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M A R C H 1 9 9 9
1. Farmy was found to have low-grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggary.
2. Chief courier Sinned Soul was promoted for the seventh time to Senior
Staff. Congratulations!
3. iCE Correspondent Metal Head was found cold and shivering in the middle of
Kosovo this week. Apparently an artistic outing gone bad, Metal Head was
darting his eyes around the room mumbling, Dont touch me there! Not there!
4. And on that note, we hope everyone enjoyrs this release on April 1, 1999.
-Mass I quit iCE DOWN BELOW, damnit! Delusion // iCE Senior Staff
C0ld and Ugly F0rce T3n Mass D3lus10n L0rd S0th
M A R C H 1 9 9 9
1. Folks, I have been waiting to write this info file all month long, because
we have some simply incredible news from the iCE Fortress! Roadkyll, AKA
Ian Dale, is the lead artist for an independent game called Fire and Darkness
written for linux and windows. Its not that big of a deal that he is just an
artist for a video game, but it is big news that Fire and Darkness won both the
audience award and the grand prize in the Independent Gaming Festival at the
Game Developers Conference! The two wins put more than 11,000 in the pockets
of Singularity Software - check it out: http://www.singularity-software.com!
2. And if you thought that was exciting! You should have seen Winters nipples
when he heard he was iCEs newest low-resolution hotshot! Luckily the member
initiation party wasnt interrupted by anyone trying to escape our compound, as
we partied long into the night chanting the secret iCE hymns passed down from
Frozen Tormentor who passed them unto Tempus Thales who passed them unto Syntax
Error who sings them like a fruitcake.
3. Were light on the news this month, but were also light on our feet. Word
is that V2 progress is making unprecedented leaps towards going live. So when
we say its going to happen, JUST because its April 1st, it doesnt mean were
joking. Honestly. Cmon people, work with me here!
4. Some news that will make you giggle like schoolgirls Metal Head AKA Shaggy
of iCE Senior Staff and God of ANSI fame is going to make a special showing
at an upcoming iCE ANSI Seminar! Now, it has been awhile since the last one,
but it isnt every day you get the chance to converse and learn from a true old
school master. This Seminar will take place April 18th at 11:00am PST or at
2:00pm EST on iceansi. If youre in Europe, get out your calculator! It will
also be announced on Acheron later this month.
5. Jamie McCarter is proud to announce an iCE Special Release this month! Part
of the distribution this month includes an additional ice-spc9.zip file that
contains a Quicktime Movie created by Jamie. Twisted, sick, and demented, the
short animation by Jamie is nothing less than what we demand of our members as
a family of snowmen meet their untimely end! Check it out - it rules!
6. Hope you enjoyed this mildly tricky newsletter this month. To the 1 of
the viewing public either bored enough to read the newsletter all the way
through or who accidentally let it scroll down here, we have a nugget of wisdom
for you from our fortune cookie: Be open to new experiences in bed.
-Mass I didnt really quit iCE, silly! Delusion // iCE Senior Staff
Cold and Ugly Force Ten Mass Delusion Lord Soth
M A R C H 1 9 9 9
1. Farmy was found to have low-grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggary.
2. Chief courier Sinned Soul was promoted for the seventh time to Senior
Staff. Congratulations!
3. iCE Correspondent Metal Head was found cold and shivering in the middle of
Kosovo this week. Apparently an artistic outing gone bad, Metal Head was
darting his eyes around the room mumbling, Dont touch me there! Not there!
4. And on that note, we hope everyone enjoyrs this release on April 1, 1999.
-Mass I quit iCE DOWN BELOW, damnit! Delusion // iCE Senior Staff
C0ld and Ugly F0rce T3n Mass D3lus10n L0rd S0th
M A R C H 1 9 9 9
1. Folks, I have been waiting to write this info file all month long, because
we have some simply incredible news from the iCE Fortress! Roadkyll, AKA
Ian Dale, is the lead artist for an independent game called Fire and Darkness
written for linux and windows. Its not that big of a deal that he is just an
artist for a video game, but it is big news that Fire and Darkness won both the
audience award and the grand prize in the Independent Gaming Festival at the
Game Developers Conference! The two wins put more than 11,000 in the pockets
of Singularity Software - check it out: http://www.singularity-software.com!
2. And if you thought that was exciting! You should have seen Winters nipples
when he heard he was iCEs newest low-resolution hotshot! Luckily the member
initiation party wasnt interrupted by anyone trying to escape our compound, as
we partied long into the night chanting the secret iCE hymns passed down from
Frozen Tormentor who passed them unto Tempus Thales who passed them unto Syntax
Error who sings them like a fruitcake.
3. Were light on the news this month, but were also light on our feet. Word
is that V2 progress is making unprecedented leaps towards going live. So when
we say its going to happen, JUST because its April 1st, it doesnt mean were
joking. Honestly. Cmon people, work with me here!
4. Some news that will make you giggle like schoolgirls Metal Head AKA Shaggy
of iCE Senior Staff and God of ANSI fame is going to make a special showing
at an upcoming iCE ANSI Seminar! Now, it has been awhile since the last one,
but it isnt every day you get the chance to converse and learn from a true old
school master. This Seminar will take place April 18th at 11:00am PST or at
2:00pm EST on iceansi. If youre in Europe, get out your calculator! It will
also be announced on Acheron later this month.
5. Jamie McCarter is proud to announce an iCE Special Release this month! Part
of the distribution this month includes an additional ice-spc9.zip file that
contains a Quicktime Movie created by Jamie. Twisted, sick, and demented, the
short animation by Jamie is nothing less than what we demand of our members as
a family of snowmen meet their untimely end! Check it out - it rules!
6. Hope you enjoyed this mildly tricky newsletter this month. To the 1 of
the viewing public either bored enough to read the newsletter all the way
through or who accidentally let it scroll down here, we have a nugget of wisdom
for you from our fortune cookie: Be open to new experiences in bed.
-Mass I didnt really quit iCE, silly! Delusion // iCE Senior Staff
Cold and Ugly Force Ten Mass Delusion Lord Soth
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