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No. Games Title, Publisher Orign/Size Mm/Dd/Yy
oo1 Earthworm Jim c Majesco / Shiny Ent. USA/64Mbit o6/o8/o1
oo2 Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure c Majesco USA/32Mbit o6/o8/o1
oo3 Super Dodgeball Advance c Atlus USA/64Mbit o6/o8/o1
oo4 F-Zero: Maximum Velocity c Nintendo USA/32Mbit o6/o8/o1
oo5 Fire Pro Wrestling c BAM Entertainment USA/64Mbit o6/o8/o1
oo6 Kuru Kuru Kururin c Nintendo EUR/32Mbit o6/21/o1
oo7 Top Gear GT Championship c Kemco EUR/32Mbit o6/21/o1
oo8 Hot Potato c BAM Entertainment USA/32Mbit o6/29/o1
oo9 Bomberman Tournament c Activision USA/32Mbit o6/3o/o1
o1o Pac-Man Collection c Namco USA/64Mbit o7/11/o1
--- Jurassic Park III: DNA Factor c Konami -BAD-DUMP- o7/18/o1
o11 Jur.Park III: DNA F. *Repack* c Konami USA/64Mbit o7/19/o1
o12 ESPN Final Round Golf 2oo2 c Konami USA/64Mbit o8/29/o1
o13 Tang Tang c Take 2 Interactive USA/32Mbit o8/3o/o1
o14 F-14 Tomcat c Majesco USA/32Mbit o9/o1/o1
o15 Advance Wars c Nintendo / Int. Systems USA/32Mbit o9/o1/o1
o16 ESPN X Games Skateboarding c Konami USA/64Mbit o9/13/o1
o17 Rocket Power Dream Scheme c THQ USA/64Mbit o9/14/o1
o18 Klonoa: Empire of Dreams c Namco USA/32Mbit o9/15/o1
o19 Spiderman Mysterios Menace c Activision USA/64Mbit o9/19/o1
o2o Caesars Palace Advance c Majesco USA/64Mbit o9/19/o1
o21 Backtrack c Telegames USA/32Mbit o9/2o/o1
o22 Power Rangers Time Force c THQ USA/64Mbit o9/25/o1
o23 Lady Sia c TDK USA/64Mbit o9/26/o1
o24 High Heat Baseball 2oo2 c 3DO USA/32Mbit o9/26/o1
o25 MX 2K2 Ricky Carmichael c THQ USA/32Mbit o9/26/o1
o26 Final Fight One *US Final* c Capcom USA/32Mbit o9/26/o1
o27 Lego Bionicle c Lego Media USA/64Mbit o9/29/o1
o28 Lego Island II c Lego Media USA/64Mbit o9/29/o1
o29 Snood c Destination Software USA/32Mbit 1o/o2/o1
o3o Monsters Inc. c THQ USA/64Mbit 1o/25/o1
o31 Doom c ID Software / Activision USA/64Mbit 1o/26/o1
o32 Wario Land 4 c Nintendo USA/64Mbit 11/o6/o1
o33 Golden Sun c Camelot / Nintendo USA/64Mbit 11/o7/o1
o34 Alienators: E. C. c Activision USA/32Mbit 11/o8/o1
o35 Legend Of The Dark Hand c Activision USA/32Mbit 11/o8/o1
o36 Powerpuff Girls: Mojo Jojo-A-Gogo c BAM USA/64Mbit 11/19/o1
o37 Jurassic Park 3 Island Attack c Konami USA/64Mbit 11/22/o1
o38 Midway Arcade Hits c Midway USA/32Mbit 11/22/o1
o39 Rampage Puzzle Attack c Midway USA/32Mbit 11/22/o1
o4o Great Outdoor Games Bass 2oo2 c Konami USA/64Mbit 11/23/o1
o41 Ecks Vs. Sever c BAM Entertainment USA/64Mbit 11/23/o1
o42 E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial c New Kid Co USA/32Mbit 11/26/o1
o43 Tom and Jerry Magic Ring c New Kid Co USA/64Mbit 11/29/o1
o44 Monster Rancher Advance c Tecmo USA/64Mbit 11/29/o1
