this image contains text
This full menu set was created for Legacy/X BBS Software developed by
Ozz Nixon by Smooth Legacy.
// Legacy/X Main Menu Templates ------------------------------------------
user: Lawrence Manuel Smooth from Covina, CA @ lvl 10
// 09-Feb-2020 . 18:02:15.21 // left: 27 m // used: 3 m
A bout Legacy/X C omment to Sysop ? Help Section
M essage Area O perator Chat
F ile Area R e-Login to BBS ---- -
D oor Section X pert Toggle : total calls: 80
U serlist Search ! Redisplay Menu : calls today: 3
P rofile G oodbye/Disconnect --- -- -
256 Color Chart IRC Inter Relay Chat CODES PCB @Codes .
c2017-2020 by Modern Pascal Solutions, LLC. :: Ozz Nixon
user: Lawrence Manuel Smooth from Covina, CA @ lvl 10
// 09-Feb-2020 . 18:02:15.21 // left: 27 m // used: 3 m
conf: ArakNet J oin Conference ? Help Section
area: Legacy/X Support SE lect Echo Area
A ll Msgs to All E cho List : total msgs: 25
C urrent User Posts N ew Message : msgs here: 10
Y our Mail R ead Messages posted: 5
L ist Msg Headers D elete your Message last read: 3 .
Q uit to Main Menu :
c2017-2020 by Modern Pascal Solutions, LLC. :: Ozz Nixon
user: Lawrence Manuel Smooth from Covina, CA @ lvl 10
// 09-Feb-2020 . 18:02:15.21 // left: 27 m // used: 3 m
? Help Section
: total calls: 80
: calls today: 3
c2017-2020 by Modern Pascal Solutions, LLC. :: Ozz Nixon
// Legacy/X BBS News Header ----------------------------------------------
This system is running Modern Pascal CodeRunner
ASPELL, SSL/TLS, 1200130
This software has been developed by G.E. Ozz Nixon Jr. aka SqZ, and even
though it is being released as FOSS Free Open Source Software it is still
the property of Modern Pascal Solutions, LLC. of Pennsylvania USA. We are
granting everyone the right to make modifications to the source code.
These modifications should be contributed byack to the original author to
optionally be released to other Legacy/X System Operators SysOps. We
also grant you the right to release your modified version of Legacy/X as
your own product, as long as your copyright is displayed and credit is
given to the original author.
Dec.5.2019 --
Most of the past 30 days we focused on redesigning the setup program and
the BBS, allowing the setup program to be more of a tweak to operations of
the BBS. If someone truly wants to modify how a screen looks, or change how a
prompt is worded, they can modify the files in the MODULES folder.
Nov.22.2019 --
We have incorporated the use of ASPELL as a supported plug-in for our
CodeRunner engine. This gives the BBS spell checking capabities. If you do
not need or want to offer spell checking...
// Legacy/X IRC Section -------------------------------------------------
This is an evolving Open Source IRC Client for Legacy/X BBS.
Features: auto-nick, auto-pong, auto-connect, more to come.
Press CTRL-C to terminate IRC Session
You are connected as : Smooth
// Legacy/X BBS Last Callers ---------------------------------------------
: LEGACY/X BBS / Last Callers :
. Smooth ............... Dropped
Massacre ............. 2min
: SqZ .................. Dropped
SqZ .................. Dropped :
Hawk ................. Dropped
: Massacre ............. 1min
SqZ .................. Dropped
Massacre ............. 0min
SqZ .................. Dropped
Hawk ................. 2750min
Hawk ................. 5min
SqZ .................. Dropped
. DavidT ............... 2min
5m : Smooth ............... Dropped
// Legacy/X BBS Message Reader -------------------------------------------
Message 11 of 37 Reply to NONE 2 Views
Posted on 03-Jan-2020 18:43 Received 03-Jan-2020 18:43
From: jack phlash To: Smooth
Subj: Fresh Snow
MSGID: 10:102/7 e41e19ab
REPLY MSGID: 10:101/1 6628b757
TID: Mystic BBS 1.12 A43
on 02 Jan 2020, Smooth said...
