this image contains text
SpacePhrog Here....
As you prolly already know, I was appointed to be the prez of this group
about half way through the month, so Ive been trying to take over for the rest
of the month. This pack may not be as big as some of you thought, but were
still just getting started, and the leadership change kinda took away from the
production of the pack.
Id like to take this opportunity to welcome The Shadow.... Hes the newest
member of iGO, and hes done an incredible amount for us in a short period of
time. He coded the new App Generator, as well as the viewer... he deserves
lots of credit for all this.... thanx man...
Thanx for getting me started... sniff it really means a lot to me... i mean
without you, Id be nothing... sniff a little lifeless lamer... sniff sniff
Gergoff In
Damn, well.. I guess pack 2 is about over. Thank god. I went kinda nuts on the
asciis, I know. But I guess I sorta compensated for our lack of ansis. Hell,
yet another ansi group with more lit/coding/ascii then ansi. Ah well. Anyway,
at least the fued with Hambone totally ended. It totally ended when I passed on
the torch to Spacephrog. I guess I should explain to all of you that dont call
Erebus why that happened. Well, Halo and I just didnt have time to run Erebus,
KiMPNet, AND INDiGO.. So we dropped the thing that was least important to us.
We still, however, are both on senior staff, and have a big impact. Spacephrog,
though, is the new leader. Anyway, here are my greetz.
Halo Hey. Hehe.. we slacked, who cares. Just lets get Erebus to where we wan
tit. Fuck the damn elite scene.
The Shadow I dunno who you are, but good job. Youre a good coder. Gimme C.
TSS Youre senior staff? Never woulda noticed. :
Edicius Good job, man. Love the lits. Keep em coming..
Flood JaZZ/INDiGO could be deadly.
Spacephrog Good job, do more work you punk.
SpacePhrog Here....
As you prolly already know, I was appointed to be the prez of this group
about half way through the month, so Ive been trying to take over for the rest
of the month. This pack may not be as big as some of you thought, but were
still just getting started, and the leadership change kinda took away from the
production of the pack.
Id like to take this opportunity to welcome The Shadow.... Hes the newest
member of iGO, and hes done an incredible amount for us in a short period of
time. He coded the new App Generator, as well as the viewer... he deserves
lots of credit for all this.... thanx man...
Thanx for getting me started... sniff it really means a lot to me... i mean
without you, Id be nothing... sniff a little lifeless lamer... sniff sniff
Gergoff In
Damn, well.. I guess pack 2 is about over. Thank god. I went kinda nuts on the
asciis, I know. But I guess I sorta compensated for our lack of ansis. Hell,
yet another ansi group with more lit/coding/ascii then ansi. Ah well. Anyway,
at least the fued with Hambone totally ended. It totally ended when I passed on
the torch to Spacephrog. I guess I should explain to all of you that dont call
Erebus why that happened. Well, Halo and I just didnt have time to run Erebus,
KiMPNet, AND INDiGO.. So we dropped the thing that was least important to us.
We still, however, are both on senior staff, and have a big impact. Spacephrog,
though, is the new leader. Anyway, here are my greetz.
Halo Hey. Hehe.. we slacked, who cares. Just lets get Erebus to where we wan
tit. Fuck the damn elite scene.
The Shadow I dunno who you are, but good job. Youre a good coder. Gimme C.
TSS Youre senior staff? Never woulda noticed. :
Edicius Good job, man. Love the lits. Keep em coming..
Flood JaZZ/INDiGO could be deadly.
Spacephrog Good job, do more work you punk.
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