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**-?//tz!::!**: main menu 4 ays? :**!:::!zt/?-**
n - bulletins n - rumors n - newscan
c - comment to zyzoz m - kolor t - protocols
e - edit mail p - page length u - !pump up!
k - kill mail v - your stats ub - batch !pump up!
o - page tOcOnt w - user info qwk - qwk mail
q - quick mail scan x - xpert mode news - system news
r - read mail d - !leech! bbs - bbs list
g - bye bye! f - list files fl - flag files
j - join conference l - locate file! open - door menus
- - ---/ -t-z-!-
n - bulletins n - rumors n - newscan
c - comment to zyzoz m - kolor t - protocols
e - edit mail p - page length u - !pump up!
k - kill mail v - your stats ub - batch !pump up!
o - page tOcOnt w - user info qwk - qwk mail
q - quick mail scan x - xpert mode news - system news
r - read mail d - !leech! bbs - bbs list
g - bye bye! f - list files fl - flag files
j - join conference l - locate file! open - door menus
- - ---/ -t-z-!-
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