this image contains text
kWest-side ascii 1997 sg,. memberlist ---- information text file
Yb .gSSs, l:
l ,dSYb,
.P lSSsy,,.:l
.l :l7is,. dy
-------- . -------------- ll ------ l ---------- ----- 7Ss,,
P.d: , d,b.7SSP :l* 7
P.dl lP dP ,db.Ss,.. ,dP ,lS@s.b,
P,dP :.dP .dP.s.dP ,gYb.
d l: SP.sP .d.dP dP.dP ,sPl sSSs. YS,
P.d :l .,sSS .dPY,. ll :P.gSP l: . Y
,d: P , .l ib,..,sSP .,sl :: :
l l:b. l: d, l: YY.,sS :l l d
S :l b. bl db l:l b* .Xs s ssgsP,d
,.Y: :b. Yb.,T, Y:.,dP.dSSP,dP .
Ys, l: b. :bP ,b,Yb, P ,d7.,gsSP .d
s, 7b.:i b. lbb,b.Y .,dl s @SSS .,sS
b, Yl l :PYb. P.dssss,b .,sS
------- Y -------- l.,Yb, P ----------------- Yb ---------------
Y :Y YP ./ Yb
------- Well, its odd you know..writing an info file, AGAIN..I dont really
know how many of these ive actually completed, but the number of them feels
endless. kWEST!a.. another PC ascii group, no..wrong assumption. This is what
we call A group of friends, who want to release together..and have some fun
doing it. So here we are, me and 15 of my closest friends. The pack is simply
amazing..one of the best, most defined ascii releases ive ever seen, Somehow..
we attracted the best from all aspects of ascii. From oldschool, to newschool,
to colored anscii.
------- Some of you may think were here to dominate you, and own the ascii
scene..but your wrong, were here to show you what ascii can be, and should be.
The scene is full of good groups, and good artists..whatever man, whoever said
that needs a kick in the chops. The truth is..the scene is NOT full of good
groups, OR artists.. the way i see it right now, there are two groups. Remorse
and Serial..i dont count kwest or basic, because the first releases are just
being spread..If you want to rank us, go ahead..thats not what kwest is about.
And..really, Serial is good..but Remorse is the shit until i see a pack of
chilled out artists JUSt releasing, and talking no shit about ANYONE..then, and
only then, will Serial be a close second..Dont catch me wrong Sargon, I respectSerial, just not the attitude of some of the pubes who are affiliated.
------- Meanwhile, enough pointless babble from me, its time to meet the boys.
M E M B E R /
L I S T //nM
In alphabetical order fuck that, order sucks, chaos / redro lacitebahpla nI
acidjack - blindman - cain - discyple
endless nameless - haji - mass murderer - necromancer
omicron - pariah - polymorph - prodigy
purify - seraphim - theProdigy
------- Necromancer, acidJack, omicron//permanent guests. kwestside.
------- That about wraps this situation up. We will release on or around the
1st of every month. I dont run the group..I just collect the art, ok? To all
you punks who dont know, its about time you began to understand, you are in
the presence, of 15 kwestSide niggers, who dont hesitate to draw better ascii
than you, fuck.
The Kwestphunk, the best funk, block rockin beats out your trunk, its Kwessyde
Time to realise what youve sterilized and take your licks, while we fuck your
bitch. nYIGGA -cn, and the kWEST!a crew.
Yb .gSSs, l:
l ,dSYb,
.P lSSsy,,.:l
.l :l7is,. dy
-------- . -------------- ll ------ l ---------- ----- 7Ss,,
P.d: , d,b.7SSP :l* 7
P.dl lP dP ,db.Ss,.. ,dP ,lS@s.b,
P,dP :.dP .dP.s.dP ,gYb.
d l: SP.sP .d.dP dP.dP ,sPl sSSs. YS,
P.d :l .,sSS .dPY,. ll :P.gSP l: . Y
,d: P , .l ib,..,sSP .,sl :: :
l l:b. l: d, l: YY.,sS :l l d
S :l b. bl db l:l b* .Xs s ssgsP,d
,.Y: :b. Yb.,T, Y:.,dP.dSSP,dP .
Ys, l: b. :bP ,b,Yb, P ,d7.,gsSP .d
s, 7b.:i b. lbb,b.Y .,dl s @SSS .,sS
b, Yl l :PYb. P.dssss,b .,sS
------- Y -------- l.,Yb, P ----------------- Yb ---------------
Y :Y YP ./ Yb
------- Well, its odd you know..writing an info file, AGAIN..I dont really
know how many of these ive actually completed, but the number of them feels
endless. kWEST!a.. another PC ascii group, no..wrong assumption. This is what
we call A group of friends, who want to release together..and have some fun
doing it. So here we are, me and 15 of my closest friends. The pack is simply
amazing..one of the best, most defined ascii releases ive ever seen, Somehow..
we attracted the best from all aspects of ascii. From oldschool, to newschool,
to colored anscii.
------- Some of you may think were here to dominate you, and own the ascii
scene..but your wrong, were here to show you what ascii can be, and should be.
The scene is full of good groups, and good artists..whatever man, whoever said
that needs a kick in the chops. The truth is..the scene is NOT full of good
groups, OR artists.. the way i see it right now, there are two groups. Remorse
and Serial..i dont count kwest or basic, because the first releases are just
being spread..If you want to rank us, go ahead..thats not what kwest is about.
And..really, Serial is good..but Remorse is the shit until i see a pack of
chilled out artists JUSt releasing, and talking no shit about ANYONE..then, and
only then, will Serial be a close second..Dont catch me wrong Sargon, I respectSerial, just not the attitude of some of the pubes who are affiliated.
------- Meanwhile, enough pointless babble from me, its time to meet the boys.
M E M B E R /
L I S T //nM
In alphabetical order fuck that, order sucks, chaos / redro lacitebahpla nI
acidjack - blindman - cain - discyple
endless nameless - haji - mass murderer - necromancer
omicron - pariah - polymorph - prodigy
purify - seraphim - theProdigy
------- Necromancer, acidJack, omicron//permanent guests. kwestside.
------- That about wraps this situation up. We will release on or around the
1st of every month. I dont run the group..I just collect the art, ok? To all
you punks who dont know, its about time you began to understand, you are in
the presence, of 15 kwestSide niggers, who dont hesitate to draw better ascii
than you, fuck.
The Kwestphunk, the best funk, block rockin beats out your trunk, its Kwessyde
Time to realise what youve sterilized and take your licks, while we fuck your
bitch. nYIGGA -cn, and the kWEST!a crew.
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