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illogiclaz a tribute to p301
project 301
100 original.
Well, this is my first pic. Project 301 was the first group i ever released
an ansi in so i think i owe them something. Too bad theyre dead now.
I think ill stick to fonts, pics take too much time.
Greets in no perticular order, i love you all.
warpus, hennifer, grindking, erratic, wator, samurai, drynwhyl, orphic,
melfarr, outraider, pX, reanimator, tomppa1, ize, rex, jason, absence,
abnormalx, nosegos, the p301, the echo and the laz.
project 301
100 original.
Well, this is my first pic. Project 301 was the first group i ever released
an ansi in so i think i owe them something. Too bad theyre dead now.
I think ill stick to fonts, pics take too much time.
Greets in no perticular order, i love you all.
warpus, hennifer, grindking, erratic, wator, samurai, drynwhyl, orphic,
melfarr, outraider, pX, reanimator, tomppa1, ize, rex, jason, absence,
abnormalx, nosegos, the p301, the echo and the laz.
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