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1 9 9 infofile 8
coming to you courtesy of Mr. Flibbles and the amazing Swedish Chef
text converter. no offense to scandanavians 8
Heppyffeesh I get pseoodu-dreedlucks iff I dunt vesh my heur fur tvu deys.
It cloomps tugezeer vhee I velk fest und luuks leeke-a I hefe-a tentecles.
DrecuMege-a ivvv....
Bork Bork Bork!
DrecuMege-a thets gruss
zeext brooook - cuul. joost stup vesheeng yuoor heur und yuoo shuoold be-a
set. Bork Bork Bork!
fleebbles im gueeng tu shefe-a ooff my moohevk tummuroo
fleebbles its tuu mooch ooff a peeen
zeext fleeb - ooh vell.
Bork Bork Bork!
DrecuMege-a heheh
fleebbles hefeeng tu veke-a up 15 meenootes ierleeer iech murneeng tu
style-a it soocks
zeext fleeb - deed yuoo teke-a peectoores ooff it?
zeext 15 meenootes? it isnt thet bed
fleebbles text : um, im soore-a i hefe-a peectoores ooff it
Heppyffeesh Thet is nut gruss. Peuple-a vhu dunt vesh zeeur heur
mure-a thun oonce-a a munt oofftee hefe-a CLEENER heur, becoose-a useeng
shempuu cunseestently mekes yuoor heur prudooce-a mure-a ooeel.
Heppyffeesh Thet beeeng seeed, I steell du vesh my heur ifery murneeng.
DrecuMege-a hehehe-a
MISTIGRIS 1998 - ve-a hEFE 37173 HEIR!
chu vezzoop mooh gee-a mesters. Es yoo mey hefe-a nuteeced, cthooloo soocks
et vreeting inffuffeeles, su ve-a coot ooffff 3 ooff hees 8 legs und gut me-a
tu vreete-a it. zeereffure-a it veell be-a moochz0r better.
Bork Bork Bork!
Thets me-a, yuoor meeen jooeesh hunnookeh foocker fleebbles thets g33kb00bz
tu yuoo gurlys oooot zeere-a
* zeext hes duoobts
vell zeen, ill shoo yOOo mr frenchy! hmmpff! thees veell be-a zee
inffuffeele-a thet gets ell zee cheecks! Boot ledeees, id lufe-a tu stey und
chet, boot i gutta sey zee noos. Bork Bork Bork!
meesteegrs stooffff
meest hes luts ooff buts. tuu muny tu be-a ixect.
Bork Bork Bork!
sume-a meestigris members ere-a hefeeng truooble-a veet prudoocteefity
DrecuMege-a zeext - vell, dreveeng peex ooff neked cheecks is cuul
iccentreeca - - pheer its unffeenishedness boot
its foorzeer elung tha n oooor vebpege-a. Bork Bork Bork!
heppyffeesh qooeet. ituna qooeet. guudbye-a creckvh0rez cun i sey thet oon
Bork Bork Bork!
ve-a guts sume-a noo memberzzes tu.
Bork Bork Bork!
und tp fur my boonghule-a
und noo, veet a helpffool teep fur ell yuoor bee-cooreeuoos ert sceners,
heres zee ixtermeest!
intrudoocshun tu gey Boouncie Boouncie!:
1 Poot a feenger in yuoor muoot su its loobreeceted
2 Zeen steeck it up yuoor ess.
Bork Bork Bork!
3 Dunt poot it beck in yuoor muoot. Yuoor ess is feelled veet bectereea.
Bork Bork Bork!
huoors ooff foon.
Bork Bork Bork!
Thunk yuoo fur zee inffurmeshun. Next munt, vell hefe-a Seelfer Ungel veet
un intrudoocshun tu sm.
Bork Bork Bork!
und fulks , thets foockeeng ell, remember, unteel next teeme-a, unerchy durt
beeking is guud, und su is roonneeng eruoond helff-neked et neeght.
Bork Bork Bork!
meestigris - 9 oooot ooff 10 foonkmester preffer!