o45 Driven c BAM Entertainment USA/32Mbit 12/o3/o1
o46 Planet Monsters c Titus USA/32Mbit 12/o7/o1
o47 Breath of Fire c Capcom USA/32Mbit 12/12/o1
o48 Winter XGames Snowboarding 2K2 c Konami USA/32Mbit o1/18/o2
o49 Salt Lake 2oo2 c Ubisoft USA/32Mbit o1/3o/o2
o5o International WinterSports 2K2 c Konami USA/32Mbit o1/3o/o2
o51 Jonny Moseley Mad Trix c 3DO USA/64Mbit o2/o6/o2
o52 Puyo Pop c THQ / Sega USA/64Mbit o2/o7/o2
o53 Super Mario World c Nintendo USA/32Mbit o2/11/o2
o54 NBA Jam 2oo2 c Acclaim USA/32Mbit o2/2o/o2
o55 Zone of the Enders : TFOM C Konami USA/64Mbit o2/27/o2
o56 High Heat MLB 2oo3 c 3DO USA/32Mbit o3/o6/o2
o57 Baseball Advance c THQ USA/64Mbit o3/2o/o2
o58 Motocross Maniacs Advance c Konami USA/32Mbit o3/2o/o2
o59 Konami C.S.: Arcade Advanced c Konami USA/32Mbit o3/2o/o2
o6o Britneys Dance Beat c THQ USA/64Mbit o3/27/o2
o61 Atari Anniversary Advance c Infogrames USA/32Mbit o3/27/o2
o62 Three Stooges c Metro 3D USA/32Mbit o4/o1/o2
o63 Wolfenstein 3D c BAM / ID Software USA/64Mbit o4/o5/o2
o64 Breath of Fire 2 c Capcom USA/32Mbit o4/17/o2
o65 Spider-Man: The Movie c Activision USA/64Mbit o4/17/o2
o66 Star X c BAM Entertainment USA/64Mbit o4/18/o2
o67 Blender Bros. c Infogrames USA/64Mbit o4/19/o2
o68 Dinotopia The Timestone Pirates c TDK USA/64Mbit o5/o1/o2
o69 Tactics Ogre Knight of Lodis c Atlus USA/64Mbit o5/1o/o2
o7o Tiger Woods PGA Golf Tour c Destn. Soft USA/64Mbit o5/1o/o2
o71 DBZ : The Legacy Of Goku c Infogrames USA/64Mbit o5/13/o2
o72 Downforce c Titus EUR/32Mbit o5/16/o2
o73 Sheep c Capcom EUR/32Mbit o5/28/o2
o74 DBZ: Collectible Card Game c Infogrames USA/64Mbit o5/29/o2
o75 Roland Garros 2K2 NGT c Carapace EUR/32Mbit o5/29/o2
o76 Star Wars EP2: A.O.T.C. c THQ / Lucas USA/64Mbit o5/3o/o2
o77 Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron c THQ USA/32Mbit o5/3o/o2
o78 Earthworm Jim 2 c Majesco / Shiny USA/64Mbit o5/31/o2
o79 Bomberman Max 2 Blue c Majesco / Hudson USA/64Mbit o5/31/o2
o8o Bomberman Max 2 Red c Majesco / Hudson USA/64Mbit o5/31/o2
o81 Frogger Adv. The Great Quest c Konami USA/64Mbit o5/31/o2
o82 Punch King c Acclaim USA/64Mbit o5/31/o2
o83 ZooCube c Acclaim USA/32Mbit o6/o4/o2
o84 Disneys Lilo Stitch c Disney Int. USA/64Mbit o6/o5/o2
o85 Scooby Doo: The Motion Picture c THQ USA/32Mbit o6/o5/o2
o86 Megaman Battle Network 2 c Capcom USA/64Mbit o6/12/o2
o87 Robopon 2: Ring Version c Atlus USA/64Mbit o6/16/o2
o88 Robopon 2: Cross Version c Atlus USA/64Mbit o6/16/o2
o89 GT Advance 2 : Rally Racing c THQ USA/64Mbit o6/19/o2
o9o LEGO Football Mania c LEGO / EA EUR/64Mbit o6/21/o2
o91 Aero The Acrobat c Metro 3D USA/32Mbit o6/26/o2
o92 Pinball Challenge Deluxe c Ubi Soft EUR/32Mbit o7/o5/o2
