this image contains text
Necrotica, by Cthulu
The woman hangs in air, serene
her perfect visage lies at rest.
The placid mask of silent queen
holds cause from all who might have guessed.
Her features locked in deepest calm
her face conveys no sense distressed.
Her frozen lips sing silent psalms
Her head turned up in image blessed.
Each time her breath exhales, it grows -
A sound but unheard permeates
A channel under each brow glows
of saline set to irrigate.
man, fuck happy faces
The woman han
gs in air, serene
her perfect visage lies at rest.
Suspended up by threads unseen
a tube protrudes from stillb
orn breast.
Her features locked in deepest calm
her face conveys no sense distress
The needles jabbed throu
gh perfect palms
must therefore be of co
mmon best.
Each time
her breath exhales, it grows -
A sound but unheard permeates
Twin snakes transparent eminate
from softly moving gentle nose.
The placid mask of silent quee
holds cause from all who migh
t have guessed.
The living metal,
souls machine
are bonded
quite in cold incest.
Her frozen lips sing silent psal
Her head turned up in image blessed.
The catheter presents no qualms
to limp cadaver left undressed.
A channel under each brow glows
of saline set to irrigate.
Iced wire staves back final thr
oes -
the living death is
v i o l a t e
Biotek by Dieznyik ansi Cthul
u lit
------------------------Inspiration for th
is piece came from a Gibson novel. Shading inspir
ation from
Snake Grunger, The Night Angel, and Magnetic M.
Biotek was originally a paper zine I was working
on. No more...
The woman hangs in air, serene
her perfect visage lies at rest.
The placid mask of silent queen
holds cause from all who might have guessed.
Her features locked in deepest calm
her face conveys no sense distressed.
Her frozen lips sing silent psalms
Her head turned up in image blessed.
Each time her breath exhales, it grows -
A sound but unheard permeates
A channel under each brow glows
of saline set to irrigate.
man, fuck happy faces
The woman han
gs in air, serene
her perfect visage lies at rest.
Suspended up by threads unseen
a tube protrudes from stillb
orn breast.
Her features locked in deepest calm
her face conveys no sense distress
The needles jabbed throu
gh perfect palms
must therefore be of co
mmon best.
Each time
her breath exhales, it grows -
A sound but unheard permeates
Twin snakes transparent eminate
from softly moving gentle nose.
The placid mask of silent quee
holds cause from all who migh
t have guessed.
The living metal,
souls machine
are bonded
quite in cold incest.
Her frozen lips sing silent psal
Her head turned up in image blessed.
The catheter presents no qualms
to limp cadaver left undressed.
A channel under each brow glows
of saline set to irrigate.
Iced wire staves back final thr
oes -
the living death is
v i o l a t e
Biotek by Dieznyik ansi Cthul
u lit
------------------------Inspiration for th
is piece came from a Gibson novel. Shading inspir
ation from
Snake Grunger, The Night Angel, and Magnetic M.
Biotek was originally a paper zine I was working
on. No more...
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