this image contains text
M a s t e r s O f T h e A r t E x p e r i e n c e F e b . 1 9 9 3
-Max- 02/93 Infofile by Snow Dog with additions by Vladimir
First, the important stuff... really just boring stats but hey
Volume in drive C is disk
Volume Serial Number is 0C11-12A8
Directory of C:MAXREL
. DIR 01-05-93 7:53p
.. DIR 01-05-93 7:53p
BL-MAX1 ANS 3552 02-10-93 2:29a Blades - Max promo
BL-MAX2 ANS 3634 02-05-93 1:56a Blades - Max promo
BL-PARA1 ANS 3952 02-08-93 9:29p Blades - Paradox
BL-ROCK1 ANS 1804 02-07-93 4:30p Blades - Rock Magazine
BL-SOD1 ANS 8014 02-11-93 11:43p Blades - Symphony of Destruction
CDS COM 1768 01-25-93 3:01a Neurosis - Cyberdyne Systems
CI-EG ANS 4471 01-15-93 11:02p Cianyde - Electronic Genocide
CI-LSD2 ANS 5369 01-18-93 10:01p Cianyde - Lost Souls Domain II
CI-PMS ANS 2613 01-18-93 9:45p Cianyde - PMS
CI-TCH ANS 1440 01-15-93 11:20p Cianyde - TcH
CI-TDUCK ANS 5465 01-15-93 11:02p Cianyde - Toilet Duck
FILEID DIZ 295 02-06-93 2:10p The FILEID.DIZ for the release
HHMAX1 EXE 22957 02-09-93 4:24a Headhunter - Max promo
MAG-093b ZIP 18290 01-14-93 1:19p Vladimir - Max Application Generator
MAX-SLAD EXE 10572 01-23-93 1:04a Vladimir - Stupid Little Ansi Demo
NEWWORLD MOD 294403 01-29-93 1:12p Poltergeist - New World Man Amigamod
SD-CSC ANS 2831 01-30-93 1:23p Snow Dog - CSC promo
SD-DMG1 ANS 8497 01-19-93 8:04p Snow Dog - Paul Atreides/Damage, Inc.
SD-DUST ANS 18374 02-08-93 7:59p Snow Dog - The Atomic Dustbin
SD-NCC ANS 1877 01-30-93 2:15p Snow Dog - NCC promo
SD-OMERT ANS 11814 01-20-93 8:41p Snow Dog - The Omerta
SD-PRIML ANS 14438 01-17-93 9:38p Snow Dog - Primal Scream
SD-PSY ANS 8791 02-06-93 3:28p Snow Dog - Psychotic Overload
SL-CART ANS 32803 02-07-93 4:30p Slinger - The Cartel
SL-FF ANS 7783 02-07-93 4:30p Slinger - The Final Frontier
SL-LITE ANS 5499 01-16-93 3:11a Slinger - Late Nite
SL-MAX12 ANS 4103 01-26-93 12:37a Slinger - Max promo
SL-MTV-R ANS 4764 02-07-93 9:05p Slinger - revision of MTV promo
SL-PO ANS 9848 01-25-93 10:22p Slinger - Psychotic Overload
SL-ROCK ANS 2794 01-28-93 7:21p Slinger - Rock Magazine
SN-ATD1 EXE 128415 01-22-93 9:31p Sirrion - The Atomic Dustbin
SN-MAX1 EXE 88034 01-16-93 9:51p Sirrion - Max promo
SS-SOD GIF 143666 02-02-93 9:28a Sector Slayer - Symphony of Destruction
37 files 596445 bytes
179519744 bytes free
And now, commentary from our illustrious courier/site coordinator...
Well gang, a who bunch of things have been happening over the
last thirty days or so.
1 MaxView ansi/loader viewer has been compleated for the
most part. What is left is all the woofers, tweeters
and bells. In other words - the fancy shit. We have
decided NOT to release the viewer until the next release
when it is 100 compleated to our satisfaction.
I would like to thank UAA for some ideas that came
from what i consider the best viewer on the nets right
now . . .but not for long.
2 We have established a new courier policy in an attempt to
provide the best coverage possible with max material.
From this time out, all boards regardless of status
will have a two man courier team. We hope that this will
mean that each site will recieve files faster and with
more reliablity.