o93 Top Gun Firestorm Advance c Titus EUR/32Mbit o7/15/o2
o94 BMX Trick Racer c Simon Schuster USA/128Mbit o9/o8/o2
o95 Yoshis Island : SMA3 c Nintendo USA/32Mbit o9/17/o2
o96 Airforce Delta Storm c Konami USA/32Mbit o9/18/o2
o97 Boulder Dash Ex c Kemco USA/32Mbit o9/18/o2
o98 Backyard Football c Infogrames USA/32Mbit o9/18/o2
o99 Egg Mania c Kemco USA/32Mbit o9/19/o2
1oo Super Ghouls N Ghosts c Capcom USA/32Mbit o9/19/o2
1o1 Kelly Slater Pro Surfer c Activision USA/64Mbit o9/19/o2
1o2 Motoracer Advance c Delphine EUR/32Mbit 1o/o4/o2
1o3 Army Men Turf War c 3DO USA/64Mbit 1o/o4/o2
1o4 Yu-Gi-Oh!: Duelist c Konami USA/64Mbit 1o/16/o2
1o5 Robotech: The Macross Saga c TDK USA/64Mbit 1o/16/o2
1o6 Robot Wars Extreme Destruction c BBC WW EUR/32Mbit 1o/22/o2
1o7 Ace Lightning c BBC Worldwide EUR/32Mbit 1o/22/o2
1o8 SSX Tricky c EA Big USA/64Mbit 1o/22/o2
1o9 Doom II c Activision / ID Software USA/128Mbit 1o/23/o2
11o Tarzan Return to Jungle c Activision USA/64Mbit 1o/23/o2
111 WWE Road To Wrestlemania X8 c THQ USA/32Mbit 1o/23/o2
112 Lord of the Rings - 2 Towers c EA EUR/128mbit 11/o6/o2
113 Fairly Odd Parents Ent.the Cleft c THQ USA/32Mbit 11/o6/o2
114 Harry Potter Chamb. Secrets c EA Games USA/64Mbit 11/o6/o2
115 Contra Advance: Alien Wars EX c Konami USA/32Mbit 11/o7/o2
116 Frogger Adventure 2 c Konami USA/64Mbit 11/o7/o2
117 Agassi Tennis Generation 2oo2 c Cryo EUR/32Mbit 11/11/o2
118 Zidane Football Generation 2oo2 c Cryo EUR/32Mbit 11/11/o2
119 Tomb Raider The Prophecy c Core / Ubi EUR/64Mbit 11/13/o2
12o FIFA Football 2oo3 c EA Sports EUR/32Mbit 11/14/o2
121 Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance c Midway USA/128Mbit 11/2o/o2
122 Gauntlet Dark Legacy c Midway USA/64Mbit 11/22/o2
123 Phantasy Star Collection c THQ / Sega USA/64Mbit 11/22/o2
124 Disneys Kim Possible c Buena Vista USA/64Mbit 11/23/o2
125 Kirby: Nightmare In Drmland c Nintendo USA/64Mbit 11/26/o2
126 Zelda: A Link To The Past c Nintendo USA/64Mbit 11/26/o2
127 Medal of Honor Underground c EA Games USA/64Mbit 11/29/o2
128 Woody Woodpecker Crazy Castle 5 c Kemco EUR/32Mbit 12/11/o2
129 Lunar Legend c Ubisoft / Game Arts USA/64Mbit 12/13/o2
13o International Superstar Soccer Adv /Konami EUR/64Mbit o1/21/o3
131 Daredevil c Encore USA/32Mbit o2/o6/o3
132 GT Advanced 3 Pro Concept Racing c THQ USA/64Mbit o2/o6/o3
133 TOCA World Touring Cars c Codemasters EUR/64Mbit o3/o5/o3
134 Samurai Jack The Amulet of Time c BAM USA/64Mbit o3/21/o3
--- Lufia The Ruins Of Lore c Atlus -BAD-DUMP- o5/o6/o3
135 Finding Nemo c Disney Interactive / THQ USA/64Mbit o5/11/o3
136 Advance Wars 2 c Nintendo USA/64Mbit o6/13/o3
137 Space Channel 5: Ulalas C. Attack c THQ USA/64Mbit o6/19/o3
