this image contains text
Malicious Art Denomination - October 1995 Unofficial Newsletter
This pack is dedicated to Reflexion and all the other people that contributed in this slow month. I would like to begin with a little something diffrent this month maybe it will help people understand what exactly is going on with this artgroup. Its October now, the best time to be anywhere in my opinion, transition months rock.. Everyone was doing their own special thing, Makeing money, Going to school, Being Lazy, going to parties
or Calling up RadioX as me and acting like a total fart head. Anyways, what it
boils down to is that we didnt get much done this month. But the pack was
still ok. Our Magic artist this month was Reflexion. Realy nice artwork.
Ill have some more of my art in the next pack. But i wasnt able to do much
for this one. Im looking for some new artists, so if you know anyone or keep intouch with someone that seems interested and has potential then you may want to
refer them here. Most of the local people have desided just to not do much thismonth. I give a greet out to ash and lord regulator for their contributions, aswell as deathrai and others. Something needs to happen, to wake everyone up
its not as fun anymore. I have an idea, sounds like it will work, but i cant
tell you. so NEYNH.
Whats new this month? Not much, atleast from where im standing, Im
working mon, tue, wed, sleep thursday, party friday and saturday, sleep sunday
and work mon, tue, wed again.. I get paid for it tho.. Ill have some of my
phat shit ansis in the next pack tho. IRC mad is pretty much in its dry
season again. How about everyone stop bye on it at 8:30ish pm central time?
That way we can figure out what the hell to do next... or what.
Group greet goes out to another 713 local group SKANK.
Anyways, no big greets this month. and to get spirits up I leave you
with PAGAN TACO take care.
Last second greets: Reptile-X, Deathrai, Dreamweaver, Timelord
by Dedric
The moon was full and the streets were glowing with power on this
appointed day. Clad in ritual garb, I silently walked towards my place
of worship.
Soon it towered before me: Taco Bell. The mirror of my heart and the
captain of my soul. I closed my eyes to ground and center. As I felt
my inner power grow, I intoned the ancient chant: 59-79-99, 59-79-99.
I watched almost from a distance as my hand reached out and opened the
door to this holy temple of human desire. I entered the ritual space
deliberately, but reverently. As the door closed behind me and the
sounds of the street faded to a negligible chatter, I could begin to
hear the spirits of this domain in their eternal song. Their song took
the melody from the chorus of that famous pagan song by Peter Murphy:
Taco, Burritos, Mexi-Nuggets, Nachos, Soft Drink, Tostada.
As I took my place at the rear of the line of novices, I could see and
hear ahead of me the graceful movements and words of the purple-clad
priests and priestesses. One of the elders was imparting magickal
wisdom to a young initiate: Turn that stove down - the tortillas are
getting charred! Ah, I thought, they have not forgotten the burning
Yesterday, upon the advice of a wise urban shaman I met late at night
in Pioneer Square, I had stuffed a taco in my pants. I could still
feel its pressure against my second chakra, filling my body with its
warm, yet chile energy.
Soon I reached the front of the line of novices. A sacred temple
priestess stood before me, clad in a hat bearing the logo of her
order. My Will is four light bean burritos, hold the cheese, with a
small soft drink. So mote it be. The power present in the room
twisted her face into what in mundane life would be interpreted as
confusion. I made the ritual offering of metal discs, gifts of the
earth, as she made the traditional magickal response: Would you like
that for here or to go?
At last, I was ready to take my place at an altar. My four burritos,
wrapped in their silver metallic wrappers, lay before me. Shining
ones, I murmured. I was profoundly moved, almost swooning as I
reverently took one out of its wrapper. May you never hunger, I said
as I emptied a ritual sauce packet on it.
Now it was time to invoke an element. I call air, I said as I farted
noisily. The novice behind me made a gagging sound and moved away. Oh
well, I told him, go if you must, stay if you will. Next, thinking
on the Great Rite, I inserted my straw into my soft drink.
The room was swirling with energy. I felt my stomach turn in sympathy.
I hoped I wouldnt have to go to the toilet to practice the law of
threefold return. Quickly, I reestablished my grounding.
But the energy was at its peak, and I could hold my voice back no
longer. Leaping on my chosen altar and holding my atham-burrito high,
I cried, Trifold taco! Be with us now as we honor you with cup and
bean! It was a transcendent moment. The quizzical looks on the faces
of the novices before me only deepened the sense of profound mystery
that I knew we must all be feeling.
