this image contains text
Jashik, ICONs founder and president ann
ounced to a shocked and
dismayed crowd in late July his plans to resign the leader
ship. The news
shook ICON to its very foundations but, through
the generous acceptance
of Koobs to take over for our fearless leader, the
group continues.
The shift of power had, for a time, rendered
the group senseless.
Members looked to each other for explanation, but none was
top be had.
Finally, Jashik spoke up and explained his need to
The responsibilities of governing the insane herd of ar
tists that
made up the group were far too great to not allow full and
attention on the part of the Pres. As a result, Jashik
had been
steadily slipping in his academics because of lack of time
spent on
The resignation of Jashik did not mean that he had complete
dropped from the scene, he agreed that he would continue to
add to the
quality of ICON packs to come, as a part-time me
Koobs was left the responsibility of releasing the
third ICON pack.
Again, this proved too time consuming for someone who had a
life. So,
one month after the resignation of our leader, comes
ICON subjugation 3!
Subjugation three was compiled by Grim. Having no
life, and a love
for repetative work Having no life, and a love
for repetative work Having no life, and a love
for repetative work, I was perfect for the job of slapping
this organized mess we call number 3. Once again, id like
to apologize
for the delay in releasing the pack. The release date coul
d not be helped.
Some members did not may not appear in this release, it is
due to the simple fact that they had better things to do :
. We are sad
to announce that we did not have a single new member join i
n the entire
time we waited to release pack 3. Not, mind you, for an em
mense lack of
trying. We did have a few apps, some were good, some were
not so good.
The end result was that the group emerged as it had entered
, only
slightly changed by the stepping down of Jashik.
Crusader has done it again. While the rest of the
team slipped into a
creative coma, Crusader quietly went about coding a
role playing game.
brought up not long before the resignation of Jashik
, the RPG lent an
entirely new facet to the ICON experience. A mi
xture of great graphics,
moving music, and 1oo original code all c
ompliments of the ICON crew
takes this blatant ZELDA spinoff and makes it in
to an addictive,
challenging, yet visually and audibly enjoyable. This game
is sure to
place ICON on its own level..
Jashik, ICONs founder and president ann
ounced to a shocked and
dismayed crowd in late July his plans to resign the leader
ship. The news
shook ICON to its very foundations but, through
the generous acceptance
of Koobs to take over for our fearless leader, the
group continues.
The shift of power had, for a time, rendered
the group senseless.
Members looked to each other for explanation, but none was
top be had.
Finally, Jashik spoke up and explained his need to
The responsibilities of governing the insane herd of ar
tists that
made up the group were far too great to not allow full and
attention on the part of the Pres. As a result, Jashik
had been
steadily slipping in his academics because of lack of time
spent on
The resignation of Jashik did not mean that he had complete
dropped from the scene, he agreed that he would continue to
add to the
quality of ICON packs to come, as a part-time me
Koobs was left the responsibility of releasing the
third ICON pack.
Again, this proved too time consuming for someone who had a
life. So,
one month after the resignation of our leader, comes
ICON subjugation 3!
Subjugation three was compiled by Grim. Having no
life, and a love
for repetative work Having no life, and a love
for repetative work Having no life, and a love
for repetative work, I was perfect for the job of slapping
this organized mess we call number 3. Once again, id like
to apologize
for the delay in releasing the pack. The release date coul
d not be helped.
Some members did not may not appear in this release, it is
due to the simple fact that they had better things to do :
. We are sad
to announce that we did not have a single new member join i
n the entire
time we waited to release pack 3. Not, mind you, for an em
mense lack of
trying. We did have a few apps, some were good, some were
not so good.
The end result was that the group emerged as it had entered
, only
slightly changed by the stepping down of Jashik.
Crusader has done it again. While the rest of the
team slipped into a
creative coma, Crusader quietly went about coding a
role playing game.
brought up not long before the resignation of Jashik
, the RPG lent an
entirely new facet to the ICON experience. A mi
xture of great graphics,
moving music, and 1oo original code all c
ompliments of the ICON crew
takes this blatant ZELDA spinoff and makes it in
to an addictive,
challenging, yet visually and audibly enjoyable. This game
is sure to
place ICON on its own level..
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