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Ri Lines
Brief History
Often mistaken for magic in the earlier days of discovery, many
who possessed the ability to channel ri lines were executed as witches
or followers of Satan. While still not trusted by few select
groups, it has been accepted by the society as another trait that
one is born with.
What is it?
Many studies have been carried out concerning the ri lines however
to this date, not much is known about it. Listed here is the complete
data on the mysterious ri lines. A ri line is like a thin band
encircling everything in a mobius fashion. One ri line pours into
another creating a stronger, thicker ri line. Eventually all these
ri lines dump into what is known as a ri node. Ri nodes are very dan-
gerous due to the vast amounts of power stored however if proper
precautions are taken, they can be handled. It is generally
thought that there is one ri node in each dimension. It acts
as an anchor so that the ri lines can traverse through every
dimension w/little power loss. Some believe that ri lines are the
life force of the universe. It is yet unknown how far the ri
lines extend, but it is believed to circle infinitely back to itself.
Brief History
Often mistaken for magic in the earlier days of discovery, many
who possessed the ability to channel ri lines were executed as witches
or followers of Satan. While still not trusted by few select
groups, it has been accepted by the society as another trait that
one is born with.
What is it?
Many studies have been carried out concerning the ri lines however
to this date, not much is known about it. Listed here is the complete
data on the mysterious ri lines. A ri line is like a thin band
encircling everything in a mobius fashion. One ri line pours into
another creating a stronger, thicker ri line. Eventually all these
ri lines dump into what is known as a ri node. Ri nodes are very dan-
gerous due to the vast amounts of power stored however if proper
precautions are taken, they can be handled. It is generally
thought that there is one ri node in each dimension. It acts
as an anchor so that the ri lines can traverse through every
dimension w/little power loss. Some believe that ri lines are the
life force of the universe. It is yet unknown how far the ri
lines extend, but it is believed to circle infinitely back to itself.
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