Sm I dont mind going to the mountains to see snow, but not sure Id be cool
Sm with living in an area where it snowed throughout the neighborhood. The
Sm thought of waking up early to shovel snow or to throw salt on the driveway
Sm just doesnt appeal to me. :D
Yeah, my girlfriend has been hoping we get snow here again soon, but honestly,
if we really wanted to see it that bad its always available in the
mountains this time of year just a short drive away. :
j A C K p H L A S H !
// Legacy/X BBS Conference Selector --------------------------------------
--------------- s e l e c t a c o n f e r e n c e --------------
Name/Description Echo Flags
0 Main Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Fidonet Worldwide Messaging . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 FSXNet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Araknet Underground Scene . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Fido Technical Standards Committee . . . . . . . . .
Echo Mail - Private Mail - Has Rules - Allows Alias -
Select Conference Enter no change :
// Legacy/X BBS About ----------------------------------------------------
Legacy BBSes Programming Language: Modern Pascal
------------------------------------ Interpreter Engine: 2.0.0
legacyx-bbs.com:23 WHQ
toxic.oldskoolbbs.com:1337 EHQ Operating System: Windows 10
siliconu.com:24 NY USA Processor Type: Intel I5
node9.net:2323 GA USA Optional RTL Plugins: SSL/TLS ASPELL
blackflag.acid.org:2628 FL USA
------------------------------------ Available Diskspace: 8TB
System Time Zone: EST
// Legacy/X User List ----------------------------------------------------
---- - . u s e r l i s t i n g . - -- ---
: User Name : Location : Last On :
OZZ NIXON ............... Florida USA ................. 11-Feb-20 21:17
NIGHT RIDER ............. S: Danger Bay ............... 01-Jan-70 00:00
GEORGE NIXON ............ Richmond VA ................. 22-Apr-19 10:37
RUBEN FIGUEROA .......... Mesquite, Tx ................ 20-Dec-19 11:03
PHIL CARSON ............. Worcester, MA ............... 21-Apr-19 12:19
Total: 5 users
// Legacy/X Door Menu Header ---------------------------------------------
// Legacy/X BBS Bridge Header --------------------------------------------
Ozz Nixon by Smooth Legacy.
// Legacy/X Main Menu Templates ------------------------------------------
user: Lawrence Manuel Smooth from Covina, CA @ lvl 10
// 09-Feb-2020 . 18:02:15.21 // left: 27 m // used: 3 m
A bout Legacy/X C omment to Sysop ? Help Section
M essage Area O perator Chat
F ile Area R e-Login to BBS ---- -
D oor Section X pert Toggle : total calls: 80
U serlist Search ! Redisplay Menu : calls today: 3
P rofile G oodbye/Disconnect --- -- -
256 Color Chart IRC Inter Relay Chat CODES PCB @Codes .
c2017-2020 by Modern Pascal Solutions, LLC. :: Ozz Nixon
user: Lawrence Manuel Smooth from Covina, CA @ lvl 10
// 09-Feb-2020 . 18:02:15.21 // left: 27 m // used: 3 m
conf: ArakNet J oin Conference ? Help Section
area: Legacy/X Support SE lect Echo Area
A ll Msgs to All E cho List : total msgs: 25
C urrent User Posts N ew Message : msgs here: 10
Y our Mail R ead Messages posted: 5
L ist Msg Headers D elete your Message last read: 3 .
Q uit to Main Menu :
c2017-2020 by Modern Pascal Solutions, LLC. :: Ozz Nixon
user: Lawrence Manuel Smooth from Covina, CA @ lvl 10
// 09-Feb-2020 . 18:02:15.21 // left: 27 m // used: 3 m
? Help Section
: total calls: 80
: calls today: 3
c2017-2020 by Modern Pascal Solutions, LLC. :: Ozz Nixon
// Legacy/X BBS News Header ----------------------------------------------
This system is running Modern Pascal CodeRunner
ASPELL, SSL/TLS, 1200130
This software has been developed by G.E. Ozz Nixon Jr. aka SqZ, and even
though it is being released as FOSS Free Open Source Software it is still
the property of Modern Pascal Solutions, LLC. of Pennsylvania USA. We are
granting everyone the right to make modifications to the source code.
