this image contains text
,b. .y. P P ,P* ? ,. .,d lP : *? .,,. *P* ? / , ,y, .,y@@,. P /bdP**?/. . . ,. ?P ?/y: ,d ? bdP . ?l ? *?P* ? ?/ l/ ?P ? b, ,., ,db. ,b d.? . P ,dbdbydb. P ,d?b@ P / ?PP ? P b. *?P* *P/y, P .,d/,. ,db, ?b. ?.,d?/, .d, ?b. .d. ?byy b,..,. ?b, .dP ,dP**? .d/. ?* ,/y. *?P / /. , *?P* **,b. ,?P /y ?b..,d s t a t e o f n e r v o u s n e s s *?P mp.
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hmm... lets see... dah dah dah, who is this for? oh yes. revolve. revolution?
i forget the way you spell your handle. at any rate, this is for you, dougie.
state of nervousness. i thought about using colors that would make a person
feel nervous just looking at it, but then I thought that would be wack. theyll
feel nervous anyway. for your reading pleasure mostly scotts, here is a
before I had these good eyes, I had eyes that werent so good.
I have good eyes.
give me a tickle, man!
not laughing? dont worry.
peace to all those involved.
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hmm... lets see... dah dah dah, who is this for? oh yes. revolve. revolution?
i forget the way you spell your handle. at any rate, this is for you, dougie.
state of nervousness. i thought about using colors that would make a person
feel nervous just looking at it, but then I thought that would be wack. theyll
feel nervous anyway. for your reading pleasure mostly scotts, here is a
before I had these good eyes, I had eyes that werent so good.
I have good eyes.
give me a tickle, man!
not laughing? dont worry.
peace to all those involved.
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