this image contains text
First a word of warning, this colly is viewed at its
best with AFS.COM Amiga Font Simulator...
Second best in 80x50 mode.. failure to comply
to any of these directions will result in
severe braindamage...........................
..:./ Blind Man / + dA mAD oLDSKOOL pROPHET +
: : + hATH rETURNED +
. tO : dISCOMPOZE cOMPO -97 :
.cMNT : diZ bLANK cOLLY mADE o2 : .... .
you cant stop the prophet
.. + iNTERmIZZION + .. ............: .........................
: Ok, some of yall may have been wondering wtf happened to me :
. a while ago when I disappeared for about 3-4 months then .
. coming back a couple o weekz only to disappear for another .
couple of months..dont worry, Im alive :P.. newayz Eyem back
now and will be staying longer this time for sure.. .
Im still drawin those phat oldskool askees nuttin have
changed there except perhapz my wild styleez.. judge 4 yourself
Thiz time Im drawin for this phatass group kWEST! word ca1n!
Also, be on the lookout for da upcoming sequel to sATANIC!vERSES!
Thats right!.. sATANIC!vERSES 2 : rZAREKTION.. coming to a
remorse pack near you : phear dat
blindman / blindman@algonet.se ...........
sHOUTOUTZ : miasma! - bro it aint nevah gonna stop
/ enigmatic - da idle nig haha :
oO / fahrenheit - me, joo, miasma enig.. pHAT!
// whodini - 4 never lettin it die
tinyz - oldskool til da end
despair - bro we gotta hook up again :
sabby - yo da bomb baby :
proze - too bad joo aint here.. much love
assaylant - phukk da warez, git back where joo belong
sharpy - my israelian nig
mmouse - didja take over numb? :
slickwillard - whattup nowadayz bro?
defiant - w00p where j00 at?
kaleidas - mad love, where joo at now?
crayone - my swedizh bro :
wizy - hax0rpimpz 4 evah haha
ca1n - kikkin it kWEST stYLee now
polymorph - j00r newskool iz da bomb :
spear - eye phearz joo
cheezemonkey - wAAAAHOOOOOOOO!
psychoholic - pH!!@ babeeee
cidica - it dont never stop
nero - whatz yer new nick again?
holocaust - me phearez joor newskool :
kruul - fux0rbunnys gonna phukk joo up!
blackknight - my coding biatch, peace
conde - keep on rokkin da oldskool
nootropic - me phear your ansi
ellisdee - whattup bro?
betrayer - nig where joo ass hiding? :
cyko - we had phun.. much love
apothecary - here take another beer!
stain - joo still doing doze toonie ansiz?
crane - dont let da bigass headz put ya down :
illogical - thats not logical sir
biogen - heres one foh j00 suh : peace
....if I forgot YOUR dont be mad at me, Ill just bust joor ass :....
mad shoutouts to all the nigz keeping it on in ascii ansi .......
....... and to all my fanz worldwide, youre all da bomb!
...... and for all of you who dizz the oldskool, heres what Ive got ta say
/: nOW ON tO dA
/ : dISCOMPOSE : ....:.:
00 / : -97 biATCH : : : :
o:Oo :........: /
oO / : / :
// !BM
: : : bLANK :
......:.. : bLANK 4 dISCOMPOSE -97! : :.... . .
/ / !BM
: :l : : k
.. .. : : b : : n :
:..: ..:.: ..a ...... . . .....:
:.:..... . .. : + blANK + :
, 97 : diSCOMpOSE cOMPO: ..:..... : . ... .!BM. .
/ / : oo eeeEEEK!
: .-----. :oo diSCOm/
:.. / / -pOZE/-
: ... 0.0 O /
: : : o/oOo
. +-oOO-+ : : /
. bLANK :....:
+-----+ !BM/
+..... : : BM/ + bLANK + 97/..... . . .
: :...........: : / 4 dISCOMPOSE /
. . ...:... / oLDSKEWL : .......:..