These modifications should be contributed byack to the original author to
optionally be released to other Legacy/X System Operators SysOps. We
also grant you the right to release your modified version of Legacy/X as
your own product, as long as your copyright is displayed and credit is
given to the original author.
Dec.5.2019 --
Most of the past 30 days we focused on redesigning the setup program and
the BBS, allowing the setup program to be more of a tweak to operations of
the BBS. If someone truly wants to modify how a screen looks, or change how a
prompt is worded, they can modify the files in the MODULES folder.
Nov.22.2019 --
We have incorporated the use of ASPELL as a supported plug-in for our
CodeRunner engine. This gives the BBS spell checking capabities. If you do
not need or want to offer spell checking...
// Legacy/X IRC Section -------------------------------------------------
This is an evolving Open Source IRC Client for Legacy/X BBS.
Features: auto-nick, auto-pong, auto-connect, more to come.
Press CTRL-C to terminate IRC Session
You are connected as : Smooth
// Legacy/X BBS Last Callers ---------------------------------------------
: LEGACY/X BBS / Last Callers :
. Smooth ............... Dropped
Massacre ............. 2min
: SqZ .................. Dropped
SqZ .................. Dropped :
Hawk ................. Dropped
: Massacre ............. 1min
SqZ .................. Dropped
Massacre ............. 0min
SqZ .................. Dropped
Hawk ................. 2750min
Hawk ................. 5min
SqZ .................. Dropped
. DavidT ............... 2min
5m : Smooth ............... Dropped
// Legacy/X BBS Message Reader -------------------------------------------
Message 11 of 37 Reply to NONE 2 Views
Posted on 03-Jan-2020 18:43 Received 03-Jan-2020 18:43
From: jack phlash To: Smooth
Subj: Fresh Snow
MSGID: 10:102/7 e41e19ab
REPLY MSGID: 10:101/1 6628b757
TID: Mystic BBS 1.12 A43
on 02 Jan 2020, Smooth said...
Sm I dont mind going to the mountains to see snow, but not sure Id be cool
Sm with living in an area where it snowed throughout the neighborhood. The
Sm thought of waking up early to shovel snow or to throw salt on the driveway
Sm just doesnt appeal to me. :D
Yeah, my girlfriend has been hoping we get snow here again soon, but honestly,
if we really wanted to see it that bad its always available in the
mountains this time of year just a short drive away. :
j A C K p H L A S H !
// Legacy/X BBS Conference Selector --------------------------------------
--------------- s e l e c t a c o n f e r e n c e --------------
Name/Description Echo Flags
0 Main Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Fidonet Worldwide Messaging . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 FSXNet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Araknet Underground Scene . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Fido Technical Standards Committee . . . . . . . . .
Echo Mail - Private Mail - Has Rules - Allows Alias -
Select Conference Enter no change :
// Legacy/X BBS About ----------------------------------------------------
Legacy BBSes Programming Language: Modern Pascal
------------------------------------ Interpreter Engine: 2.0.0
legacyx-bbs.com:23 WHQ
toxic.oldskoolbbs.com:1337 EHQ Operating System: Windows 10
siliconu.com:24 NY USA Processor Type: Intel I5
node9.net:2323 GA USA Optional RTL Plugins: SSL/TLS ASPELL
blackflag.acid.org:2628 FL USA
------------------------------------ Available Diskspace: 8TB
System Time Zone: EST
// Legacy/X User List ----------------------------------------------------
---- - . u s e r l i s t i n g . - -- ---
: User Name : Location : Last On :
OZZ NIXON ............... Florida USA ................. 11-Feb-20 21:17
NIGHT RIDER ............. S: Danger Bay ............... 01-Jan-70 00:00
GEORGE NIXON ............ Richmond VA ................. 22-Apr-19 10:37
RUBEN FIGUEROA .......... Mesquite, Tx ................ 20-Dec-19 11:03
PHIL CARSON ............. Worcester, MA ............... 21-Apr-19 12:19
Total: 5 users
// Legacy/X Door Menu Header ---------------------------------------------
// Legacy/X BBS Bridge Header --------------------------------------------
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