this image contains text
welcome to my ansi.
i would like to thank the academy, jesus, my kid
s, kermit
the frog, warpus, buddah, elvis, maxwell smart a
nd satan.
let it be known i am now associated with lazarus
. i am
not, however, nor have i ever been a member of t
he communist
party, and i have never been involved in any sub
versive or
anti-indonesian activity. i would like to take
opportunity to endorse welches grape juice, as i
t makes
my cheeks feel funny. remember, kids, its all
fun and
games until somebody gets eaten.
your humble servant,
lukas butterfly-13 neville.
postscript: paul was the one that had the idea f
or this.
i just drew the ansi. phe - ahem, beware of
post-postscript: hi to the sarnians. come to l
ondon or
face a beatdown. YOUVE GOT *CANCER*
i would like to thank the academy, jesus, my kid
s, kermit
the frog, warpus, buddah, elvis, maxwell smart a
nd satan.
let it be known i am now associated with lazarus
. i am
not, however, nor have i ever been a member of t
he communist
party, and i have never been involved in any sub
versive or
anti-indonesian activity. i would like to take
opportunity to endorse welches grape juice, as i
t makes
my cheeks feel funny. remember, kids, its all
fun and
games until somebody gets eaten.
your humble servant,
lukas butterfly-13 neville.
postscript: paul was the one that had the idea f
or this.
i just drew the ansi. phe - ahem, beware of
post-postscript: hi to the sarnians. come to l
ondon or
face a beatdown. YOUVE GOT *CANCER*
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