3 We have a number of deals in the working that I am not at
liberty to speak upon right now with, of all things,
a warez group. We do believe that we have found an
excellent proposal presented to use and look forward to
informing you to the results in the next release.
4 With the last release we announced a merger with the Texas
art group MiNDLESS . .I regret to say that negotiations
with the group fell through. Several weeks ago I released
the following memo that I have included for you to read.
**************************Memo on MiNDLESS merger***************************
To all m/x members, sites, couriers and affiliates:
There have been many questions since the release of the last package
concerning our merger with MiNDLESS. I am officially announcing that the
merger WILL NOT OCCUR. I had actually know this several days before the
release of the package but it was too late to modify the existing material
to reflect this point.
On the day of the 12th I spoke with G-man voice and several things
became quickly evident, among which was the fact that MiNDLESS refused to
accept the name change to M/X: MiNDLESS Art Productionz 93. The senior
members had agreed ahead of time that group name was sacred and that even
this small change was almost too much. I have included part of infoform from
the latest MiNDLESS release and you will notice the following things.
1 The group is quite small, though the list looks quite
long - it is the same people over and over again.
2 Actual organization seems very poor.
3 There are only 2 LD boards while the 713 area code is
satuated. This normally means a local mom pop
4 There are no LD couriers
5 There are no members that call LD
6 There are no LD artists . . . .should I continue?
BTW - For the two weeks I was calling G-man, SOF the MiNDLESS
WHQ was not up ONCE!
I find it rather hysterical that this group thinks that we should
assume all their problems while conceiding our LD sites, courier network
and Art staff. The senior staff has made extensive discussions and have
reached the following conclusion. - Any group that wishes a merger will not
even be considered if they wish a name change, it is M/X and always will
remain so.
I wish G-man and the MiNDLESS group the best of luck and a little
helpful advice. Approaching an art group with the idea Gee maybe iCE will
absorb us some day is a very poor attitude. If all you want to do is
become a part of another group - just join them and dont play games.
Member Listing and Standings :
: Senior Members
. The G-Man, The Mystic Knight, Mr.Man :
Agents of Propoganda .
. Dark Spyre, Lost Soul, Gandalf
Courier CoOrdinator
The Sorcerers Son, The G-Man, Stone Cold
The G-Man, The Mystic Knight, Mr. Man, Slow Reflex,
Execution Style, Deadly Joker
Deadly JOker, Execution Style, The G-Man
HOMESiTE - School Of Fish - The G-Man - 713-944-9169 / 713-XXX-XXXX
WHQ - Cyber-Net - Gandalf - 713-526-0622
. MB/HQ - Blind Faith - The Mystic Knight - 713-480-5705 .
COURIER HQ - Mental Corruption - Detrimental - 713-583-9013
713 Dist - Lost Souls Domain - Lost Soul - 713-980-5086 .
: 713 Dist - Atomic Dustbin - TMG/Sirrion - 713-XXX-XXXX :
. 616 Dist - Wild Child - Stone Cold - 616-949-6971
: 813 Dist - The City - The Brainster - 813-377-7845 / 813-377-6895
: Quick Comment: :
MiNDLESS is in desperate need of LD couriers and dist. sites. Please
. apply via the AppGenerator. We also are in need of Artists. If you
think you can make it, use the AppGenerator and send the ZIP to one .
. of the H/Q. :
The G-Man MiNDLESS Founder SoF SysGod
Before you the wrong impression - I would like to state that I respect
MiNDLESS and their artwork. I realize that starting a group is very difficult
as I have created the LD network for this group to a large extent. I feel that
MiNDLESS has some of the best new talent in Ansi Art to appear in a long time,
unfortunately their attitude and false pride is what cause the merger to fall
Well . .and the predictable greets.
Tempus Thales . . .hey!
The Untimed for taking care of business,
The Magical Gangster . . .who knows why, just hey . .
Delerium . .what happened to the board?
Slinger - cute wife.
Kram - See ya in October . .maybe hehehehe :
Tezcatlipoca/Full Moon - for getting up at 2 am to
answer my coding questions.
END, Insert courtesy of -Vladimir-
Well Vlad said just about everything I wanted to say. This month a lot
of side issues came up that I felt ought to be addressed, and since you now
know about the merger and ansi viewer status, I turn to other matters...
-Max- is in this whole thing for ourselves. Yes, its true. However, we
do not expect to reap a profit from it, but to become better artists from it.
