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Revival pack 1, Info file
Hi de ho hum, YES! your not going nuts ICE TRIAL is back!!!
With the recent insurgence of artist in the Scene, ICE felt
the need to bring up the standards one more time and weed
thru the bad apples they have apointed me, Deeply Disturbed
to head up ICE trial, meaning i will no longer be releasing in
the ICE packs, my work as of late has been below par, and it
was put to a unanimous vote that i should bring up my SKILLs.
Some of the artist featured in this pack have potential, ie:
Somms and Red Leader, they will probably be brought up to full
ICE membership status next month if they do as well as this month.
But alas, some of the artist are having trouble finding there
SKILLs, so i am sad to say: For not being up to ICE TRIAL
standards Prisoner1 has been released, we wish him luck in his
future endeavours rumor is he is heading up the ansi division in
GRIP/AD now. Also joining up with ITR this month, long time ACID
artist VISION, altho VS is having lots of trouble figuring out
how to actually draw, we keep him around because hes got the
sweetest little ass you have EVER seen. Terminator 2 comes
over from the death of Unchained, T2 or mr. Ed as i like to call
him will give us a well needed boost in the old ansi dept.
although last i heard from him he wasnt sure if he could cut it
in ITR, enormously hard to believe rumors state that T2 is
thinking of also joining GRIP/AD fear themwell wherever your
thinking of going mr. Ed you know your real home is here.
Late breaking news: Stone the Crow after finding out that
i wascatholic you cant get away from us christians there stc left
ITR, leaving behind his ansis, since we had a shortage we decided
to release what he sent us, i think he now has formed an anti
religion group called Eat my holy shorts hrmm well good luck
to you... And god bless ya.
To Help us coordinate things we have Aquired Cavalier, now Cav
long time Scene activist for the freedom of ansi and all who
dwell in his presence, will help us attain the level of excelence
that only ICE trial can get to, Last i heard Cavalier was already
hot on the heels of none other then COOL-T yes you heard it here
1st, so stay tuned for more info on the COOL-T situation.
So thats it, before i go a comment on this months pack: Im sort
of sorry that the quality of ansi wich is featured in this months
pack isnt really up to the standards that ITR has set for the
scene. We are hoping that next month we finaly pull together as
brothers and bring back ITR to what it once was, Glory days are
coming back.
Devil Spawn: following in your footstep my negro.
Slothy: thank you for giving me a shot dude.
Syntax: 2 months of good work and i get promoted? i wont let you down.
Toon goon: the power of ITR right smack damn in your heart, i love ya
inky: Stoners belong in ITR i wish you werent as good as you are now
Cuz when you scream honey i just shiver.
Rad man: hey to bad about acid, if you ever need a place to go, you
know you can count on me, ill be your boyz town hotline.
Grip/ad: fear...
Deeply Disturbed ICE-Trial
prez and proud artist
Revival pack 1, Info file
Hi de ho hum, YES! your not going nuts ICE TRIAL is back!!!
With the recent insurgence of artist in the Scene, ICE felt
the need to bring up the standards one more time and weed
thru the bad apples they have apointed me, Deeply Disturbed
to head up ICE trial, meaning i will no longer be releasing in
the ICE packs, my work as of late has been below par, and it
was put to a unanimous vote that i should bring up my SKILLs.
Some of the artist featured in this pack have potential, ie:
Somms and Red Leader, they will probably be brought up to full
ICE membership status next month if they do as well as this month.
But alas, some of the artist are having trouble finding there
SKILLs, so i am sad to say: For not being up to ICE TRIAL
standards Prisoner1 has been released, we wish him luck in his
future endeavours rumor is he is heading up the ansi division in
GRIP/AD now. Also joining up with ITR this month, long time ACID
artist VISION, altho VS is having lots of trouble figuring out
how to actually draw, we keep him around because hes got the
sweetest little ass you have EVER seen. Terminator 2 comes
over from the death of Unchained, T2 or mr. Ed as i like to call
him will give us a well needed boost in the old ansi dept.
although last i heard from him he wasnt sure if he could cut it
in ITR, enormously hard to believe rumors state that T2 is
thinking of also joining GRIP/AD fear themwell wherever your
thinking of going mr. Ed you know your real home is here.
Late breaking news: Stone the Crow after finding out that
i wascatholic you cant get away from us christians there stc left
ITR, leaving behind his ansis, since we had a shortage we decided
to release what he sent us, i think he now has formed an anti
religion group called Eat my holy shorts hrmm well good luck
to you... And god bless ya.
To Help us coordinate things we have Aquired Cavalier, now Cav
long time Scene activist for the freedom of ansi and all who
dwell in his presence, will help us attain the level of excelence
that only ICE trial can get to, Last i heard Cavalier was already
hot on the heels of none other then COOL-T yes you heard it here
1st, so stay tuned for more info on the COOL-T situation.
So thats it, before i go a comment on this months pack: Im sort
of sorry that the quality of ansi wich is featured in this months
pack isnt really up to the standards that ITR has set for the
scene. We are hoping that next month we finaly pull together as
brothers and bring back ITR to what it once was, Glory days are
coming back.
Devil Spawn: following in your footstep my negro.
Slothy: thank you for giving me a shot dude.
Syntax: 2 months of good work and i get promoted? i wont let you down.
Toon goon: the power of ITR right smack damn in your heart, i love ya
inky: Stoners belong in ITR i wish you werent as good as you are now
Cuz when you scream honey i just shiver.
Rad man: hey to bad about acid, if you ever need a place to go, you
know you can count on me, ill be your boyz town hotline.
Grip/ad: fear...
Deeply Disturbed ICE-Trial
prez and proud artist
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