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M A Y 1 9 9 9
1. Welcome to iCE June 1999! We have some great news, some great art, and
some great exploitation of iCE children, slaving away to produce wonderful
little iCE sculptures that we export to runaway Eastern Bloc countries.
2. We have two new homies who decided to hang in our crib this month. They go
by the phunky names of Tweed and Adam Grossi. You dont think Grossi is fly?
Well maybe after Grossi needs a quarter platter spin from deadstop on a quartz
driven table, others need a spinback to hit the cue point in time. After a
cut back before the intial attack, Tweed drops the lows out for a bar and kicks
them back. See? Were dope.
3. This is a great month for iCE, because phase one of our new website has
finally hit the web! If you load http://www.ice.org, youll see an all-new
site with some incredible features! Now available online in a completely
searchable database-backed engine are almost 10,000 piece of art done by iCE
members since 1992. As one of the oldest existing digital art groups, we have
now made a part of computer art history available online for the world to learn
about. Watch us closely as we expand on our beefy backend with new interfaces,
new features, value-added content and all sorts of stuff that only iCE can
bring you.
4. Hailed by analysts, heralded by the conservatives, praised by the moderates
and absolutely loved by the extremist left, iCE won the national bobsled award.
5. Jamie McCarter could easily be called iCEMAN OF THE YEARtm so far for
1999, as iCE has succeeded in placing two of Jamies images in a catalog for
APS Technologys Summer Issue. This catalog is sent out to over 150,000 people
and will feature two Jamie renders JM-DRAGN.JPG and JM-DARE.JPG, search for
those two filenames on the new iCE.org!. Kudos to Jamie, and keep your eyes
on future APS Technology Catalogs for more iCE artwork!
6. The iCE dating system was recently upgraded this month, enabling Inazone to
search the incoming crop of females more accurately than ever before. Included
in our new search engine is the ability to check the intelligent of the new
freshmen, including Inazones default preference: Needs cue cards to converse.
7. In a bold move to reaffirm our status as the premiere art group of the
decade, iCE decided to compete in the Blender 2000 competition on each Sunday
this month. Needless to say, iCE Walked away with three first-place finishes
and after competing in just 3 of 7 Blender events, we are tied for first place
out of every group. Any questions about our supremacy may be directed to
Nosegos, Funbaby and The Knave.
8. Oddly enough, we have so much to say but so little time to write. Instead,
visit our all new website and witness what is great about iCE. Weve got the
goods no one else does!
9. Packet loss, The Phantom Menace telesync, Darkmage and Farmy joints, the
voiceover guy from breakout4u.com and anyone who owns a Palm VII. Yes, were
all geeks!
-Mass Willis Talking Boutchoo! Delusion // iCE Senior Staff
Cold and Ugly Force Ten Mass Delusion Lord Soth
M A Y 1 9 9 9
1. Welcome to iCE June 1999! We have some great news, some great art, and
some great exploitation of iCE children, slaving away to produce wonderful
little iCE sculptures that we export to runaway Eastern Bloc countries.
2. We have two new homies who decided to hang in our crib this month. They go
by the phunky names of Tweed and Adam Grossi. You dont think Grossi is fly?
Well maybe after Grossi needs a quarter platter spin from deadstop on a quartz
driven table, others need a spinback to hit the cue point in time. After a
cut back before the intial attack, Tweed drops the lows out for a bar and kicks
them back. See? Were dope.
3. This is a great month for iCE, because phase one of our new website has
finally hit the web! If you load http://www.ice.org, youll see an all-new
site with some incredible features! Now available online in a completely
searchable database-backed engine are almost 10,000 piece of art done by iCE
members since 1992. As one of the oldest existing digital art groups, we have
now made a part of computer art history available online for the world to learn
about. Watch us closely as we expand on our beefy backend with new interfaces,
new features, value-added content and all sorts of stuff that only iCE can
bring you.
4. Hailed by analysts, heralded by the conservatives, praised by the moderates
and absolutely loved by the extremist left, iCE won the national bobsled award.
5. Jamie McCarter could easily be called iCEMAN OF THE YEARtm so far for
1999, as iCE has succeeded in placing two of Jamies images in a catalog for
APS Technologys Summer Issue. This catalog is sent out to over 150,000 people
and will feature two Jamie renders JM-DRAGN.JPG and JM-DARE.JPG, search for
those two filenames on the new iCE.org!. Kudos to Jamie, and keep your eyes
on future APS Technology Catalogs for more iCE artwork!
6. The iCE dating system was recently upgraded this month, enabling Inazone to
search the incoming crop of females more accurately than ever before. Included
in our new search engine is the ability to check the intelligent of the new
freshmen, including Inazones default preference: Needs cue cards to converse.
7. In a bold move to reaffirm our status as the premiere art group of the
decade, iCE decided to compete in the Blender 2000 competition on each Sunday
this month. Needless to say, iCE Walked away with three first-place finishes
and after competing in just 3 of 7 Blender events, we are tied for first place
out of every group. Any questions about our supremacy may be directed to
Nosegos, Funbaby and The Knave.
8. Oddly enough, we have so much to say but so little time to write. Instead,
visit our all new website and witness what is great about iCE. Weve got the
goods no one else does!
9. Packet loss, The Phantom Menace telesync, Darkmage and Farmy joints, the
voiceover guy from breakout4u.com and anyone who owns a Palm VII. Yes, were
all geeks!
-Mass Willis Talking Boutchoo! Delusion // iCE Senior Staff
Cold and Ugly Force Ten Mass Delusion Lord Soth
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