Thats all, and I wanted to clear the record of implicit meaning. During a very
fascinating argument with Bar Manager of the rebuilding INC over the Extreme
Net, epithets were exchanged regarding the validity of the groups we are in,
and the validity of ego and hierarchy in the BBS scene.
Essentially its all bullshit. Warez group A or codez group B wants to
be the k-raddest, and so anyone who dares mention the fact that they release
beta shit in swahili that isnt cracked, or that their CCNs are not virgin or
even close, gets trudged upon and told that they are a nobody. Now its time
for us to back up for a moment and take this in. NO member of ANY group, be
they art, wares, or whatever, is superhuman. NO member is in any way more or
better than the guy who calls their boards to download. This is a hobby, after
all, and when I look around on the nets, I see things like: RAZOR sucks dick!
Join TDT for only 100 dollars a month! iCE kicks ACiDs ass! which I might
mention is a moot point, considering the volume of member traffic between the
two groups in BOTH directions. Is it me, or has something been, well... LOST
here? I dont even purport to place Max above all this, as I am sure we all
have our egos as well and commit these transgressions for ourselves.
My point essentially is that its time for all of us to take a serious
look at this hobby and see if we like the direction its taking. I do not. I
feel that the best time this hobby ever had was in early THG era, when wares
were released for fun and BBSers knew each other, even if only by voice. Now,
I am seeing many things that I do not like. I saw a group called MiNDLESS do
a pretty incredible job of bullshitting us, and were it not for our undercover
site co-ordinator doing some homework, our group might have taken a spill that
it would not recover, all in the name of ego. I have seen artists with a lot
of enthusiasm but little practice get rejected by other groups and people, only
to find incredible improvement in a group like Max. Indeed, Slinger, the man
who founded Max, hasnt even been making ANSI for six months. I have also seen
individual merit go for shit in a hobbyist world where connections and ass
kissing are all that counts. In an effort to contact ACiD and establish a sort
of friendly rapport with the other art groups, I applied to Dark Society, the
ACiD western agora. My credentials are solid: I am on some of the top H/P
systems in the world, and I run a BBS with over a gig and a 16.8, among other
things. However, those credentials must have been for shit, because I did not
get validated. Now to credit ACiD: anything could have happened. Perhaps the
sysop had to load a backup. Perhaps my handle just didnt have that zing. I
dont know. But I was able to quickly find friendly contact with iCE via The
Atomic Dustbin, and my dealings with iCE members have all been positive. I am
currently trying to contact the elusive Tempus Thales in an effort to build
rapport between our groups, hopefully at the benefit of both, and if my
experiences with the Dustbin are any indication, they should go well.
The thing is, WHY did I get the cold shoulder in one place and a great
contact in another? Its individual attitude, people. I aint no preacher, but
I have been trying to turn everything I am in contact with around and open
their eyes to these findings. By and large the response has been what I wanted
it to be, and Max is my first experiment with de-egoizing a group and putting
the fun back into this whole thing. Attitude is what brought the big groups
down and attitude is what builds the little groups up. Its also what destroys
so many small groups that HAD potential. Max will succeed on its own, with no
mergers, no bullshit, no thievery, and on our own practice and increase in
skill. For this reason, our contact with other groups is critical, and that
contact must serve to benefit both groups equally, even if its only so much
as to say were on good terms. Max and its members are open to suggestions
or propositions from ANY group that respects what we are and expects the same
respect in return.
I would like to take this opportunity to mention some of the groups
that have worked successfully with Max and to greet them: CSC and The Untimed,
The Cartel for as long as it lasted, NCC, SDOA, iCE, DC, and sPs.
The following are groups that worked SO well with Max that they are an
integral part of the group, for whatever reason: Slinger Productions, ROCK
Magazine, Images Words IAW, Symphony Textfiles, and GRFX.
The following are groups that, for whatever reason, have had poor or
no contact at all with Max: INC, ACiD, XAP, MiNDLESS, and MACE.
If you see a trend here, and you probably will, it will likely serve
to send my message home. Everyone out there in and out of the groups, keep your
head on straight, keep first things first, and laugh at your mistakes. Without
a positive attitude and a strong grip on reality, the integrity of a group or
individual in this pirate world is worthless.
If you have an opinion on this, and opinions are like assholes, every-
body has one, post about it! I want to hear what people THINK.
