this image contains text
here is a whole lot of ansis to a drawer called itpdraw
the drawer is not called itpdraw anymore ...and it is not
itps official drawer who cares anyway ...originaly
tmowhrekf former orphic should have coded the drawer
for Legion but since he discoverd that itp was a much
better group than all other groups that existed in the
whole world i dont only mean this planet he decided
to make itp-draw instead ....now he have discoverd that
there is few people that know of itpdraws existance
.and since former itpdraw was the best drawer in the whole
worldas with everything that have been in contact with
itp, he wanted more people to use it ..soo now he is
recoding everything and adding millions features ....
there is going to be diffrent layout-sets to the drawer,
the ability to make your own ansi screens for it, file
management functions and lots other stuff
//alla xul
you are not keep in mind that king
supposed to see diamond rules and so
this human but does ITP //alla xul
dj4 m0st lam
dr4wwaHd! p dej D!
h1lfe h1lfe aine klaine lajmAh pgdnx
here you cn reC1ve your status on the following gegga lera gytja smet ckel lort smuts helvete mylla gdsel illalukt smegma trsk slem fimp
kickers rutten korv frhuds fil bajs
itpdraw X.XXX
coding: tmowrekf
art : alla xul
you have been using
this copy of itpdraw
for 10 days you have
656 days left before
you have to register
...yeah right
title the shadows are free
alla xul group into the pentagram menu
add sauce yes
a.xul itp
screen columns ................. 80
allcolate xms if avalabile ..... YES
number of xms pages to alcolate YES
Function key set ............... 06
s nu fick du massa rtt njd? hehe
the drawer is not called itpdraw anymore ...and it is not
itps official drawer who cares anyway ...originaly
tmowhrekf former orphic should have coded the drawer
for Legion but since he discoverd that itp was a much
better group than all other groups that existed in the
whole world i dont only mean this planet he decided
to make itp-draw instead ....now he have discoverd that
there is few people that know of itpdraws existance
.and since former itpdraw was the best drawer in the whole
worldas with everything that have been in contact with
itp, he wanted more people to use it ..soo now he is
recoding everything and adding millions features ....
there is going to be diffrent layout-sets to the drawer,
the ability to make your own ansi screens for it, file
management functions and lots other stuff
//alla xul
you are not keep in mind that king
supposed to see diamond rules and so
this human but does ITP //alla xul
dj4 m0st lam
dr4wwaHd! p dej D!
h1lfe h1lfe aine klaine lajmAh pgdnx
here you cn reC1ve your status on the following gegga lera gytja smet ckel lort smuts helvete mylla gdsel illalukt smegma trsk slem fimp
kickers rutten korv frhuds fil bajs
itpdraw X.XXX
coding: tmowrekf
art : alla xul
you have been using
this copy of itpdraw
for 10 days you have
656 days left before
you have to register
...yeah right
title the shadows are free
alla xul group into the pentagram menu
add sauce yes
a.xul itp
screen columns ................. 80
allcolate xms if avalabile ..... YES
number of xms pages to alcolate YES
Function key set ............... 06
s nu fick du massa rtt njd? hehe
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