138 Megaman Network Battle 3 White c Capcom USA/64Mbit o6/25/o3
139 Jet Grind Radio c THQ / Sega USA/64Mbit o6/26/o3
14o Buffy The Vampire Slayer c THQ USA/32Mbit o6/27/o3
141 Shrek Reekin Havoc c TDK USA/64Mbit o8/o6/o3
142 Madden NFL 2oo4 c EA Games USA/32Mbit o8/12/o3
143 Monster Truck Madness c THQ / Microsoft USA/32Mbit o8/12/o3
144 Pokemon Pinball: Ruby Sapphire c Big N USA/64Mbit o8/22/o3
145 Mortal Kombat: Tournament Ed. c Midway USA/128Mbit o8/28/o3
146 Rescue Heros Billy Blazes c Vivendi USA/32Mbit o8/29/o3
147 Freekstyle c Destination USA/64Mbit o9/o6/o3
148 Rocket Power: Zero Gravity Zone c THQ USA/64Mbit o9/o6/o3
149 Power Rangers Ninja Storm c THQ USA/32Mbit o9/o6/o3
15o Blackthorne c Blizzard USA/32Mbit o9/19/o3
151 Froggers Journey: The Forgotten Relic USA/64Mbit 1o/3o/o3
152 Onimusha Tactics c Capcom USA/64Mbit 11/12/o3
153 Double Dragon Advance c Atlus USA/32Mbit 11/13/o3
154 Sword of Mana c Square Enix USA/128Mbit 11/13/o3
155 Harvest Moon Fr. of Min. Town c Natsume USA/64Mbit 11/13/o3
156 Looney Tunes Back in Action c EA USA/64Mbit 11/15/o3
157 CIMA The Enemy c Natsume USA/64Mbit 11/19/o3
158 Star Wars Flight of the Falcon c THQ USA/64Mbit 11/19/o3
159 Mucha Lucha Mascaritas of the Lost Code USA/32Mbit 11/21/o3
16o Dr. Seuss Green Eggs and Ham c NewKidCo USA/64Mbit 11/21/o3
161 American Idol c CodeMasters USA/128Mbit 11/21/o3
162 Hot Wheels: World Race c THQ USA/64Mbit 11/23/o3
163 Yu Yu Hakusho: Spirit Detective c Atari USA/64Mbit 12/o3/o3
--- The Sims Bustin Out c EA Games -BAD-DUMP- 12/o4/o3
164 The Sims Bustin Out c EA Games USA/128Mbit 12/o4/o3
165 Peter Pan The Movies c Atari USA/32Mbit 12/1o/o3
166 King of Fighters EX2 Howling Blood USA/64Mbit 12/14/o3
167 Max Payne c Remedy USA/128Mbit 12/17/o3
168 Need for Speed Underground c EA Games USA/64Mbit 12/2o/o3
169 Disneys Home on the Range c Disney Int. USA/64Mbit o4/o5/o3
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No. Trainer / Fix Title Orig/Type Mm/Dd/Yy
oo1 International Karate Advance +4 Trainer EUR / IPS 12/o5/o1
oo2 Speedball 2 +4 Trainer EUR / IPS o9/15/o2
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oo3 Yoshis Island : SMA3 +7 Trainer USA / IPS o9/17/o2
oo4 Megaman Zero +14 Trainer USA / IPS o9/18/o2
oo5 Smugglers Run +4 Trainer USA / IPS o9/2o/o2
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oo6 Castlevania: HOD +12 Trainer USA / IPS o9/28/o2
Old School Legacy / 16bit glory days
Aggression . Anthrox . Dual Crew Shining . Illusion . Sneakers . Swat
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The New Generation
Menace . Venom . Eurasia . Lightforce . Rising Sun
Mode Seven . Are you happy to see us or... P