Snow Dog -Max-/Images Words
----- Release info -----
On a lighter note, artist recruitment has been very positive. Max would
like to welcome members Sirrion and Cianyde, and trial member Blades. These
artists will contribute very much to the success of Max in the future.
You will notice that the ANSI work by Blades, our trial artist, is
somewhat indicative of his inexperience. Blades has a great attitude and has
really been busting his ass to get better, his max memberlist and symphony of
destruction ansis are good examples of this. He is an example of the kind of
artist who will last and become really good in time. Prospective artists and
beginners should take a look at his work and then that of the more experienced
artists in Max and then see how theirs fits in. It is the working philosophy
of the Max initiate to make every ANSI or VGA screen better than their last.
We feel that by gambling and accepting Blades, a novice artist, as a Max trial
member, that it will pay off when his experience builds.
Our other two additions, Sirrion and Cianyde, showed a lot of talent
right off the bat. We welcome their work and look forward to more of it in the
future. In the courier area, youd have to ask Vladimir, because I never can
seem to keep track of our courier crew.
I wish I could have made more for this issue but I was pressed for
time, still I expect to make March a month to remember. I am satisfied with my
ansi for this issue, but I wanted to do more... damn the electric fence.
Tempus Thales of iCE had an idea in the ICE-193 info file that I
liked very much: Taking Care Of Our Own month. I am going to play the copy-
cat and make March the Max TCO3 month. We want to get ansis and VGAs made for
ALL of our sites, of course 12 isnt much, but its worth doing.
Well thats about all I have to say for commentary. Here is a list of
who we are and where we come from.
M a s t e r s O f T h e A r t e X p e r i e n c e 02/93
Founder President: Slinger
Images Words Coordinator: Snow Dog
Couriers Sites Coordinator: Vladimir
Art Crew: Blades trial Captain Willy
Cianyde Cool C.
Headhunter Macho Conceptor
Mindwalker Sector Slayer
Courier Crew: Imp DarkMage
Dar... Samhain
Squirrley Youth Gone Wild
Coding Crew: Neurosis Vladimir
Max Boards: Title Number Storage Sysop
Symphony of Destruction Home 602.345.6770 1.0 Gig Snow Dog
Vladimirian Heights Cour HQ 602.491.8238 700 Meg Vladimir
The Atomic Dustbin Site 713.852.6166 Unknown Sirrion
Buccaneers Den West Site 916.391.6693 1.4 Gig Battle Axe
Damage Inc. Site 206.362.3717 1.3 Gig Creeping Death
Distant Lands Can. HQ 613.232.7506 Unknown Gen. Protocol
The Fusion Fortress Site 914.534.3235 1.7 Gig Galvatron
Land of Rape and Honey Site 410..DO.WN.. Unknown Flashback
The Omerta CSC/Max 305.285.0498 1.3 Gig The Untimed
Primal Scream Site 713.879.8182 760 Meg BudMan
Psychotic Overload Site 216.464.9131 Unknown Israfel
The Wild Faiths Site 514.454.5493 Unknown Macho Conceptor
Give us a ring, wed love to hear from you.
Snow Dog / Max
And of course, the GREETS!
Greets: Mind Rape - This person has been an invaluable asset to me
and to the group. One day, all that he has done
will show up like the proverbial piper.
Sirrion - I finally finished your ansi! Wow!
Pete Omni - For his altruism.
Dark Shadow - A last bastion of conservatism in a liberal sea.
Angela Myer - For being such a great woman to me.
Zaphod both of them!
Full Demon - Give me that beer.
Slick and Pinhead - For keeping the wares moving when the ware
waters were stagnant.
Invalid Media - I dont know.
Digital Prophet - Good luck getting out of trouble, dude.
Black Prophet - Youve still got four years to get where I
got in two, you lucky bastard!
Squirrley - Gads, college sucks, dosent it?
Slinger - This dudes art could hold up Max on its own. Wait
a minute...it did, before I joined! Opps!
Aneurysm - For not running as fast as I can.
Queensryche the band - For putting out that BE video
Blade - Keep it up man, youll get there.
And some UNGREETS to....
MiNDLESS - Dont merge before your time.
Xenoar Detran - You realize that ZANSI detects ansi bombs?
Lost Clusters - Get a life, man!
Violator - Perhaps the single biggest mistake that nature
has ever made. Tell your mom I hope she busts me.
Jaelithe - You wouldnt know a quality user if one bit you.
