this image contains text
welcome to my second mimic colly. yes, i am well aware that this resembles
the work of a true artist so there is no need to tell me so i know im
leet.. if, for some reason, you are in a state of true desperation and want
me to make some art for you, email requests to brand0@mimic.ca and ill
hook you up..
id like to send a big shout out to the mimic crew, i dig the group and am
glad to be a part of it..thats it. when one of you out there comes upon
money, call the black hole cafe at +1-773-244-4137 because we have lots of
animal pr0n.. okay ill shutup now..till next month
greets to: blkjack, offset, teeare, emok, konami, genick, keetar, dezible,
deviant, prime-62k, jack phlash
special greets to: goatboy, joe nobody, ironghost, assassin and all you
whores on bHc..
for: squint
says: zandura
mB! //
zAndURa +oh sQuINt
for: genick
says: curve
.......// .mB!::::.
command command command command ::::
command command command command ::::
command command command command ::::
for: infect
says: dub
:.: ::mB! // // / ./ . ::
for: offset
says: gumfuck
// //mB!
for: delarion
says: permethius waves
: /mB! :..:..:
: telnet://bbs.permethius.com //
for: sane productions
says: sane
: : :..............: : :mB!
:. .:. s a n e p r o d u c t i o n s
aSCiIz bY: mARloN bRAnd0
bHc: 773.244.4137
the work of a true artist so there is no need to tell me so i know im
leet.. if, for some reason, you are in a state of true desperation and want
me to make some art for you, email requests to brand0@mimic.ca and ill
hook you up..
id like to send a big shout out to the mimic crew, i dig the group and am
glad to be a part of it..thats it. when one of you out there comes upon
money, call the black hole cafe at +1-773-244-4137 because we have lots of
animal pr0n.. okay ill shutup now..till next month
greets to: blkjack, offset, teeare, emok, konami, genick, keetar, dezible,
deviant, prime-62k, jack phlash
special greets to: goatboy, joe nobody, ironghost, assassin and all you
whores on bHc..
for: squint
says: zandura
mB! //
zAndURa +oh sQuINt
for: genick
says: curve
.......// .mB!::::.
command command command command ::::
command command command command ::::
command command command command ::::
for: infect
says: dub
:.: ::mB! // // / ./ . ::
for: offset
says: gumfuck
// //mB!
for: delarion
says: permethius waves
: /mB! :..:..:
: telnet://bbs.permethius.com //
for: sane productions
says: sane
: : :..............: : :mB!
:. .:. s a n e p r o d u c t i o n s
aSCiIz bY: mARloN bRAnd0
bHc: 773.244.4137
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