately conveying our meaning and tone
to the receiving party giving communication efficiency and enjoyment for all
involved and for those observing.
8. Lastly, we have been harping on the new v2 of www.ice.org for a long, long
time now. However, the work is coming to a close, so it will be very, very
soon. This stage will be replaced shortly by the very, very, very soon stage.
9. Questions, answers, proposals of marriage or foosball challenges may be
directed to the iCE Senior Staff at icestaff@ice.org.
-Mass I use iCE to get girls in bed Delusion // iCE Senior Staff
Cold and Ugly Force Ten Mass Delusion Lord Soth
S E P T E M B E R 1 9 9 8
1. Unrelated to what most of us consider news, well, not just most of us, but
everyone with the exception of Inazone: shamone!
2. If you are one of the fans that downloads their iCE packs every month to
read the creative and entertaining texts of senior staff like Force Ten, Slothy
and these days, Mass Delusion - you can kiss that off! There was an executive
decision made to begin manipulating the info file each month for our own more
devious purposes. So, open your mind to subtle suggestions.
3. Last month, we compared ourselves to the soaring stock market, with the
exception that we werent subject to any crashes. Well, its sad to say that
weve had yet another unbelievable month of returns and were still beating
the analysts predictions! isnt that quaint? Joining this month was
TaintedX, bringing with him not only some great ansi, but an attitude that is
most definitely iCE : welcome aboard! Were also seeing returns from one of
our favorites, Count Zero and a longtime revival by that little third party
monkey, Misfit. Welcome back boys!
4. Some people might call it luck, we like to call it, well, luck I suppose,
so whats your point?
5. For several years now, emulators have allowed computer owners to play the
actual arcade favorites of the last decade on their home computer. Using the
real ROM from the arcade game, these emulators play NES, SNES, Sega, Neo-Geo,
etc. Whats new however, is Syntax Errors involvement in a pure ASM emulator
released recently called Retrocade! This new emulator is blazingly fast
and features all artwork done by iCE members. Check it out right now at
6. After winning a forfeit to Dark team 1 in the Blender contest, the iCE
team is preparing to take on Mistigris in the Blender Final! We welcome one
and all to come and serve as iCE cheerleaders. Of course, nudity is required
and if youre male, you have to stand over in Nosegos corner.
7. Brevity is a wonderful thing. Brevity allows us to take a succinct thought
and deliver it in a compact package, accurately conveying our meaning and tone
to the receiving party giving communication efficiency and enjoyment for all
involved and for those observing.
8. Lastly, we have been harping on the new v2 of www.ice.org for a long, long
time now. However, the work is coming to a close, so it will be very, very
soon. This stage will be replaced shortly by the very, very, very soon stage.
9. Questions, answers, proposals of marriage or foosball challenges may be
directed to the iCE Senior Staff at icestaff@ice.org.
-Mass I use iCE to get girls in bed Delusion // iCE Senior Staff
Cold and Ugly Force Ten Mass Delusion Lord Soth
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