:..: Oo / sTRAIGHT... : :.:
// fLAVAH!:.........:
best with AFS.COM Amiga Font Simulator...
Second best in 80x50 mode.. failure to comply
to any of these directions will result in
severe braindamage...........................
..:./ Blind Man / + dA mAD oLDSKOOL pROPHET +
: : + hATH rETURNED +
. tO : dISCOMPOZE cOMPO -97 :
.cMNT : diZ bLANK cOLLY mADE o2 : .... .
you cant stop the prophet
.. + iNTERmIZZION + .. ............: .........................
: Ok, some of yall may have been wondering wtf happened to me :
. a while ago when I disappeared for about 3-4 months then .
. coming back a couple o weekz only to disappear for another .
couple of months..dont worry, Im alive :P.. newayz Eyem back
now and will be staying longer this time for sure.. .
Im still drawin those phat oldskool askees nuttin have
changed there except perhapz my wild styleez.. judge 4 yourself
Thiz time Im drawin for this phatass group kWEST! word ca1n!
Also, be on the lookout for da upcoming sequel to sATANIC!vERSES!
Thats right!.. sATANIC!vERSES 2 : rZAREKTION.. coming to a
remorse pack near you : phear dat
blindman / blindman@algonet.se ...........
sHOUTOUTZ : miasma! - bro it aint nevah gonna stop
/ enigmatic - da idle nig haha :
oO / fahrenheit - me, joo, miasma enig.. pHAT!
// whodini - 4 never lettin it die
tinyz - oldskool til da end
despair - bro we gotta hook up again :
sabby - yo da bomb baby :
proze - too bad joo aint here.. much love
assaylant - phukk da warez, git back where joo belong
sharpy - my israelian nig
mmouse - didja take over numb? :
slickwillard - whattup nowadayz bro?
defiant - w00p where j00 at?
kaleidas - mad love, where joo at now?
crayone - my swedizh bro :
wizy - hax0rpimpz 4 evah haha
ca1n - kikkin it kWEST stYLee now
polymorph - j00r newskool iz da bomb :
spear - eye phearz joo
cheezemonkey - wAAAAHOOOOOOOO!
psychoholic - pH!!@ babeeee
cidica - it dont never stop
nero - whatz yer new nick again?
holocaust - me phearez joor newskool :
kruul - fux0rbunnys gonna phukk joo up!
blackknight - my coding biatch, peace
conde - keep on rokkin da oldskool
nootropic - me phear your ansi
ellisdee - whattup bro?
betrayer - nig where joo ass hiding? :
cyko - we had phun.. much love
apothecary - here take another beer!
stain - joo still doing doze toonie ansiz?
crane - dont let da bigass headz put ya down :
illogical - thats not logical sir
biogen - heres one foh j00 suh : peace
....if I forgot YOUR dont be mad at me, Ill just bust joor ass :....
mad shoutouts to all the nigz keeping it on in ascii ansi .......
....... and to all my fanz worldwide, youre all da bomb!
...... and for all of you who dizz the oldskool, heres what Ive got ta say
/: nOW ON tO dA
/ : dISCOMPOSE : ....:.:
00 / : -97 biATCH : : : :
o:Oo :........: /
oO / : / :
// !BM
: : : bLANK :
......:.. : bLANK 4 dISCOMPOSE -97! : :.... . .
/ / !BM
: :l : : k
.. .. : : b : : n :
:..: ..:.: ..a ...... . . .....:
:.:..... . .. : + blANK + :
, 97 : diSCOMpOSE cOMPO: ..:..... : . ... .!BM. .
/ / : oo eeeEEEK!
: .-----. :oo diSCOm/
:.. / / -pOZE/-
: ... 0.0 O /
: : : o/oOo
. +-oOO-+ : : /
. bLANK :....:
+-----+ !BM/
+..... : : BM/ + bLANK + 97/..... . . .
: :...........: : / 4 dISCOMPOSE /
. . ...:... / oLDSKEWL : .......:..
:..: Oo / sTRAIGHT... : :.:
// fLAVAH!:.........:
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