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No. Games Title, Publisher Orign/Size Mm/Dd/Yy
oo1 Earthworm Jim c Majesco / Shiny Ent. USA/64Mbit o6/o8/o1
oo2 Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure c Majesco USA/32Mbit o6/o8/o1
oo3 Super Dodgeball Advance c Atlus USA/64Mbit o6/o8/o1
oo4 F-Zero: Maximum Velocity c Nintendo USA/32Mbit o6/o8/o1
oo5 Fire Pro Wrestling c BAM Entertainment USA/64Mbit o6/o8/o1
oo6 Kuru Kuru Kururin c Nintendo EUR/32Mbit o6/21/o1
oo7 Top Gear GT Championship c Kemco EUR/32Mbit o6/21/o1
oo8 Hot Potato c BAM Entertainment USA/32Mbit o6/29/o1
oo9 Bomberman Tournament c Activision USA/32Mbit o6/3o/o1
o1o Pac-Man Collection c Namco USA/64Mbit o7/11/o1
--- Jurassic Park III: DNA Factor c Konami -BAD-DUMP- o7/18/o1
o11 Jur.Park III: DNA F. *Repack* c Konami USA/64Mbit o7/19/o1
o12 ESPN Final Round Golf 2oo2 c Konami USA/64Mbit o8/29/o1
o13 Tang Tang c Take 2 Interactive USA/32Mbit o8/3o/o1
o14 F-14 Tomcat c Majesco USA/32Mbit o9/o1/o1
o15 Advance Wars c Nintendo / Int. Systems USA/32Mbit o9/o1/o1
o16 ESPN X Games Skateboarding c Konami USA/64Mbit o9/13/o1
o17 Rocket Power Dream Scheme c THQ USA/64Mbit o9/14/o1
o18 Klonoa: Empire of Dreams c Namco USA/32Mbit o9/15/o1
o19 Spiderman Mysterios Menace c Activision USA/64Mbit o9/19/o1
o2o Caesars Palace Advance c Majesco USA/64Mbit o9/19/o1
o21 Backtrack c Telegames USA/32Mbit o9/2o/o1
o22 Power Rangers Time Force c THQ USA/64Mbit o9/25/o1
o23 Lady Sia c TDK USA/64Mbit o9/26/o1
o24 High Heat Baseball 2oo2 c 3DO USA/32Mbit o9/26/o1
o25 MX 2K2 Ricky Carmichael c THQ USA/32Mbit o9/26/o1
o26 Final Fight One *US Final* c Capcom USA/32Mbit o9/26/o1
o27 Lego Bionicle c Lego Media USA/64Mbit o9/29/o1
o28 Lego Island II c Lego Media USA/64Mbit o9/29/o1
o29 Snood c Destination Software USA/32Mbit 1o/o2/o1
o3o Monsters Inc. c THQ USA/64Mbit 1o/25/o1
o31 Doom c ID Software / Activision USA/64Mbit 1o/26/o1
o32 Wario Land 4 c Nintendo USA/64Mbit 11/o6/o1
o33 Golden Sun c Camelot / Nintendo USA/64Mbit 11/o7/o1
o34 Alienators: E. C. c Activision USA/32Mbit 11/o8/o1
o35 Legend Of The Dark Hand c Activision USA/32Mbit 11/o8/o1
o36 Powerpuff Girls: Mojo Jojo-A-Gogo c BAM USA/64Mbit 11/19/o1
o37 Jurassic Park 3 Island Attack c Konami USA/64Mbit 11/22/o1
o38 Midway Arcade Hits c Midway USA/32Mbit 11/22/o1
o39 Rampage Puzzle Attack c Midway USA/32Mbit 11/22/o1
o4o Great Outdoor Games Bass 2oo2 c Konami USA/64Mbit 11/23/o1
o41 Ecks Vs. Sever c BAM Entertainment USA/64Mbit 11/23/o1
o42 E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial c New Kid Co USA/32Mbit 11/26/o1
o43 Tom and Jerry Magic Ring c New Kid Co USA/64Mbit 11/29/o1
o44 Monster Rancher Advance c Tecmo USA/64Mbit 11/29/o1