But by the appearance of the two large uniformed gentlemen in front of
me, I knew that my role in this ritual had come to a close. I felt as
they dragged me out the door that my feet were not even touching the
ground. With my soul in the clouds and my feet on the earth, I turned
to the outer doors of the temple and bowed my head. Merry eat, and
merry fart, and merry eat again.
Blessed bean!
- Sub-ZeroXMAD Flounder -
Well, after smacking Reptile-Boy and Tss for not understanding why I
dont like RUSH, I decided to kick Eric off his computer and write some shit forthis months info file... I mean, come on... Its not like I actually had time
to do any ansi... I got a job, nigga... *COUGHNETROPOLISCOUGH* Anyway, Ive
now learned that stupid people shouldnt breath, let alone SURF THE INFO-
MERCIAL SUPERHIGHWAY! Its kinda sad actually... If I hear Well, my modem
works fine with Compuservetmpctheylicksack one more time, Ill probablytake off all my clothes and run around yelling I AM A LITTLE TEAPOT, MOTHAFUKA!YOU WANNA MAKE SOMETHING OF IT?!?!?!?! But enough about last christmas...
Its been a slow month... I just noticed that I always leave ... at
the end of sentences... See, I did it again... WTF is wrong with me?!?!?! I
must be a phreak or something... Oh well... I rewl anyway... Back to the slow
month... MADs been getting together lately... Yeah, I know... Youre trying
to figure out how we get so many cool people in one room, but it is possible...Heres how we do it...
Mix equal parts:
Radial Sin
Mr.Man with 40oz. Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull, Red Bull, Mickeys Ice Ale, or the
malt liquor of your choice, titties lots and lots of titties... titties rewl!,a couple of loozers on I-phone We did crazee tings to dat damn donkey...,
and a trip to Bennigans, set on frappe, and dont forget to leave the cap off
the blender... What you get is one pissed off waitress, Cyberthing toasted on
your floor, and alot of empty 40s... not necessarily in that order...
Get all that together, and youre just asking for a trouzer full of fun...
No... really... Just dont ask about the giant white gorilla... They say they
have pictures, but I dont believe them... and even if they did, Id kick their
asses and make them take it back... Might makes right... SMight makes right...
Yeah... SMight makes right, and dont you forget it... And Byron too...
Anyway, Im not funny anymore, so Im gonna quit now... You can only make go so
long before you need to quit... Oh my god... I think I just pooped my pants...Michael Bolton was in a glam metal band... I just saw Michael Bolton, and my
bowels let loose... Oh god have mercy on our souls...
I think Michael Bolton could mess up any kind of music...
Yeah... Hell be doing gangsta rap next... Droppin platez on yo azz, beatch!Beavis and Butthead
Hi. Nice shoes. Wanna fuck? Well, with the formalities out of the
way we can move on to the grissle of the steak, me! Now you may be saying to
yourself, Hey! Why is Tss writing a part of the newsletter! He is only a
lousy psychic friend! and you are correct for saying it. But you know what?
I dont care, I have lizard head tied up in his closet o fun, a can of mountaindew at my disposal, and nothing but time with which i intend to royally screw
the newsletter up! JOY!
Well, this month has yielded a relatively small amount of ansi. There
is a really good reason for that. See, strahds mom found the pictures he took of uncle vato and haze doing it so they all got in big trouble. Then as if thatwere not enough, Mr Man and Myself, along with some other mad members discoveredthat smight, in addition to having his own place, could buy hard lichor. Now I ask you, how in the name of god can anyone be expected to get work done when
there is hard lichor available?
Now, after I have said this was a slow month ansi wise, I feel the
mention a few good things accomplished by some mad members. First off, my man
timelord finished myst 3, the final .s3m of the trilogy and it turned out reallywell. But then again, for a .s3m to be 700+ k it BETTER be nice man.
Secondly, multiple mad members have either added features or begun their own
irc scripts. Now this would not be a big deal, but they involve me and since
anything involving me automatically makes all modem peoples asses wiggle I
thought I would mention it. Anyways, Bozack has begun his own irc script
after giving up on ansi after someone messed with his ansi last month
coughphilipinomannogoodcough and has added a tss kick feature. Now that you know that Ill wait while you run buy 100 disks to make 1000 copies of this
31337 once in a lifetime script. Then, mf, the writer of woop! official mad
script has also added a /tss kick feature. W0W. Makes me almost feel as
elite as say, gman. but he is kickass so much so that none of us can reach his
level of eleeness so i shall just sit in my corner and cry now.
