this image contains text
:// / / : / nine
// / : / : / / // // four
tz! /
- Title Date -.
- Artist Company -:
- Rating Packager -
. Graphics Sound .
notes -
Are You Sure? whq ToconT +48-2-669-4oo4 19.2 zyx
Ministry ushq rocky moto +1-2o3-446-2642 14.4 v32b
New Hope 22-8 member Tracker +48-2-614-7374 14.4 v32b
Falling Down dist Mr.Cadabra +1-41o-72o-53o5 16.8 ds
Mamba dist EaSy RiDeR +48-22-36-74-43 16.8 ds
symphony k!a dkhq motion man +45-5-362-5323 19.2 zyx
/ loadz of doodz u dont know
/ - ToconT - Barnasch - Kola - tinyz - Tracker -
/ WtP - Raf - Mace Tarnova - JaP - CSL
* if youre not on the fucking list, youre not in the group! *
* that means you Bolo, Artur, et. al *
personal greets go out to the following:
group greets
personal and group fuck yous
-/- If you are interested in joining Polands premier PC group, --
-/- leave mail to one of us on any of the aforementioned boards --
/*- if you use this ware, get off your ass and go buy it -*
its 187 on an undercover cop - snoop -tz!
// / : / : / / // // four
tz! /
- Title Date -.
- Artist Company -:
- Rating Packager -
. Graphics Sound .
notes -
Are You Sure? whq ToconT +48-2-669-4oo4 19.2 zyx
Ministry ushq rocky moto +1-2o3-446-2642 14.4 v32b
New Hope 22-8 member Tracker +48-2-614-7374 14.4 v32b
Falling Down dist Mr.Cadabra +1-41o-72o-53o5 16.8 ds
Mamba dist EaSy RiDeR +48-22-36-74-43 16.8 ds
symphony k!a dkhq motion man +45-5-362-5323 19.2 zyx
/ loadz of doodz u dont know
/ - ToconT - Barnasch - Kola - tinyz - Tracker -
/ WtP - Raf - Mace Tarnova - JaP - CSL
* if youre not on the fucking list, youre not in the group! *
* that means you Bolo, Artur, et. al *
personal greets go out to the following:
group greets
personal and group fuck yous
-/- If you are interested in joining Polands premier PC group, --
-/- leave mail to one of us on any of the aforementioned boards --
/*- if you use this ware, get off your ass and go buy it -*
its 187 on an undercover cop - snoop -tz!
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