o45 Driven c BAM Entertainment USA/32Mbit 12/o3/o1
o46 Planet Monsters c Titus USA/32Mbit 12/o7/o1
o47 Breath of Fire c Capcom USA/32Mbit 12/12/o1
o48 Winter XGames Snowboarding 2K2 c Konami USA/32Mbit o1/18/o2
o49 Salt Lake 2oo2 c Ubisoft USA/32Mbit o1/3o/o2
o5o International WinterSports 2K2 c Konami USA/32Mbit o1/3o/o2
o51 Jonny Moseley Mad Trix c 3DO USA/64Mbit o2/o6/o2
o52 Puyo Pop c THQ / Sega USA/64Mbit o2/o7/o2
o53 Super Mario World c Nintendo USA/32Mbit o2/11/o2
o54 NBA Jam 2oo2 c Acclaim USA/32Mbit o2/2o/o2
o55 Zone of the Enders : TFOM C Konami USA/64Mbit o2/27/o2
o56 High Heat MLB 2oo3 c 3DO USA/32Mbit o3/o6/o2
o57 Baseball Advance c THQ USA/64Mbit o3/2o/o2
o58 Motocross Maniacs Advance c Konami USA/32Mbit o3/2o/o2
o59 Konami C.S.: Arcade Advanced c Konami USA/32Mbit o3/2o/o2
o6o Britneys Dance Beat c THQ USA/64Mbit o3/27/o2
o61 Atari Anniversary Advance c Infogrames USA/32Mbit o3/27/o2
o62 Three Stooges c Metro 3D USA/32Mbit o4/o1/o2
o63 Wolfenstein 3D c BAM / ID Software USA/64Mbit o4/o5/o2
o64 Breath of Fire 2 c Capcom USA/32Mbit o4/17/o2
o65 Spider-Man: The Movie c Activision USA/64Mbit o4/17/o2
o66 Star X c BAM Entertainment USA/64Mbit o4/18/o2
o67 Blender Bros. c Infogrames USA/64Mbit o4/19/o2
o68 Dinotopia The Timestone Pirates c TDK USA/64Mbit o5/o1/o2
o69 Tactics Ogre Knight of Lodis c Atlus USA/64Mbit o5/1o/o2
o7o Tiger Woods PGA Golf Tour c Destn. Soft USA/64Mbit o5/1o/o2
o71 DBZ : The Legacy Of Goku c Infogrames USA/64Mbit o5/13/o2
o72 Downforce c Titus EUR/32Mbit o5/16/o2
o73 Sheep c Capcom EUR/32Mbit o5/28/o2
o74 DBZ: Collectible Card Game c Infogrames USA/64Mbit o5/29/o2
o75 Roland Garros 2K2 NGT c Carapace EUR/32Mbit o5/29/o2
o76 Star Wars EP2: A.O.T.C. c THQ / Lucas USA/64Mbit o5/3o/o2
o77 Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron c THQ USA/32Mbit o5/3o/o2
o78 Earthworm Jim 2 c Majesco / Shiny USA/64Mbit o5/31/o2
o79 Bomberman Max 2 Blue c Majesco / Hudson USA/64Mbit o5/31/o2
o8o Bomberman Max 2 Red c Majesco / Hudson USA/64Mbit o5/31/o2
o81 Frogger Adv. The Great Quest c Konami USA/64Mbit o5/31/o2
o82 Punch King c Acclaim USA/64Mbit o5/31/o2
o83 ZooCube c Acclaim USA/32Mbit o6/o4/o2
o84 Disneys Lilo Stitch c Disney Int. USA/64Mbit o6/o5/o2
o85 Scooby Doo: The Motion Picture c THQ USA/32Mbit o6/o5/o2
o86 Megaman Battle Network 2 c Capcom USA/64Mbit o6/12/o2
o87 Robopon 2: Ring Version c Atlus USA/64Mbit o6/16/o2
o88 Robopon 2: Cross Version c Atlus USA/64Mbit o6/16/o2
o89 GT Advance 2 : Rally Racing c THQ USA/64Mbit o6/19/o2
o9o LEGO Football Mania c LEGO / EA EUR/64Mbit o6/21/o2
o91 Aero The Acrobat c Metro 3D USA/32Mbit o6/26/o2
o92 Pinball Challenge Deluxe c Ubi Soft EUR/32Mbit o7/o5/o2