Allright, done crying now. Man, I almost getting as long as some of
subzeroxs pointless posts. I am more pointless, but not as long winded, there-fore losing out by .78 tenths of a point after carrying the 4 in the official
SZx kicks your lameass grading card. Well, I have to go let mr man and lizard
boy outta the closet since I need more mountain dew and cant find any. Buh-bye
Alright, check it, TileX is here. I figured since I was putting the pack
together this month, Id put my bit in the newsletter. Yes, its pretty
much my fault the pack took so long, but in order to get me to do something
you have to constantly harass me about it, then Ill eventually sit down
and get it done. just ask timelord, he knows what Im talking about So,
sorry about the lateness of the pack, but shit happens sometimes.
Well, this pack isnt half bad, but real small. MAD has been kinda falling
apart lately. Seems ever since Red-G quit calling out often, things have
gotten kinda dead with MAD. but I cant blame him, not too many boards
are worth calling msg-wise around here anymore Like I was saying, its
a small pack, but the stuff we got was pretty good. I personally think
Ash had a big improvement over last month. I really dig his 2 ansis he
has in this pack. Double thumbs up. Reflexion had a good amount of work,
all pretty good. I finally put Crimsons ansi in the pack, which he has
been wanting me to put in there for a while. Its a joint with Sub-ZeroX.
Crimson did the shaping, and SZX just did the shading. I think its pretty
sweet looking. Nice work holmez. MAD is of course always looking for a
few good members. But just keep in mind, if youre looking for a super-
organized ansi group thats more like a business than a group to chill out
with and throw stuff in the pack if you feel like it, then go away. Youre
a wiener-head ansi elitist and we dont like you. So go watch some Full
House or something. *shudder in fear*
As you can see from the above, Mr.Man and Tss crashed at my place a few
nights ago. It was alright, but would have been better if that bitch at
Barneys Billiards would have let us in. You have to be 21 to play pool
here. *Mr.Man stomps off toward car shouting profanity* I HAVE TO BE 21
TO SHOOT FUCKING POOL?! 20 ISNT GOOD ENOUGH? FUCK THEM THEN! So we just jetted back to my house, chilled for a while, then went to sleep. The next
morning, we had a pretty hype game of netdoom going on. I had to sit out
the first game as only 2 computers were working, so I watched Mr.Man play.
Hes one of those people that leans all over the place and rolls the chair
all over the room while keeping his hands on the keyboard. Its rather
entertaining to watch. But once I got the other computer working, I jumped
in and did some whoopin. Nonetheless, it was pretty rad. After, we stopped at Taco Bell and I confused the drive through lady senseless when I ordered. Took a while to get out to Netropolis, but we dropped of Mr.Man, then went
over to Tsss place and chilled. Homey-G-Dawg Bozack showed up. I got to
see one of the goofiest looking things Ive ever seen in my entire life.
Ever seen a skinny white boy bounce around shouting MONKEY!@! then
pouncing the crap out of a stuffed white gorilla? Well, youre missing out. I looked at all 300 of Tsss cds, and convinced him to let me borrow
Twisted Sisters Greatest Hits. haha. What a flashback. After, we were
all stuck at Tsss place waiting for this Adrian guy to show up, but he
didnt, so we just left, torturing Bozack all the way back to Clear Lake
with -real- music. Play some nigger music! he kept shouting. hah.
Oh well.
If youre in 713 or nearby and can pick up 90.1 KPFT on the fm dial, you
should try checking out RadioX on Monday Nights from 11pm-1am. The show
itself usually sucks, but a few of us crazy MAD folks like to spice it up
a bit. Tss/DarkVen are just the shit when it comes to cheezy RadioX calls.
Lithium isnt too bad himself. But if you ever hear Mr.Man call in, just go downstairs and make some Ramen Noodles. Hes usually a poo-poo head, unless hes at Tsss house and theyre both bored, and you hear Tss in the
background shouting obscene things. Just something to check out. While
the show is on, jump onto irc.flex.net, radiox. Sometimes some good
conversations come up in there. Ugh. Oh well.
I guess thats about all Ive got to say, so Im gonna jet for this month.
Id write more, but I have nothing to say.
Greets fly out to:
Tss Maybe this will change your mind.
Mr.Man Werd negro.
Bozack Take me to the white people.
Timelord Once again, sweet job on Mystique3.
TheGreatC Heres your greet you dorko.
Mp Just start running, and dont stop.
- TileX MAD Could I get a cold beverage?
