this image contains text
Start of BLZ buffer: Sun Aug 29 01:23:57 1999
Session Ident: BLZ BLZ@210-55-179-208.dialup.xtra.co.nz
BLZ do u have the time to do me a small ascii ?
sIMONkING of coz
BLZ i just need one saying BLZ
BLZ i have made a couple but they suck
BLZ so would u be able to do me one ?
sIMONkING ok, now?
BLZ whenever u have time
BLZ blznz@hotmail.com is my mail if u need to mail it.....
sIMONkING ok, np, but when is deadline?
BLZ 5th of september
sIMONkING ok, np
sIMONkING seeya!
BLZ cya
End of BLZ buffer Sun Aug 29 01:23:57 1999
/ / . BLZ
my various ascii logo for blz. right side is strong, but i like this style for more crazy ascii logos write to me, simonk@friko.onet.pl fast answer
is possible
. sK! / //
: / / -+ BLZ +- //
second logo is done by me too, but its normal style, normal fonts, normal
emotions . if you dont like my arts then kill me and my idea. greetz
Session Ident: BLZ BLZ@210-55-179-208.dialup.xtra.co.nz
BLZ do u have the time to do me a small ascii ?
sIMONkING of coz
BLZ i just need one saying BLZ
BLZ i have made a couple but they suck
BLZ so would u be able to do me one ?
sIMONkING ok, now?
BLZ whenever u have time
BLZ blznz@hotmail.com is my mail if u need to mail it.....
sIMONkING ok, np, but when is deadline?
BLZ 5th of september
sIMONkING ok, np
sIMONkING seeya!
BLZ cya
End of BLZ buffer Sun Aug 29 01:23:57 1999
/ / . BLZ
my various ascii logo for blz. right side is strong, but i like this style for more crazy ascii logos write to me, simonk@friko.onet.pl fast answer
is possible
. sK! / //
: / / -+ BLZ +- //
second logo is done by me too, but its normal style, normal fonts, normal
emotions . if you dont like my arts then kill me and my idea. greetz
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