o93 Top Gun Firestorm Advance c Titus EUR/32Mbit o7/15/o2
o94 BMX Trick Racer c Simon Schuster USA/128Mbit o9/o8/o2
o95 Yoshis Island : SMA3 c Nintendo USA/32Mbit o9/17/o2
o96 Airforce Delta Storm c Konami USA/32Mbit o9/18/o2
o97 Boulder Dash Ex c Kemco USA/32Mbit o9/18/o2
o98 Backyard Football c Infogrames USA/32Mbit o9/18/o2
o99 Egg Mania c Kemco USA/32Mbit o9/19/o2
1oo Super Ghouls N Ghosts c Capcom USA/32Mbit o9/19/o2
1o1 Kelly Slater Pro Surfer c Activision USA/64Mbit o9/19/o2
1o2 Motoracer Advance c Delphine EUR/32Mbit 1o/o4/o2
1o3 Army Men Turf War c 3DO USA/64Mbit 1o/o4/o2
1o4 Yu-Gi-Oh!: Duelist c Konami USA/64Mbit 1o/16/o2
1o5 Robotech: The Macross Saga c TDK USA/64Mbit 1o/16/o2
1o6 Robot Wars Extreme Destruction c BBC WW EUR/32Mbit 1o/22/o2
1o7 Ace Lightning c BBC Worldwide EUR/32Mbit 1o/22/o2
1o8 SSX Tricky c EA Big USA/64Mbit 1o/22/o2
1o9 Doom II c Activision / ID Software USA/128Mbit 1o/23/o2
11o Tarzan Return to Jungle c Activision USA/64Mbit 1o/23/o2
111 WWE Road To Wrestlemania X8 c THQ USA/32Mbit 1o/23/o2
112 Lord of the Rings - 2 Towers c EA EUR/128mbit 11/o6/o2
113 Fairly Odd Parents Ent.the Cleft c THQ USA/32Mbit 11/o6/o2
114 Harry Potter Chamb. Secrets c EA Games USA/64Mbit 11/o6/o2
115 Contra Advance: Alien Wars EX c Konami USA/32Mbit 11/o7/o2
116 Frogger Adventure 2 c Konami USA/64Mbit 11/o7/o2
117 Agassi Tennis Generation 2oo2 c Cryo EUR/32Mbit 11/11/o2
118 Zidane Football Generation 2oo2 c Cryo EUR/32Mbit 11/11/o2
119 Tomb Raider The Prophecy c Core / Ubi EUR/64Mbit 11/13/o2
12o FIFA Football 2oo3 c EA Sports EUR/32Mbit 11/14/o2
121 Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance c Midway USA/128Mbit 11/2o/o2
122 Gauntlet Dark Legacy c Midway USA/64Mbit 11/22/o2
123 Phantasy Star Collection c THQ / Sega USA/64Mbit 11/22/o2
124 Disneys Kim Possible c Buena Vista USA/64Mbit 11/23/o2
125 Kirby: Nightmare In Drmland c Nintendo USA/64Mbit 11/26/o2
126 Zelda: A Link To The Past c Nintendo USA/64Mbit 11/26/o2
127 Medal of Honor Underground c EA Games USA/64Mbit 11/29/o2
128 Woody Woodpecker Crazy Castle 5 c Kemco EUR/32Mbit 12/11/o2
129 Lunar Legend c Ubisoft / Game Arts USA/64Mbit 12/13/o2
13o International Superstar Soccer Adv /Konami EUR/64Mbit o1/21/o3
131 Daredevil c Encore USA/32Mbit o2/o6/o3
132 GT Advanced 3 Pro Concept Racing c THQ USA/64Mbit o2/o6/o3
133 TOCA World Touring Cars c Codemasters EUR/64Mbit o3/o5/o3
134 Samurai Jack The Amulet of Time c BAM USA/64Mbit o3/21/o3
--- Lufia The Ruins Of Lore c Atlus -BAD-DUMP- o5/o6/o3
135 Finding Nemo c Disney Interactive / THQ USA/64Mbit o5/11/o3
136 Advance Wars 2 c Nintendo USA/64Mbit o6/13/o3
137 Space Channel 5: Ulalas C. Attack c THQ USA/64Mbit o6/19/o3
