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Productions 92
Tempus Thales
Sudden Impact
TCSNet - CCiNet
MiRAGE Western Headqu
arters - Legacy Western Headqua
All artists 3oo Baud and down are welcome to call reg
ardless of speed.
Featuring over 9OO of the best ansis from i
CE, ACiD, MiRAGE, Legacy...
Also featuring over 16O of the best VGAs from the sam
e groups.
SysOp: Crushed ACi
D - CoSysOp: G
. Washington iCE?
Courier 14.4 HST Only/24OO By Invite
Tempus Thales, iCE
Advertisements - 9/27/9
Only lamers do quotes.
Tempus Thales
Sudden Impact
TCSNet - CCiNet
MiRAGE Western Headqu
arters - Legacy Western Headqua
All artists 3oo Baud and down are welcome to call reg
ardless of speed.
Featuring over 9OO of the best ansis from i
CE, ACiD, MiRAGE, Legacy...
Also featuring over 16O of the best VGAs from the sam
e groups.
SysOp: Crushed ACi
D - CoSysOp: G
. Washington iCE?
Courier 14.4 HST Only/24OO By Invite
Tempus Thales, iCE
Advertisements - 9/27/9
Only lamers do quotes.
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