this image contains text
earthbound .
:: b
ll ,
:ll: .dP
l: :l dP
dl . s
,sSSs. Y: b db ,,
,PT, Y :b lb.
Y, lb ss,. b,.
. l db b.SSSs,. :l
. l: l: ,db b ,S:
:l :l,l b l , Ss,.
b,b l: P l: .Yb P .,sb, :l SSs,
b. :l l. .l :b Yb dSS7 l: Ss,
b. :, l: lS Yb.,,ssS ,dP
P: : .l.,sSS:l d
l: Yl ,,sPYb P d l: l:
:l . S .,sSb Yb ,l :. l,
,,. .sSb,7b Yb. :l l
d.dPTb.Sb Yb l: b. d
.l . SSs,. :b. .,s
l: * Yb,,S l Yb,7 :l lb, l:
:l.,sSSs. SS. ll dSb,Y. l: b :l
Pb, .,d,P,l d .Y: db
**s,.b,..,dP.l l :l.,yP .,dl l:
lP SSs,.YP lP d:,lP ,dP.:lgS
: Sb. . .d l: P.sSP.P d,sS ,s
Ss,Yb SS :l.,sSP.,s l ,sSSl: ,d
.d b l l: P.,sSSS.l.dP,d :l,d
.d l,l 7l l:.sSl lP ,d. P
:P,Ss,. :l l :.dl lP .
l: ,db, :l l: d : s
:ls 79Ss,*,.Yl: SS .l dSS:,d.
sssy,S,b.Yl,sSSs,.l: .,ss,. Yl,ss,
l: b, Yb ,YY,sP7b..Yb.
:l l l .P SS :,sSSb,, l s b
, :l. l:P . ll.., ,
Y l: l.l b,dl l lP Y,*,. .
S, :l lP dPb l d,P ,dPb,,d
b. :P.,d, Yb,YY,dP*.,sl b.
db Ybl:.,sS.db, Y,.PssSP sS
YlS ,db,.S :l :l
,sSsggggsSsggsgsSl l: l: l
. .sSY: l ::
.d b. Y :l l l .
s , b Sl l: : l l
d. lb.: l :: b.
,l b,SP:l : l P
.d: lib.l ll: S l
.,dSSl :l .b,Y.. d:
. l. b. Sb,b :b d.,sS
,P ll :l lb. Yb, lb,..,dS
,dP .d. l.:b. Yb,,SSP
,dP ,dPl :l lb. dl
,dPs,.7SP,ss,. l. P . Y: db .
Ss,.dPSb:l l
, l liSSb,b Y, db
.d l: b Y, b, l
d :l lb.Yb,b.Yb, s
:b, ,s.b.
: l: SSb l,
l :l lP.P EarthBound l
:P dP +o Mel Farr Suppastar :
l: P d .
:l lP,d An ascii by Discyple
:P,dP . ds,. . .,d
.,d. P,d /
..,d ,d
.,sP.d ,sSSs.
b,7 dP7b.
Ss. b. :l Y. ::
lS, , Y, : ll
:b Yb. ,P
l b,.dP :ll:
:P SS l: :l
P dy
my rant: i dont know how many of you potential readers-to-be were present
for wednesdays ascii warzone... but suffice it to say that in the time
it took you fuckers esp. cain, sargon to stroke your massive egos with
each others phalluses, i created this lovely work of art.
hopefully this should be case-and-point. i have nothing against any of you,
personally, but when you act like toddlers, i have no respect for you.
group politics mean fuck all to me the real expression comes out through
art skills, not through a larger reservoir of insults.
just my opinion...
scott discyple
:: b
ll ,
:ll: .dP
l: :l dP
dl . s
,sSSs. Y: b db ,,
,PT, Y :b lb.
Y, lb ss,. b,.
. l db b.SSSs,. :l
. l: l: ,db b ,S:
:l :l,l b l , Ss,.
b,b l: P l: .Yb P .,sb, :l SSs,
b. :l l. .l :b Yb dSS7 l: Ss,
b. :, l: lS Yb.,,ssS ,dP
P: : .l.,sSS:l d
l: Yl ,,sPYb P d l: l:
:l . S .,sSb Yb ,l :. l,
,,. .sSb,7b Yb. :l l
d.dPTb.Sb Yb l: b. d
.l . SSs,. :b. .,s
l: * Yb,,S l Yb,7 :l lb, l:
:l.,sSSs. SS. ll dSb,Y. l: b :l
Pb, .,d,P,l d .Y: db
**s,.b,..,dP.l l :l.,yP .,dl l:
lP SSs,.YP lP d:,lP ,dP.:lgS
: Sb. . .d l: P.sSP.P d,sS ,s
Ss,Yb SS :l.,sSP.,s l ,sSSl: ,d
.d b l l: P.,sSSS.l.dP,d :l,d
.d l,l 7l l:.sSl lP ,d. P
:P,Ss,. :l l :.dl lP .
l: ,db, :l l: d : s
:ls 79Ss,*,.Yl: SS .l dSS:,d.
sssy,S,b.Yl,sSSs,.l: .,ss,. Yl,ss,
l: b, Yb ,YY,sP7b..Yb.
:l l l .P SS :,sSSb,, l s b
, :l. l:P . ll.., ,
Y l: l.l b,dl l lP Y,*,. .
S, :l lP dPb l d,P ,dPb,,d
b. :P.,d, Yb,YY,dP*.,sl b.
db Ybl:.,sS.db, Y,.PssSP sS
YlS ,db,.S :l :l
,sSsggggsSsggsgsSl l: l: l
. .sSY: l ::
.d b. Y :l l l .
s , b Sl l: : l l
d. lb.: l :: b.
,l b,SP:l : l P
.d: lib.l ll: S l
.,dSSl :l .b,Y.. d:
. l. b. Sb,b :b d.,sS
,P ll :l lb. Yb, lb,..,dS
,dP .d. l.:b. Yb,,SSP
,dP ,dPl :l lb. dl
,dPs,.7SP,ss,. l. P . Y: db .
Ss,.dPSb:l l
, l liSSb,b Y, db
.d l: b Y, b, l
d :l lb.Yb,b.Yb, s
:b, ,s.b.
: l: SSb l,
l :l lP.P EarthBound l
:P dP +o Mel Farr Suppastar :
l: P d .
:l lP,d An ascii by Discyple
:P,dP . ds,. . .,d
.,d. P,d /
..,d ,d
.,sP.d ,sSSs.
b,7 dP7b.
Ss. b. :l Y. ::
lS, , Y, : ll
:b Yb. ,P
l b,.dP :ll:
:P SS l: :l
P dy
my rant: i dont know how many of you potential readers-to-be were present
for wednesdays ascii warzone... but suffice it to say that in the time
it took you fuckers esp. cain, sargon to stroke your massive egos with
each others phalluses, i created this lovely work of art.
hopefully this should be case-and-point. i have nothing against any of you,
personally, but when you act like toddlers, i have no respect for you.
group politics mean fuck all to me the real expression comes out through
art skills, not through a larger reservoir of insults.
just my opinion...
scott discyple
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