this image contains text
this is the
operated by dEMOLUX!
- logo custer!
here are some menu-ansis, made for demolux dreamhold bbs..
this time i tried a rather unusual style for menus.
so some words to the board:
its running under proboard and is located at north end of germany..
just call 49-4778811073 and see.. ..and please DONT RIP these menus!
---right, its the main menu---
? fbk apply
? arschpoppen
? lastcaller
? boardlist
? user hater
? filebase ? multiline chat
? messages
? fischkopp
? feel good
? fuck you
? lamernet
? kick sysop
? page da carrier
? private connect
? write to sysop
? setup
---and the filemenu---
? join conference
? change area
? list files
? newfiles
? leech tagged files
? zippy text search
? locate a name
? generate filelist
? upload a private file
? back
---yess! this is the mail menu!---
? read mail in area
? write mail in area
?choose group net
? choose area board sha
? qwk-door
? search mail
? check for mail files
operated by dEMOLUX!
- logo custer!
here are some menu-ansis, made for demolux dreamhold bbs..
this time i tried a rather unusual style for menus.
so some words to the board:
its running under proboard and is located at north end of germany..
just call 49-4778811073 and see.. ..and please DONT RIP these menus!
---right, its the main menu---
? fbk apply
? arschpoppen
? lastcaller
? boardlist
? user hater
? filebase ? multiline chat
? messages
? fischkopp
? feel good
? fuck you
? lamernet
? kick sysop
? page da carrier
? private connect
? write to sysop
? setup
---and the filemenu---
? join conference
? change area
? list files
? newfiles
? leech tagged files
? zippy text search
? locate a name
? generate filelist
? upload a private file
? back
---yess! this is the mail menu!---
? read mail in area
? write mail in area
?choose group net
? choose area board sha
? qwk-door
? search mail
? check for mail files
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