![Go in, go out. by bbrain@katz.dr](/pack/kbsart05/x1/us-katz.ans.png)
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Dr Katz, aka cLs or colloss, went downtown Steenwijk...
This is the story of a ansi-dude trying to enjoy himself...
...and still no decent fonts...
-Elite Text By : Butter-I want to be Goatboy-brain.
-Simple weird drawings by : Dr Katz himself.
He funked down thuh pubz,.
.,the pubz opened..
..he got mistaken for a candle.,
..At five o clock he bumped into goatboy and butterbrain who wants
to be goatboy,.
,.tamburlaine joined the club, along with aspasia and some freaks even..
tam..the SOMBERLAIN!@
argh!@ there i go again., excuse this interruption.
..on with our story now..
..err. some swedes left and all, our hero is starting to look mighty tired it
seems. and notice this neat bit of slobber leaking over his chin..
I had a great
..when all was over, tha man stated that hed had a great time. but ill warranthes only trying to make us feel better. back to the studio, now.
back, i say! studio! s-t-u-d-i-o !@
This is the story of a ansi-dude trying to enjoy himself...
...and still no decent fonts...
-Elite Text By : Butter-I want to be Goatboy-brain.
-Simple weird drawings by : Dr Katz himself.
He funked down thuh pubz,.
.,the pubz opened..
..he got mistaken for a candle.,
..At five o clock he bumped into goatboy and butterbrain who wants
to be goatboy,.
,.tamburlaine joined the club, along with aspasia and some freaks even..
tam..the SOMBERLAIN!@
argh!@ there i go again., excuse this interruption.
..on with our story now..
..err. some swedes left and all, our hero is starting to look mighty tired it
seems. and notice this neat bit of slobber leaking over his chin..
I had a great
..when all was over, tha man stated that hed had a great time. but ill warranthes only trying to make us feel better. back to the studio, now.
back, i say! studio! s-t-u-d-i-o !@
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