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i M A G E P R O
Art fans,
This pack is iMAGEs second re
lease. There has been confusion conc
erning our name. There have been multiple groups before
us with the same name. We were aware
of this, and we decided to stick with it. We have
had a lot of problems getting this group
going. First of all, we had a limite
d number of artists, and not much art, which didnt all
ow us to be very...discriminating. We
accepted all submissions, and we got negative
feedback from this. However, we have inc
reased the iMAGE staff, and the quali
ty of work dramatically increased. We lost a good artis
t, DarkmaN and well miss him... We w
ish him luck. We are also working on spreading
the packs all over the U.S., and soon, t
he world! : Anywayz, if you would lik
e to become a site, or an artist, coder, etc., fill out
the app and upload it to the Shadows
in the Rain, iMAGE WHQ. So sit back, grab a beer,
and enjoy! -Sh
red speakin for the whole group
u, New members this month:
Iron Ghost-who joined us from previous
small groups, and is now in our ansi department. N
ull-a fairly new guy to the scene, c
urrently working on S3Ms at NIU. Bleys-currently
finishing up our application generator.
Finally Homer-newcomer by a day.. loo
ks good. -Senior Staffers
Greets from Sauron:
Sword Weaver: I hope youre reading this fr
om you new home... like youre gr
eet said to me.. theirs way to much to say
to you.. so all I can say is.. lets chat.
Lettus B: Chu die?
Guitar: uhhh wahz my p-word ag
ain Usul:
Cassy: What are your fatasies?
i M A G E P R O
Art fans,
This pack is iMAGEs second re
lease. There has been confusion conc
erning our name. There have been multiple groups before
us with the same name. We were aware
of this, and we decided to stick with it. We have
had a lot of problems getting this group
going. First of all, we had a limite
d number of artists, and not much art, which didnt all
ow us to be very...discriminating. We
accepted all submissions, and we got negative
feedback from this. However, we have inc
reased the iMAGE staff, and the quali
ty of work dramatically increased. We lost a good artis
t, DarkmaN and well miss him... We w
ish him luck. We are also working on spreading
the packs all over the U.S., and soon, t
he world! : Anywayz, if you would lik
e to become a site, or an artist, coder, etc., fill out
the app and upload it to the Shadows
in the Rain, iMAGE WHQ. So sit back, grab a beer,
and enjoy! -Sh
red speakin for the whole group
u, New members this month:
Iron Ghost-who joined us from previous
small groups, and is now in our ansi department. N
ull-a fairly new guy to the scene, c
urrently working on S3Ms at NIU. Bleys-currently
finishing up our application generator.
Finally Homer-newcomer by a day.. loo
ks good. -Senior Staffers
Greets from Sauron:
Sword Weaver: I hope youre reading this fr
om you new home... like youre gr
eet said to me.. theirs way to much to say
to you.. so all I can say is.. lets chat.
Lettus B: Chu die?
Guitar: uhhh wahz my p-word ag
ain Usul:
Cassy: What are your fatasies?
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