Malicious Art Denomination - October 1995 Unofficial Newsletter
This pack is dedicated to Reflexion and all the other people that contributed in this slow month. I would like to begin with a little something diffrent this month maybe it will help people understand what exactly is going on with this artgroup. Its October now, the best time to be anywhere in my opinion, transition months rock.. Everyone was doing their own special thing, Makeing money, Going to school, Being Lazy, going to parties
or Calling up RadioX as me and acting like a total fart head. Anyways, what it
boils down to is that we didnt get much done this month. But the pack was
still ok. Our Magic artist this month was Reflexion. Realy nice artwork.
Ill have some more of my art in the next pack. But i wasnt able to do much
for this one. Im looking for some new artists, so if you know anyone or keep intouch with someone that seems interested and has potential then you may want to
refer them here. Most of the local people have desided just to not do much thismonth. I give a greet out to ash and lord regulator for their contributions, aswell as deathrai and others. Something needs to happen, to wake everyone up
its not as fun anymore. I have an idea, sounds like it will work, but i cant
tell you. so NEYNH.
Whats new this month? Not much, atleast from where im standing, Im
working mon, tue, wed, sleep thursday, party friday and saturday, sleep sunday
and work mon, tue, wed again.. I get paid for it tho.. Ill have some of my
phat shit ansis in the next pack tho. IRC mad is pretty much in its dry
season again. How about everyone stop bye on it at 8:30ish pm central time?
That way we can figure out what the hell to do next... or what.
Group greet goes out to another 713 local group SKANK.
Anyways, no big greets this month. and to get spirits up I leave you
with PAGAN TACO take care.
Last second greets: Reptile-X, Deathrai, Dreamweaver, Timelord
by Dedric
The moon was full and the streets were glowing with power on this
appointed day. Clad in ritual garb, I silently walked towards my place
of worship.
Soon it towered before me: Taco Bell. The mirror of my heart and the
captain of my soul. I closed my eyes to ground and center. As I felt
my inner power grow, I intoned the ancient chant: 59-79-99, 59-79-99.
I watched almost from a distance as my hand reached out and opened the
door to this holy temple of human desire. I entered the ritual space
deliberately, but reverently. As the door closed behind me and the
sounds of the street faded to a negligible chatter, I could begin to
hear the spirits of this domain in their eternal song. Their song took
the melody from the chorus of that famous pagan song by Peter Murphy:
Taco, Burritos, Mexi-Nuggets, Nachos, Soft Drink, Tostada.
As I took my place at the rear of the line of novices, I could see and
hear ahead of me the graceful movements and words of the purple-clad
priests and priestesses. One of the elders was imparting magickal
wisdom to a young initiate: Turn that stove down - the tortillas are
getting charred! Ah, I thought, they have not forgotten the burning
Yesterday, upon the advice of a wise urban shaman I met late at night
in Pioneer Square, I had stuffed a taco in my pants. I could still
feel its pressure against my second chakra, filling my body with its
warm, yet chile energy.
Soon I reached the front of the line of novices. A sacred temple
priestess stood before me, clad in a hat bearing the logo of her
order. My Will is four light bean burritos, hold the cheese, with a
small soft drink. So mote it be. The power present in the room
twisted her face into what in mundane life would be interpreted as
confusion. I made the ritual offering of metal discs, gifts of the
earth, as she made the traditional magickal response: Would you like
that for here or to go?
At last, I was ready to take my place at an altar. My four burritos,
wrapped in their silver metallic wrappers, lay before me. Shining
ones, I murmured. I was profoundly moved, almost swooning as I
reverently took one out of its wrapper. May you never hunger, I said
as I emptied a ritual sauce packet on it.
Now it was time to invoke an element. I call air, I said as I farted
noisily. The novice behind me made a gagging sound and moved away. Oh
well, I told him, go if you must, stay if you will. Next, thinking
on the Great Rite, I inserted my straw into my soft drink.
The room was swirling with energy. I felt my stomach turn in sympathy.
I hoped I wouldnt have to go to the toilet to practice the law of
threefold return. Quickly, I reestablished my grounding.
But the energy was at its peak, and I could hold my voice back no
longer. Leaping on my chosen altar and holding my atham-burrito high,
I cried, Trifold taco! Be with us now as we honor you with cup and
bean! It was a transcendent moment. The quizzical looks on the faces
of the novices before me only deepened the sense of profound mystery
that I knew we must all be feeling.