Law enforcement - who needs these fucks.
-Max- 02/93 Infofile by Snow Dog with additions by Vladimir
First, the important stuff... really just boring stats but hey
Volume in drive C is disk
Volume Serial Number is 0C11-12A8
Directory of C:MAXREL
. DIR 01-05-93 7:53p
.. DIR 01-05-93 7:53p
BL-MAX1 ANS 3552 02-10-93 2:29a Blades - Max promo
BL-MAX2 ANS 3634 02-05-93 1:56a Blades - Max promo
BL-PARA1 ANS 3952 02-08-93 9:29p Blades - Paradox
BL-ROCK1 ANS 1804 02-07-93 4:30p Blades - Rock Magazine
BL-SOD1 ANS 8014 02-11-93 11:43p Blades - Symphony of Destruction
CDS COM 1768 01-25-93 3:01a Neurosis - Cyberdyne Systems
CI-EG ANS 4471 01-15-93 11:02p Cianyde - Electronic Genocide
CI-LSD2 ANS 5369 01-18-93 10:01p Cianyde - Lost Souls Domain II
CI-PMS ANS 2613 01-18-93 9:45p Cianyde - PMS
CI-TCH ANS 1440 01-15-93 11:20p Cianyde - TcH
CI-TDUCK ANS 5465 01-15-93 11:02p Cianyde - Toilet Duck
FILEID DIZ 295 02-06-93 2:10p The FILEID.DIZ for the release
HHMAX1 EXE 22957 02-09-93 4:24a Headhunter - Max promo
MAG-093b ZIP 18290 01-14-93 1:19p Vladimir - Max Application Generator
MAX-SLAD EXE 10572 01-23-93 1:04a Vladimir - Stupid Little Ansi Demo
NEWWORLD MOD 294403 01-29-93 1:12p Poltergeist - New World Man Amigamod
SD-CSC ANS 2831 01-30-93 1:23p Snow Dog - CSC promo
SD-DMG1 ANS 8497 01-19-93 8:04p Snow Dog - Paul Atreides/Damage, Inc.
SD-DUST ANS 18374 02-08-93 7:59p Snow Dog - The Atomic Dustbin
SD-NCC ANS 1877 01-30-93 2:15p Snow Dog - NCC promo
SD-OMERT ANS 11814 01-20-93 8:41p Snow Dog - The Omerta
SD-PRIML ANS 14438 01-17-93 9:38p Snow Dog - Primal Scream
SD-PSY ANS 8791 02-06-93 3:28p Snow Dog - Psychotic Overload
SL-CART ANS 32803 02-07-93 4:30p Slinger - The Cartel
SL-FF ANS 7783 02-07-93 4:30p Slinger - The Final Frontier
SL-LITE ANS 5499 01-16-93 3:11a Slinger - Late Nite
SL-MAX12 ANS 4103 01-26-93 12:37a Slinger - Max promo
SL-MTV-R ANS 4764 02-07-93 9:05p Slinger - revision of MTV promo
SL-PO ANS 9848 01-25-93 10:22p Slinger - Psychotic Overload
SL-ROCK ANS 2794 01-28-93 7:21p Slinger - Rock Magazine
SN-ATD1 EXE 128415 01-22-93 9:31p Sirrion - The Atomic Dustbin
SN-MAX1 EXE 88034 01-16-93 9:51p Sirrion - Max promo
SS-SOD GIF 143666 02-02-93 9:28a Sector Slayer - Symphony of Destruction
37 files 596445 bytes
179519744 bytes free
And now, commentary from our illustrious courier/site coordinator...
Well gang, a who bunch of things have been happening over the
last thirty days or so.
1 MaxView ansi/loader viewer has been compleated for the
most part. What is left is all the woofers, tweeters
and bells. In other words - the fancy shit. We have
decided NOT to release the viewer until the next release
when it is 100 compleated to our satisfaction.
I would like to thank UAA for some ideas that came
from what i consider the best viewer on the nets right
now . . .but not for long.
2 We have established a new courier policy in an attempt to
provide the best coverage possible with max material.
From this time out, all boards regardless of status
will have a two man courier team. We hope that this will
mean that each site will recieve files faster and with
more reliablity.
3 We have a number of deals in the working that I am not at
liberty to speak upon right now with, of all things,
a warez group. We do believe that we have found an
excellent proposal presented to use and look forward to
informing you to the results in the next release.