1 9 9 infofile 8
coming to you courtesy of Mr. Flibbles and the amazing Swedish Chef
text converter. no offense to scandanavians 8
Heppyffeesh I get pseoodu-dreedlucks iff I dunt vesh my heur fur tvu deys.
It cloomps tugezeer vhee I velk fest und luuks leeke-a I hefe-a tentecles.
DrecuMege-a ivvv....
Bork Bork Bork!
DrecuMege-a thets gruss
zeext brooook - cuul. joost stup vesheeng yuoor heur und yuoo shuoold be-a
set. Bork Bork Bork!
fleebbles im gueeng tu shefe-a ooff my moohevk tummuroo
fleebbles its tuu mooch ooff a peeen
zeext fleeb - ooh vell.
Bork Bork Bork!
DrecuMege-a heheh
fleebbles hefeeng tu veke-a up 15 meenootes ierleeer iech murneeng tu
style-a it soocks
zeext fleeb - deed yuoo teke-a peectoores ooff it?
zeext 15 meenootes? it isnt thet bed
fleebbles text : um, im soore-a i hefe-a peectoores ooff it
Heppyffeesh Thet is nut gruss. Peuple-a vhu dunt vesh zeeur heur
mure-a thun oonce-a a munt oofftee hefe-a CLEENER heur, becoose-a useeng
shempuu cunseestently mekes yuoor heur prudooce-a mure-a ooeel.
Heppyffeesh Thet beeeng seeed, I steell du vesh my heur ifery murneeng.
DrecuMege-a hehehe-a
MISTIGRIS 1998 - ve-a hEFE 37173 HEIR!
chu vezzoop mooh gee-a mesters. Es yoo mey hefe-a nuteeced, cthooloo soocks
et vreeting inffuffeeles, su ve-a coot ooffff 3 ooff hees 8 legs und gut me-a
tu vreete-a it. zeereffure-a it veell be-a moochz0r better.
Bork Bork Bork!
Thets me-a, yuoor meeen jooeesh hunnookeh foocker fleebbles thets g33kb00bz
tu yuoo gurlys oooot zeere-a
* zeext hes duoobts
vell zeen, ill shoo yOOo mr frenchy! hmmpff! thees veell be-a zee
inffuffeele-a thet gets ell zee cheecks! Boot ledeees, id lufe-a tu stey und
chet, boot i gutta sey zee noos. Bork Bork Bork!
meesteegrs stooffff
meest hes luts ooff buts. tuu muny tu be-a ixect.
Bork Bork Bork!
sume-a meestigris members ere-a hefeeng truooble-a veet prudoocteefity
DrecuMege-a zeext - vell, dreveeng peex ooff neked cheecks is cuul
iccentreeca - - pheer its unffeenishedness boot
its foorzeer elung tha n oooor vebpege-a. Bork Bork Bork!
heppyffeesh qooeet. ituna qooeet. guudbye-a creckvh0rez cun i sey thet oon
Bork Bork Bork!
ve-a guts sume-a noo memberzzes tu.
Bork Bork Bork!
und tp fur my boonghule-a
und noo, veet a helpffool teep fur ell yuoor bee-cooreeuoos ert sceners,
heres zee ixtermeest!
intrudoocshun tu gey Boouncie Boouncie!:
1 Poot a feenger in yuoor muoot su its loobreeceted
2 Zeen steeck it up yuoor ess.
Bork Bork Bork!
3 Dunt poot it beck in yuoor muoot. Yuoor ess is feelled veet bectereea.
Bork Bork Bork!
huoors ooff foon.
Bork Bork Bork!
Thunk yuoo fur zee inffurmeshun. Next munt, vell hefe-a Seelfer Ungel veet
un intrudoocshun tu sm.
Bork Bork Bork!
und fulks , thets foockeeng ell, remember, unteel next teeme-a, unerchy durt
beeking is guud, und su is roonneeng eruoond helff-neked et neeght.
Bork Bork Bork!
meestigris - 9 oooot ooff 10 foonkmester preffer!
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