But by the appearance of the two large uniformed gentlemen in front of
me, I knew that my role in this ritual had come to a close. I felt as
they dragged me out the door that my feet were not even touching the
ground. With my soul in the clouds and my feet on the earth, I turned
to the outer doors of the temple and bowed my head. Merry eat, and
merry fart, and merry eat again.
Blessed bean!
- Sub-ZeroXMAD Flounder -
Well, after smacking Reptile-Boy and Tss for not understanding why I
dont like RUSH, I decided to kick Eric off his computer and write some shit forthis months info file... I mean, come on... Its not like I actually had time
to do any ansi... I got a job, nigga... *COUGHNETROPOLISCOUGH* Anyway, Ive
now learned that stupid people shouldnt breath, let alone SURF THE INFO-
MERCIAL SUPERHIGHWAY! Its kinda sad actually... If I hear Well, my modem
works fine with Compuservetmpctheylicksack one more time, Ill probablytake off all my clothes and run around yelling I AM A LITTLE TEAPOT, MOTHAFUKA!YOU WANNA MAKE SOMETHING OF IT?!?!?!?! But enough about last christmas...
Its been a slow month... I just noticed that I always leave ... at
the end of sentences... See, I did it again... WTF is wrong with me?!?!?! I
must be a phreak or something... Oh well... I rewl anyway... Back to the slow
month... MADs been getting together lately... Yeah, I know... Youre trying
to figure out how we get so many cool people in one room, but it is possible...Heres how we do it...
Mix equal parts:
Radial Sin
Mr.Man with 40oz. Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull, Red Bull, Mickeys Ice Ale, or the
malt liquor of your choice, titties lots and lots of titties... titties rewl!,a couple of loozers on I-phone We did crazee tings to dat damn donkey...,
and a trip to Bennigans, set on frappe, and dont forget to leave the cap off
the blender... What you get is one pissed off waitress, Cyberthing toasted on
your floor, and alot of empty 40s... not necessarily in that order...
Get all that together, and youre just asking for a trouzer full of fun...
No... really... Just dont ask about the giant white gorilla... They say they
have pictures, but I dont believe them... and even if they did, Id kick their
asses and make them take it back... Might makes right... SMight makes right...
Yeah... SMight makes right, and dont you forget it... And Byron too...
Anyway, Im not funny anymore, so Im gonna quit now... You can only make go so
long before you need to quit... Oh my god... I think I just pooped my pants...Michael Bolton was in a glam metal band... I just saw Michael Bolton, and my
bowels let loose... Oh god have mercy on our souls...
I think Michael Bolton could mess up any kind of music...
Yeah... Hell be doing gangsta rap next... Droppin platez on yo azz, beatch!Beavis and Butthead
Hi. Nice shoes. Wanna fuck? Well, with the formalities out of the
way we can move on to the grissle of the steak, me! Now you may be saying to
yourself, Hey! Why is Tss writing a part of the newsletter! He is only a
lousy psychic friend! and you are correct for saying it. But you know what?
I dont care, I have lizard head tied up in his closet o fun, a can of mountaindew at my disposal, and nothing but time with which i intend to royally screw
the newsletter up! JOY!
Well, this month has yielded a relatively small amount of ansi. There
is a really good reason for that. See, strahds mom found the pictures he took of uncle vato and haze doing it so they all got in big trouble. Then as if thatwere not enough, Mr Man and Myself, along with some other mad members discoveredthat smight, in addition to having his own place, could buy hard lichor. Now I ask you, how in the name of god can anyone be expected to get work done when
there is hard lichor available?
Now, after I have said this was a slow month ansi wise, I feel the
mention a few good things accomplished by some mad members. First off, my man
timelord finished myst 3, the final .s3m of the trilogy and it turned out reallywell. But then again, for a .s3m to be 700+ k it BETTER be nice man.
Secondly, multiple mad members have either added features or begun their own
irc scripts. Now this would not be a big deal, but they involve me and since
anything involving me automatically makes all modem peoples asses wiggle I
thought I would mention it. Anyways, Bozack has begun his own irc script
after giving up on ansi after someone messed with his ansi last month
coughphilipinomannogoodcough and has added a tss kick feature. Now that you know that Ill wait while you run buy 100 disks to make 1000 copies of this
31337 once in a lifetime script. Then, mf, the writer of woop! official mad
script has also added a /tss kick feature. W0W. Makes me almost feel as
elite as say, gman. but he is kickass so much so that none of us can reach his
level of eleeness so i shall just sit in my corner and cry now.