4 With the last release we announced a merger with the Texas
art group MiNDLESS . .I regret to say that negotiations
with the group fell through. Several weeks ago I released
the following memo that I have included for you to read.
**************************Memo on MiNDLESS merger***************************
To all m/x members, sites, couriers and affiliates:
There have been many questions since the release of the last package
concerning our merger with MiNDLESS. I am officially announcing that the
merger WILL NOT OCCUR. I had actually know this several days before the
release of the package but it was too late to modify the existing material
to reflect this point.
On the day of the 12th I spoke with G-man voice and several things
became quickly evident, among which was the fact that MiNDLESS refused to
accept the name change to M/X: MiNDLESS Art Productionz 93. The senior
members had agreed ahead of time that group name was sacred and that even
this small change was almost too much. I have included part of infoform from
the latest MiNDLESS release and you will notice the following things.
1 The group is quite small, though the list looks quite
long - it is the same people over and over again.
2 Actual organization seems very poor.
3 There are only 2 LD boards while the 713 area code is
satuated. This normally means a local mom pop
4 There are no LD couriers
5 There are no members that call LD
6 There are no LD artists . . . .should I continue?
BTW - For the two weeks I was calling G-man, SOF the MiNDLESS
WHQ was not up ONCE!
I find it rather hysterical that this group thinks that we should
assume all their problems while conceiding our LD sites, courier network
and Art staff. The senior staff has made extensive discussions and have
reached the following conclusion. - Any group that wishes a merger will not
even be considered if they wish a name change, it is M/X and always will
remain so.
I wish G-man and the MiNDLESS group the best of luck and a little
helpful advice. Approaching an art group with the idea Gee maybe iCE will
absorb us some day is a very poor attitude. If all you want to do is
become a part of another group - just join them and dont play games.
Member Listing and Standings :
: Senior Members
. The G-Man, The Mystic Knight, Mr.Man :
Agents of Propoganda .
. Dark Spyre, Lost Soul, Gandalf
Courier CoOrdinator
The Sorcerers Son, The G-Man, Stone Cold
The G-Man, The Mystic Knight, Mr. Man, Slow Reflex,
Execution Style, Deadly Joker
Deadly JOker, Execution Style, The G-Man
HOMESiTE - School Of Fish - The G-Man - 713-944-9169 / 713-XXX-XXXX
WHQ - Cyber-Net - Gandalf - 713-526-0622
. MB/HQ - Blind Faith - The Mystic Knight - 713-480-5705 .
COURIER HQ - Mental Corruption - Detrimental - 713-583-9013
713 Dist - Lost Souls Domain - Lost Soul - 713-980-5086 .
: 713 Dist - Atomic Dustbin - TMG/Sirrion - 713-XXX-XXXX :
. 616 Dist - Wild Child - Stone Cold - 616-949-6971
: 813 Dist - The City - The Brainster - 813-377-7845 / 813-377-6895
: Quick Comment: :
MiNDLESS is in desperate need of LD couriers and dist. sites. Please
. apply via the AppGenerator. We also are in need of Artists. If you
think you can make it, use the AppGenerator and send the ZIP to one .
. of the H/Q. :
The G-Man MiNDLESS Founder SoF SysGod
Before you the wrong impression - I would like to state that I respect
MiNDLESS and their artwork. I realize that starting a group is very difficult
as I have created the LD network for this group to a large extent. I feel that
MiNDLESS has some of the best new talent in Ansi Art to appear in a long time,
unfortunately their attitude and false pride is what cause the merger to fall
Well . .and the predictable greets.
Tempus Thales . . .hey!
The Untimed for taking care of business,
The Magical Gangster . . .who knows why, just hey . .
Delerium . .what happened to the board?
Slinger - cute wife.
Kram - See ya in October . .maybe hehehehe :
Tezcatlipoca/Full Moon - for getting up at 2 am to
answer my coding questions.
END, Insert courtesy of -Vladimir-
Well Vlad said just about everything I wanted to say. This month a lot
of side issues came up that I felt ought to be addressed, and since you now
know about the merger and ansi viewer status, I turn to other matters...
-Max- is in this whole thing for ourselves. Yes, its true. However, we
do not expect to reap a profit from it, but to become better artists from it.
