this image contains text
iC o N N e WSLe TT e R 08/96
ck speaks .....
Welp,...its August,..and we donut have much of a pak,...almost all of
iCOn has either left the scene or joined another grewp! Lookz like iCON has
fallen apart,...we donut have much of a crew left and not many artists have
applied,...we got apps from aNoLiaNiMPaCt and The ThrasheriMPaCT but
we still come short of a grewp. thanks for applying guys! but unfortunately
we have to call it quits!
,... and its over.
grims turn at bat...
Wow.. in the wake of a huge exodus from the group, icon has been left
bruised and broken on the side of the shiny-happy road. We say goodbye
to Frosty and Mr Self Destruct as they head onward and upward. We also
say goodbye to Jestor, who never really did anything.. :.. I am writing
this moments after i saw the first news of the Olympic bombing.. this
is a dark day.
..,batter up.. necro!..
Were back again with yet another release from iCON! Yes, this is our
LARGEST pack to date, and nothing but positive feedback about going
multi-disk on our last pak. Right off the bat, I wanna let you all know that
this is NOT our last release and iCON is NOT BREAKING UP!! Weve had some
shitty times lately with people losing interest but hey, its summer and
no one wants to sit in front of their computer and
doodle/compose/code/whateverthefucktheydo. Its kinda dumb for a group like
icon with all its distros around canada/usa/world to break up, so look
forward to another iCON pack, hopefully. Sorry about no borders around the
newsphile and the members list. But, getting an ansii artist to create
borders at the last minute, just doesnt happen. Also were sad to
see Koobs, and Mister Self Destruct leaving the scene. Good luck guys, well a
l miss them,
and thats the last of all our dirty laundry.
Were pleased to welcome Anolian ASCII from iMPACT to the icon scene.
We also got Fro VGA i know ive missed someone else here:. And another
sig change is Voodoo Medicine Man who changed his handle to Xode,
Necronoumon iCON
hatemail / apps: grim@autobahn.mb.ca..........grim
iCON WuZ HeRe 96
iC o N N e WSLe TT e R 08/96
ck speaks .....
Welp,...its August,..and we donut have much of a pak,...almost all of
iCOn has either left the scene or joined another grewp! Lookz like iCON has
fallen apart,...we donut have much of a crew left and not many artists have
applied,...we got apps from aNoLiaNiMPaCt and The ThrasheriMPaCT but
we still come short of a grewp. thanks for applying guys! but unfortunately
we have to call it quits!
,... and its over.
grims turn at bat...
Wow.. in the wake of a huge exodus from the group, icon has been left
bruised and broken on the side of the shiny-happy road. We say goodbye
to Frosty and Mr Self Destruct as they head onward and upward. We also
say goodbye to Jestor, who never really did anything.. :.. I am writing
this moments after i saw the first news of the Olympic bombing.. this
is a dark day.
..,batter up.. necro!..
Were back again with yet another release from iCON! Yes, this is our
LARGEST pack to date, and nothing but positive feedback about going
multi-disk on our last pak. Right off the bat, I wanna let you all know that
this is NOT our last release and iCON is NOT BREAKING UP!! Weve had some
shitty times lately with people losing interest but hey, its summer and
no one wants to sit in front of their computer and
doodle/compose/code/whateverthefucktheydo. Its kinda dumb for a group like
icon with all its distros around canada/usa/world to break up, so look
forward to another iCON pack, hopefully. Sorry about no borders around the
newsphile and the members list. But, getting an ansii artist to create
borders at the last minute, just doesnt happen. Also were sad to
see Koobs, and Mister Self Destruct leaving the scene. Good luck guys, well a
l miss them,
and thats the last of all our dirty laundry.
Were pleased to welcome Anolian ASCII from iMPACT to the icon scene.
We also got Fro VGA i know ive missed someone else here:. And another
sig change is Voodoo Medicine Man who changed his handle to Xode,
Necronoumon iCON
hatemail / apps: grim@autobahn.mb.ca..........grim
iCON WuZ HeRe 96
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