Allright, done crying now. Man, I almost getting as long as some of
subzeroxs pointless posts. I am more pointless, but not as long winded, there-fore losing out by .78 tenths of a point after carrying the 4 in the official
SZx kicks your lameass grading card. Well, I have to go let mr man and lizard
boy outta the closet since I need more mountain dew and cant find any. Buh-bye
Alright, check it, TileX is here. I figured since I was putting the pack
together this month, Id put my bit in the newsletter. Yes, its pretty
much my fault the pack took so long, but in order to get me to do something
you have to constantly harass me about it, then Ill eventually sit down
and get it done. just ask timelord, he knows what Im talking about So,
sorry about the lateness of the pack, but shit happens sometimes.
Well, this pack isnt half bad, but real small. MAD has been kinda falling
apart lately. Seems ever since Red-G quit calling out often, things have
gotten kinda dead with MAD. but I cant blame him, not too many boards
are worth calling msg-wise around here anymore Like I was saying, its
a small pack, but the stuff we got was pretty good. I personally think
Ash had a big improvement over last month. I really dig his 2 ansis he
has in this pack. Double thumbs up. Reflexion had a good amount of work,
all pretty good. I finally put Crimsons ansi in the pack, which he has
been wanting me to put in there for a while. Its a joint with Sub-ZeroX.
Crimson did the shaping, and SZX just did the shading. I think its pretty
sweet looking. Nice work holmez. MAD is of course always looking for a
few good members. But just keep in mind, if youre looking for a super-
organized ansi group thats more like a business than a group to chill out
with and throw stuff in the pack if you feel like it, then go away. Youre
a wiener-head ansi elitist and we dont like you. So go watch some Full
House or something. *shudder in fear*
As you can see from the above, Mr.Man and Tss crashed at my place a few
nights ago. It was alright, but would have been better if that bitch at
Barneys Billiards would have let us in. You have to be 21 to play pool
here. *Mr.Man stomps off toward car shouting profanity* I HAVE TO BE 21
TO SHOOT FUCKING POOL?! 20 ISNT GOOD ENOUGH? FUCK THEM THEN! So we just jetted back to my house, chilled for a while, then went to sleep. The next
morning, we had a pretty hype game of netdoom going on. I had to sit out
the first game as only 2 computers were working, so I watched Mr.Man play.
Hes one of those people that leans all over the place and rolls the chair
all over the room while keeping his hands on the keyboard. Its rather
entertaining to watch. But once I got the other computer working, I jumped
in and did some whoopin. Nonetheless, it was pretty rad. After, we stopped at Taco Bell and I confused the drive through lady senseless when I ordered. Took a while to get out to Netropolis, but we dropped of Mr.Man, then went
over to Tsss place and chilled. Homey-G-Dawg Bozack showed up. I got to
see one of the goofiest looking things Ive ever seen in my entire life.
Ever seen a skinny white boy bounce around shouting MONKEY!@! then
pouncing the crap out of a stuffed white gorilla? Well, youre missing out. I looked at all 300 of Tsss cds, and convinced him to let me borrow
Twisted Sisters Greatest Hits. haha. What a flashback. After, we were
all stuck at Tsss place waiting for this Adrian guy to show up, but he
didnt, so we just left, torturing Bozack all the way back to Clear Lake
with -real- music. Play some nigger music! he kept shouting. hah.
Oh well.
If youre in 713 or nearby and can pick up 90.1 KPFT on the fm dial, you
should try checking out RadioX on Monday Nights from 11pm-1am. The show
itself usually sucks, but a few of us crazy MAD folks like to spice it up
a bit. Tss/DarkVen are just the shit when it comes to cheezy RadioX calls.
Lithium isnt too bad himself. But if you ever hear Mr.Man call in, just go downstairs and make some Ramen Noodles. Hes usually a poo-poo head, unless hes at Tsss house and theyre both bored, and you hear Tss in the
background shouting obscene things. Just something to check out. While
the show is on, jump onto irc.flex.net, radiox. Sometimes some good
conversations come up in there. Ugh. Oh well.
I guess thats about all Ive got to say, so Im gonna jet for this month.
Id write more, but I have nothing to say.
Greets fly out to:
Tss Maybe this will change your mind.
Mr.Man Werd negro.
Bozack Take me to the white people.
Timelord Once again, sweet job on Mystique3.
TheGreatC Heres your greet you dorko.
Mp Just start running, and dont stop.
- TileX MAD Could I get a cold beverage?
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