this image contains text
Whats new in
tm recently.
1. Here we are, iTR. Starting off the
new year with a fuckin bang! 2. The most
exciting news is the members that have recently been promoted
to full iCE Members from SKiLL/iTR ... : Hel
l Raiser, Soul Rebel, White Knight
, Master Koresh, Trixter, VMan, The
Inquisitor, Sy Kotic, CybeR ChrisT
, RipTide. Lots of new talent, and lots of ne
w art. 3. In this iCEPACK is incl
uded the 2 iCN iNSANiTY Corperate Netw
ork packet. The reason for this is for iCN S
ite to be able to update thier packets a bit easier, a
nd to spread the packet to iCE Sites Member
boards that may not have it yet. iCN is not fully up ye
t but should be very soon. Every other iCN pa
cket that is released the even numbered
ones will be included in the iCEPACK for now on. Than
ks to Xerobe for
setting up the net.
4. No one seemed to like the SKiLL/iCE Trial idea
. : Everyone felt that
it was too much of a separate group, so now the SKiLL name is g
one, but
there will be a SKL-0194, then the name will be changed to avoi
d confusion. Artists will be listed in the iCEPACK,
no iCE Trial Dist. sites will be
used anymore, etc. But the main part of the whole idea, the
iCE Trial art
pack, will still be released.
Note: all SKiLL sites, member boards, and HQ boards with the ex
ception of
the iCE Trial WHQ are no longer affiliated with iCE or iCE Tria
5. Look pretty colors in the .NFO file now! Oooooooooooo.
- Devils Spawm iTR Prez
Greets to:
Fluorescent Darkness - oh well, 6 days for nothing : its
ok.. ben will hear
it soon anyhow...
Metal Head - Make it support South of Hell Month.. :
Raistlin - Uhh.. Hi.
CybeR ChrisT - I love you. I cant WAIT to see CC-SoH1
iNKY - I Luv U. 5OO line ansis RULE! :
Lord Soth - Love ya.. Ive wanted an ansi from you sin
ce 07/93..
itd be nice if I finnally got one :
Asriel - fresh ass ansis.. I love your style.. keep it
Syntax - Howdy neighbor!
da Salmon Moose - Love the handle! how bout an ansi f
or SoH?
The Inquisitor - Hmmm check deez nuts.. your a courier
Bane - ok, I like you now.. cool, very cool.
Bad Karma - Loved the spawn.. a BK-SOH2 would be AWESO
ME! :
Shihear Kallizard - Can I join TRiBE? Seriously...
Abomination - LISTEN to me... Comics/2019.. liar :
zeppelin - Youre gettin better by the second.. contin
ESOTERiC - I love you man... youre doing great.. shou
be long till you can lose the trial in your sig,
as long as you stick to comics for the mean time..
Magnus - I love your additude. Work hard on that pic
I showed
you, and you WILL be moved up... good luck man!
Hoaks - Nice ansi.. its just to far away.. Im sure yo
be moved up this month with your next ansi.
Dark iCE - Cool ansi... maybe use the same color shade
next time.
War Blade - Ive seen youre pics, they arent bad.. to
bad youve
only done all fonts this month.. work on your pics...
Thor - I understand about being so busy this month.. n
o prob.. nice pitt ansi.. continue doing comic-copy stuff,
you get better at ANSI, then try original stuff...
LiON - More stuff from ya this month? Or are you goin
g on
vacation? Nice fonts...
Everyone I missed - You know I ment to give you a great
, just dont have the time... :
tm recently.
1. Here we are, iTR. Starting off the
new year with a fuckin bang! 2. The most
exciting news is the members that have recently been promoted
to full iCE Members from SKiLL/iTR ... : Hel
l Raiser, Soul Rebel, White Knight
, Master Koresh, Trixter, VMan, The
Inquisitor, Sy Kotic, CybeR ChrisT
, RipTide. Lots of new talent, and lots of ne
w art. 3. In this iCEPACK is incl
uded the 2 iCN iNSANiTY Corperate Netw
ork packet. The reason for this is for iCN S
ite to be able to update thier packets a bit easier, a
nd to spread the packet to iCE Sites Member
boards that may not have it yet. iCN is not fully up ye
t but should be very soon. Every other iCN pa
cket that is released the even numbered
ones will be included in the iCEPACK for now on. Than
ks to Xerobe for
setting up the net.
4. No one seemed to like the SKiLL/iCE Trial idea
. : Everyone felt that
it was too much of a separate group, so now the SKiLL name is g
one, but
there will be a SKL-0194, then the name will be changed to avoi
d confusion. Artists will be listed in the iCEPACK,
no iCE Trial Dist. sites will be
used anymore, etc. But the main part of the whole idea, the
iCE Trial art
pack, will still be released.
Note: all SKiLL sites, member boards, and HQ boards with the ex
ception of
the iCE Trial WHQ are no longer affiliated with iCE or iCE Tria
5. Look pretty colors in the .NFO file now! Oooooooooooo.
- Devils Spawm iTR Prez
Greets to:
Fluorescent Darkness - oh well, 6 days for nothing : its
ok.. ben will hear
it soon anyhow...
Metal Head - Make it support South of Hell Month.. :
Raistlin - Uhh.. Hi.
CybeR ChrisT - I love you. I cant WAIT to see CC-SoH1
iNKY - I Luv U. 5OO line ansis RULE! :
Lord Soth - Love ya.. Ive wanted an ansi from you sin
ce 07/93..
itd be nice if I finnally got one :
Asriel - fresh ass ansis.. I love your style.. keep it
Syntax - Howdy neighbor!
da Salmon Moose - Love the handle! how bout an ansi f
or SoH?
The Inquisitor - Hmmm check deez nuts.. your a courier
Bane - ok, I like you now.. cool, very cool.
Bad Karma - Loved the spawn.. a BK-SOH2 would be AWESO
ME! :
Shihear Kallizard - Can I join TRiBE? Seriously...
Abomination - LISTEN to me... Comics/2019.. liar :
zeppelin - Youre gettin better by the second.. contin
ESOTERiC - I love you man... youre doing great.. shou
be long till you can lose the trial in your sig,
as long as you stick to comics for the mean time..
Magnus - I love your additude. Work hard on that pic
I showed
you, and you WILL be moved up... good luck man!
Hoaks - Nice ansi.. its just to far away.. Im sure yo
be moved up this month with your next ansi.
Dark iCE - Cool ansi... maybe use the same color shade
next time.
War Blade - Ive seen youre pics, they arent bad.. to
bad youve
only done all fonts this month.. work on your pics...
Thor - I understand about being so busy this month.. n
o prob.. nice pitt ansi.. continue doing comic-copy stuff,
you get better at ANSI, then try original stuff...
LiON - More stuff from ya this month? Or are you goin
g on
vacation? Nice fonts...
Everyone I missed - You know I ment to give you a great
, just dont have the time... :
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