Thats all, and I wanted to clear the record of implicit meaning. During a very
fascinating argument with Bar Manager of the rebuilding INC over the Extreme
Net, epithets were exchanged regarding the validity of the groups we are in,
and the validity of ego and hierarchy in the BBS scene.
Essentially its all bullshit. Warez group A or codez group B wants to
be the k-raddest, and so anyone who dares mention the fact that they release
beta shit in swahili that isnt cracked, or that their CCNs are not virgin or
even close, gets trudged upon and told that they are a nobody. Now its time
for us to back up for a moment and take this in. NO member of ANY group, be
they art, wares, or whatever, is superhuman. NO member is in any way more or
better than the guy who calls their boards to download. This is a hobby, after
all, and when I look around on the nets, I see things like: RAZOR sucks dick!
Join TDT for only 100 dollars a month! iCE kicks ACiDs ass! which I might
mention is a moot point, considering the volume of member traffic between the
two groups in BOTH directions. Is it me, or has something been, well... LOST
here? I dont even purport to place Max above all this, as I am sure we all
have our egos as well and commit these transgressions for ourselves.
My point essentially is that its time for all of us to take a serious
look at this hobby and see if we like the direction its taking. I do not. I
feel that the best time this hobby ever had was in early THG era, when wares
were released for fun and BBSers knew each other, even if only by voice. Now,
I am seeing many things that I do not like. I saw a group called MiNDLESS do
a pretty incredible job of bullshitting us, and were it not for our undercover
site co-ordinator doing some homework, our group might have taken a spill that
it would not recover, all in the name of ego. I have seen artists with a lot
of enthusiasm but little practice get rejected by other groups and people, only
to find incredible improvement in a group like Max. Indeed, Slinger, the man
who founded Max, hasnt even been making ANSI for six months. I have also seen
individual merit go for shit in a hobbyist world where connections and ass
kissing are all that counts. In an effort to contact ACiD and establish a sort
of friendly rapport with the other art groups, I applied to Dark Society, the
ACiD western agora. My credentials are solid: I am on some of the top H/P
systems in the world, and I run a BBS with over a gig and a 16.8, among other
things. However, those credentials must have been for shit, because I did not
get validated. Now to credit ACiD: anything could have happened. Perhaps the
sysop had to load a backup. Perhaps my handle just didnt have that zing. I
dont know. But I was able to quickly find friendly contact with iCE via The
Atomic Dustbin, and my dealings with iCE members have all been positive. I am
currently trying to contact the elusive Tempus Thales in an effort to build
rapport between our groups, hopefully at the benefit of both, and if my
experiences with the Dustbin are any indication, they should go well.
The thing is, WHY did I get the cold shoulder in one place and a great
contact in another? Its individual attitude, people. I aint no preacher, but
I have been trying to turn everything I am in contact with around and open
their eyes to these findings. By and large the response has been what I wanted
it to be, and Max is my first experiment with de-egoizing a group and putting
the fun back into this whole thing. Attitude is what brought the big groups
down and attitude is what builds the little groups up. Its also what destroys
so many small groups that HAD potential. Max will succeed on its own, with no
mergers, no bullshit, no thievery, and on our own practice and increase in
skill. For this reason, our contact with other groups is critical, and that
contact must serve to benefit both groups equally, even if its only so much
as to say were on good terms. Max and its members are open to suggestions
or propositions from ANY group that respects what we are and expects the same
respect in return.
I would like to take this opportunity to mention some of the groups
that have worked successfully with Max and to greet them: CSC and The Untimed,
The Cartel for as long as it lasted, NCC, SDOA, iCE, DC, and sPs.
The following are groups that worked SO well with Max that they are an
integral part of the group, for whatever reason: Slinger Productions, ROCK
Magazine, Images Words IAW, Symphony Textfiles, and GRFX.
The following are groups that, for whatever reason, have had poor or
no contact at all with Max: INC, ACiD, XAP, MiNDLESS, and MACE.
If you see a trend here, and you probably will, it will likely serve
to send my message home. Everyone out there in and out of the groups, keep your
head on straight, keep first things first, and laugh at your mistakes. Without
a positive attitude and a strong grip on reality, the integrity of a group or
individual in this pirate world is worthless.
If you have an opinion on this, and opinions are like assholes, every-
body has one, post about it! I want to hear what people THINK.
