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+o Simonking.
Just little me who decided to guest The L00p D hope ya like.
Greetings to my team mates in BAFH, my friends in SAC/EQ8/NANOGENE/ALSTOM
rawk ma b0xers! p btw i know the font sux but what the hell? D
- DocJones of BAFH!ALSTOM. / Keeping it alive in 2k2 -
Just little me who decided to guest The L00p D hope ya like.
Greetings to my team mates in BAFH, my friends in SAC/EQ8/NANOGENE/ALSTOM
rawk ma b0xers! p btw i know the font sux but what the hell? D
- DocJones of BAFH!ALSTOM. / Keeping it alive in 2k2 -
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