this image contains text
s h o r t i n f o
FSG - Fast Small Good
app name : FSG v1.33 rel type : exe packer
url : http://www.xtreeme.prv.pl system : 95,98,NT,2K,XP
rel date : 15.11.2002 size : n/a
cracked by : dulek protection : n/a
Perfect compressor for small exes,
eg. 4k,64kb intros, asm appz etc.upx sux
+ designed for asm executable files
+ small loader size but if u know how to improve it, mail me
+ advanced sections merging
+ maximum code squeeze
+ import handling
+ resource compression
+ no section align Petite patent
+ aPLib compression damn i had to rip NRV engine from UPX :
+ command line support, eg.fsg.exe notepad.exe dragdrop also works
+ TLS support delphi, bcc exes
changes v1.33
+ smaller loader code again??, this time its 197bytes long u cant stop us
changes v1.32 internal release
+ smaller loader code 206 bytes
+ ms-dos header optimization PE header at 0Ch offset
! shitty Web3000 claims that FSG is trojan, dont use this cheap Web3000
crapware, anyway if you still think that FSG is trojan, reverse it and tell
me about your worries
changes v1.31
+ smaller loader code thnx Jibz for aplip optimization tips, 239 bytes
+ compatibility with FASM exe files
changes v1.3
+ nice GUI
+ FSG saves its import strings in PE header, just like TLS table if detected
+ PE header moved 32bytes up 40h, i dont give a fuck about dos message
+ heavily tested under XP yeah rite...
+ detection of invalid PE files signatures, packers flags at PE+F4h
+ error handling seh requested :P
- polymorphic encryption you didnt like it, am i rite?
changes v1.2
+ now FSG loader is placed correctly in the PE header always on 200h
+ tested under XP but still i wont pay 500 for this shit :P
- disabled compression of RTFONTDIR RTFONT RTMANIFEST resources
- disabled compression of RTVERSION resource shit, now you can compress
all those little shitty VB appz
- cannot handle most of big PE EXE files but who cares? we dont :
- no DLL support who needs it anyway?
- problems with exe files with small import tables
- and much more :
99 coded by dulek adeep1@friko5.onet.pl usually unavailable
1 optimized by bart cryogen@box43.pl report bugs here
greetz to:
dulek - somebody said upx? pfff....
smola - thnx for PE header, my cracking yoda master :
tepe - UnderPl rox
WiteG - rijndeal in 600 bytes??
cybult - thnx for 1 byte optimization tip
Devon - wanted dead or alive
Ptasiek - hello buddy
p10tr - wuzzup
y0da - good luck wit Kim, shes worth it :
Splaj - hey man, try to unpack fsg :P
mackt - you deliquent
daemon - KME sucks, write your own engine :
polish cracking scene - i co, nie wierzyliscie ze zejde ponizej 200 bajtow,
bart samo zlo nigdy nie daje za wygrana, przy okazji
apel, nie piszcie juz nic o upxie, bo smola dostaje
drgawek jak widzi txt o inline patchowaniu tego shitu
a ja go potem musze reanimowac
fucks to:
mksvir - najbardziej syfiasty antyvir na rynku, z wyrazami
antypatii dla Marka Sella
ascii done by sIMONkING/thelo0pimpure the end
contact: simonking@poczta.onet.pl
ascii requested by bart/extreeme
fsg infofile version 1.0
c2002 by thelo0p 18
s h o r t i n f o
FSG - Fast Small Good
app name : FSG v1.33 rel type : exe packer
url : http://www.xtreeme.prv.pl system : 95,98,NT,2K,XP
rel date : 15.11.2002 size : n/a
cracked by : dulek protection : n/a
Perfect compressor for small exes,
eg. 4k,64kb intros, asm appz etc.upx sux
+ designed for asm executable files
+ small loader size but if u know how to improve it, mail me
+ advanced sections merging
+ maximum code squeeze
+ import handling
+ resource compression
+ no section align Petite patent
+ aPLib compression damn i had to rip NRV engine from UPX :
+ command line support, eg.fsg.exe notepad.exe dragdrop also works
+ TLS support delphi, bcc exes
changes v1.33
+ smaller loader code again??, this time its 197bytes long u cant stop us
changes v1.32 internal release
+ smaller loader code 206 bytes
+ ms-dos header optimization PE header at 0Ch offset
! shitty Web3000 claims that FSG is trojan, dont use this cheap Web3000
crapware, anyway if you still think that FSG is trojan, reverse it and tell
me about your worries
changes v1.31
+ smaller loader code thnx Jibz for aplip optimization tips, 239 bytes
+ compatibility with FASM exe files
changes v1.3
+ nice GUI
+ FSG saves its import strings in PE header, just like TLS table if detected
+ PE header moved 32bytes up 40h, i dont give a fuck about dos message
+ heavily tested under XP yeah rite...
+ detection of invalid PE files signatures, packers flags at PE+F4h
+ error handling seh requested :P
- polymorphic encryption you didnt like it, am i rite?
changes v1.2
+ now FSG loader is placed correctly in the PE header always on 200h
+ tested under XP but still i wont pay 500 for this shit :P
- disabled compression of RTFONTDIR RTFONT RTMANIFEST resources
- disabled compression of RTVERSION resource shit, now you can compress
all those little shitty VB appz
- cannot handle most of big PE EXE files but who cares? we dont :
- no DLL support who needs it anyway?
- problems with exe files with small import tables
- and much more :
99 coded by dulek adeep1@friko5.onet.pl usually unavailable
1 optimized by bart cryogen@box43.pl report bugs here
greetz to:
dulek - somebody said upx? pfff....
smola - thnx for PE header, my cracking yoda master :
tepe - UnderPl rox
WiteG - rijndeal in 600 bytes??
cybult - thnx for 1 byte optimization tip
Devon - wanted dead or alive
Ptasiek - hello buddy
p10tr - wuzzup
y0da - good luck wit Kim, shes worth it :
Splaj - hey man, try to unpack fsg :P
mackt - you deliquent
daemon - KME sucks, write your own engine :
polish cracking scene - i co, nie wierzyliscie ze zejde ponizej 200 bajtow,
bart samo zlo nigdy nie daje za wygrana, przy okazji
apel, nie piszcie juz nic o upxie, bo smola dostaje
drgawek jak widzi txt o inline patchowaniu tego shitu
a ja go potem musze reanimowac
fucks to:
mksvir - najbardziej syfiasty antyvir na rynku, z wyrazami
antypatii dla Marka Sella
ascii done by sIMONkING/thelo0pimpure the end
contact: simonking@poczta.onet.pl
ascii requested by bart/extreeme
fsg infofile version 1.0
c2002 by thelo0p 18
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