Snow Dog -Max-/Images Words
----- Release info -----
On a lighter note, artist recruitment has been very positive. Max would
like to welcome members Sirrion and Cianyde, and trial member Blades. These
artists will contribute very much to the success of Max in the future.
You will notice that the ANSI work by Blades, our trial artist, is
somewhat indicative of his inexperience. Blades has a great attitude and has
really been busting his ass to get better, his max memberlist and symphony of
destruction ansis are good examples of this. He is an example of the kind of
artist who will last and become really good in time. Prospective artists and
beginners should take a look at his work and then that of the more experienced
artists in Max and then see how theirs fits in. It is the working philosophy
of the Max initiate to make every ANSI or VGA screen better than their last.
We feel that by gambling and accepting Blades, a novice artist, as a Max trial
member, that it will pay off when his experience builds.
Our other two additions, Sirrion and Cianyde, showed a lot of talent
right off the bat. We welcome their work and look forward to more of it in the
future. In the courier area, youd have to ask Vladimir, because I never can
seem to keep track of our courier crew.
I wish I could have made more for this issue but I was pressed for
time, still I expect to make March a month to remember. I am satisfied with my
ansi for this issue, but I wanted to do more... damn the electric fence.
Tempus Thales of iCE had an idea in the ICE-193 info file that I
liked very much: Taking Care Of Our Own month. I am going to play the copy-
cat and make March the Max TCO3 month. We want to get ansis and VGAs made for
ALL of our sites, of course 12 isnt much, but its worth doing.
Well thats about all I have to say for commentary. Here is a list of
who we are and where we come from.
M a s t e r s O f T h e A r t e X p e r i e n c e 02/93
Founder President: Slinger
Images Words Coordinator: Snow Dog
Couriers Sites Coordinator: Vladimir
Art Crew: Blades trial Captain Willy
Cianyde Cool C.
Headhunter Macho Conceptor
Mindwalker Sector Slayer
Courier Crew: Imp DarkMage
Dar... Samhain
Squirrley Youth Gone Wild
Coding Crew: Neurosis Vladimir
Max Boards: Title Number Storage Sysop
Symphony of Destruction Home 602.345.6770 1.0 Gig Snow Dog
Vladimirian Heights Cour HQ 602.491.8238 700 Meg Vladimir
The Atomic Dustbin Site 713.852.6166 Unknown Sirrion
Buccaneers Den West Site 916.391.6693 1.4 Gig Battle Axe
Damage Inc. Site 206.362.3717 1.3 Gig Creeping Death
Distant Lands Can. HQ 613.232.7506 Unknown Gen. Protocol
The Fusion Fortress Site 914.534.3235 1.7 Gig Galvatron
Land of Rape and Honey Site 410..DO.WN.. Unknown Flashback
The Omerta CSC/Max 305.285.0498 1.3 Gig The Untimed
Primal Scream Site 713.879.8182 760 Meg BudMan
Psychotic Overload Site 216.464.9131 Unknown Israfel
The Wild Faiths Site 514.454.5493 Unknown Macho Conceptor
Give us a ring, wed love to hear from you.
Snow Dog / Max
And of course, the GREETS!
Greets: Mind Rape - This person has been an invaluable asset to me
and to the group. One day, all that he has done
will show up like the proverbial piper.
Sirrion - I finally finished your ansi! Wow!
Pete Omni - For his altruism.
Dark Shadow - A last bastion of conservatism in a liberal sea.
Angela Myer - For being such a great woman to me.
Zaphod both of them!
Full Demon - Give me that beer.
Slick and Pinhead - For keeping the wares moving when the ware
waters were stagnant.
Invalid Media - I dont know.
Digital Prophet - Good luck getting out of trouble, dude.
Black Prophet - Youve still got four years to get where I
got in two, you lucky bastard!
Squirrley - Gads, college sucks, dosent it?
Slinger - This dudes art could hold up Max on its own. Wait
a minute...it did, before I joined! Opps!
Aneurysm - For not running as fast as I can.
Queensryche the band - For putting out that BE video
Blade - Keep it up man, youll get there.
And some UNGREETS to....
MiNDLESS - Dont merge before your time.
Xenoar Detran - You realize that ZANSI detects ansi bombs?
Lost Clusters - Get a life, man!
Violator - Perhaps the single biggest mistake that nature
has ever made. Tell your mom I hope she busts me.
Jaelithe - You wouldnt know a quality user if one bit you.
Law enforcement - who needs these fucks.
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