this image contains text
//tz! //
*/ filename .ext Oo. description o comment */
**-**- -**- -*.Oo *- -**- -**- -** . **- -**- -**- -**- -**-**
/* 1ST-EVER .ASCo.O tinyz crew fileid o this is my FIRST ascii ever /*
--- KTS8 .ANS Oo. katharsis O best color ascii ---
*/ QUAD2! .ANS .Oo quadrillion o colorized by morbid angel */
** ANONPSY3 .ASC o.O anonymous psychosis . my favorite font **
/* AYS12 .ASC Oo. are you sure? o re-cycled logo... /*
--- AYS13 .ASC .Oo are you sure? O my favorite ays? logo ---
*/ CHZ0 .ASC o.O channel zer0 o like the channelfont */
** DIXIE-7 .ASC Oo. dixie bbs . little optical illusion **
/* FALLDWN1 .ASC .Oo falling down o droppin down wit the arrow /*
--- KTS9 .ASC o.O katharsis O best katharsis logo ---
*/ NDOE1 .ASC Oo. ndoe o my own board soon-up */
** NEWHOPE2 .ASC .Oo new hope . / my two best new hope **
/* NEWHOPE3 .ASC o.O new hope o ascii logos... /*
--- S!P1 .ASC Oo. surprise!productions O surprised productions fit ---
*/ TAURUS4 .ASC .Oo taurus o something different */
** TRACKER1 .ASC o.O tracker . just doe **
/* TZ-KTSC2 .ASC Oo. katharsis couriers o no comment /*
--- TZ-SKIL2 .ASC .Oo skill O did this one during class ---
*/ ICEID1 .DIZ o.O iCE o originally just a logo */
** KTSID1 .DIZ Oo. katharsis . most popular kts fileid **
/* SONICID .DIZ .Oo sonic o did it for the hell of it /*
*/ filename .ext Oo. description o comment */
**-**- -**- -*.Oo *- -**- -**- -** . **- -**- -**- -**- -**-**
/* 1ST-EVER .ASCo.O tinyz crew fileid o this is my FIRST ascii ever /*
--- KTS8 .ANS Oo. katharsis O best color ascii ---
*/ QUAD2! .ANS .Oo quadrillion o colorized by morbid angel */
** ANONPSY3 .ASC o.O anonymous psychosis . my favorite font **
/* AYS12 .ASC Oo. are you sure? o re-cycled logo... /*
--- AYS13 .ASC .Oo are you sure? O my favorite ays? logo ---
*/ CHZ0 .ASC o.O channel zer0 o like the channelfont */
** DIXIE-7 .ASC Oo. dixie bbs . little optical illusion **
/* FALLDWN1 .ASC .Oo falling down o droppin down wit the arrow /*
--- KTS9 .ASC o.O katharsis O best katharsis logo ---
*/ NDOE1 .ASC Oo. ndoe o my own board soon-up */
** NEWHOPE2 .ASC .Oo new hope . / my two best new hope **
/* NEWHOPE3 .ASC o.O new hope o ascii logos... /*
--- S!P1 .ASC Oo. surprise!productions O surprised productions fit ---
*/ TAURUS4 .ASC .Oo taurus o something different */
** TRACKER1 .ASC o.O tracker . just doe **
/* TZ-KTSC2 .ASC Oo. katharsis couriers o no comment /*
--- TZ-SKIL2 .ASC .Oo skill O did this one during class ---
*/ ICEID1 .DIZ o.O iCE o originally just a logo */
** KTSID1 .DIZ Oo. katharsis . most popular kts fileid **
/* SONICID .DIZ .Oo sonic o did it for the hell of it /*
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