138 Megaman Network Battle 3 White c Capcom USA/64Mbit o6/25/o3
139 Jet Grind Radio c THQ / Sega USA/64Mbit o6/26/o3
14o Buffy The Vampire Slayer c THQ USA/32Mbit o6/27/o3
141 Shrek Reekin Havoc c TDK USA/64Mbit o8/o6/o3
142 Madden NFL 2oo4 c EA Games USA/32Mbit o8/12/o3
143 Monster Truck Madness c THQ / Microsoft USA/32Mbit o8/12/o3
144 Pokemon Pinball: Ruby Sapphire c Big N USA/64Mbit o8/22/o3
145 Mortal Kombat: Tournament Ed. c Midway USA/128Mbit o8/28/o3
146 Rescue Heros Billy Blazes c Vivendi USA/32Mbit o8/29/o3
147 Freekstyle c Destination USA/64Mbit o9/o6/o3
148 Rocket Power: Zero Gravity Zone c THQ USA/64Mbit o9/o6/o3
149 Power Rangers Ninja Storm c THQ USA/32Mbit o9/o6/o3
15o Blackthorne c Blizzard USA/32Mbit o9/19/o3
151 Froggers Journey: The Forgotten Relic USA/64Mbit 1o/3o/o3
152 Onimusha Tactics c Capcom USA/64Mbit 11/12/o3
153 Double Dragon Advance c Atlus USA/32Mbit 11/13/o3
154 Sword of Mana c Square Enix USA/128Mbit 11/13/o3
155 Harvest Moon Fr. of Min. Town c Natsume USA/64Mbit 11/13/o3
156 Looney Tunes Back in Action c EA USA/64Mbit 11/15/o3
157 CIMA The Enemy c Natsume USA/64Mbit 11/19/o3
158 Star Wars Flight of the Falcon c THQ USA/64Mbit 11/19/o3
159 Mucha Lucha Mascaritas of the Lost Code USA/32Mbit 11/21/o3
16o Dr. Seuss Green Eggs and Ham c NewKidCo USA/64Mbit 11/21/o3
161 American Idol c CodeMasters USA/128Mbit 11/21/o3
162 Hot Wheels: World Race c THQ USA/64Mbit 11/23/o3
163 Yu Yu Hakusho: Spirit Detective c Atari USA/64Mbit 12/o3/o3
--- The Sims Bustin Out c EA Games -BAD-DUMP- 12/o4/o3
164 The Sims Bustin Out c EA Games USA/128Mbit 12/o4/o3
165 Peter Pan The Movies c Atari USA/32Mbit 12/1o/o3
166 King of Fighters EX2 Howling Blood USA/64Mbit 12/14/o3
167 Max Payne c Remedy USA/128Mbit 12/17/o3
168 Need for Speed Underground c EA Games USA/64Mbit 12/2o/o3
169 Disneys Home on the Range c Disney Int. USA/64Mbit o4/o5/o3
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No. Trainer / Fix Title Orig/Type Mm/Dd/Yy
oo1 International Karate Advance +4 Trainer EUR / IPS 12/o5/o1
oo2 Speedball 2 +4 Trainer EUR / IPS o9/15/o2
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oo3 Yoshis Island : SMA3 +7 Trainer USA / IPS o9/17/o2
oo4 Megaman Zero +14 Trainer USA / IPS o9/18/o2
oo5 Smugglers Run +4 Trainer USA / IPS o9/2o/o2
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oo6 Castlevania: HOD +12 Trainer USA / IPS o9/28/o2
Old School Legacy / 16bit glory days
Aggression . Anthrox . Dual Crew Shining . Illusion . Sneakers . Swat
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The New Generation
Menace . Venom . Eurasia . Lightforce . Rising Sun
Mode Seven . Are you happy to see us or... P
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