this image contains text
yyyggy programname.version.disksize.
. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.yyyyyyyyyyyyy.
.yyyyyy. i i
ii :
.nnmmm impulse.warez.courierz mmmmnn.
39 x 6 - is that a standard diz
imp diz for impulse couriers...
change the impulse warez courierz if ya want...
greetz to arc, ids and... hemm... digital revolution
inphamilair 14:19 02:19pm awesum diz!*
. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.yyyyyyyyyyyyy.
.yyyyyy. i i
ii :
.nnmmm impulse.warez.courierz mmmmnn.
39 x 6 - is that a standard diz
imp diz for impulse couriers...
change the impulse warez courierz if ya want...
greetz to arc, ids and... hemm... digital revolution
inphamilair 14:19 02:19pm awesum diz!*
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