this image contains text
/ / / / / / --+ / Y / Y
y e a h , l i k e t h e m o v i e .......................................
w i s e - k .. A K A .. M i r a S o r v i n o
* w i s e * w a s * d a y 1 6 * c o m p l i a n t * t h i s * m o n t h *
m y 3 r d w o r k f o r m i m i c
t h i s i s w h e r e i t s t a r
t s t o g e t s t a l e . . . . .....................
finally, the wise, HAS COME BACK, to your screen. .....
just a few logos that have probably already been given to the peeps that
asked for them by the time you see this, but i figured it counts as a release
if the general public see them in text format so why not.
mmmm, today I read those ascii charts written by dezibel
i must say, i like the concept, xczs ascii gazzette is different tho so i
dont know what he was on about there, he never really reviewed each ascii
collection. gave me a little inspiration of my own to do some ascii anyway
and it felt like there was a scene again, even if the facts or the people
say there isnt.
00000001 00001000 00000111 moFo
this ascii says : KIRRA
:: / /:: k i r r a ::
00000001 00001000 00000111 moFo
this ascii says : SODA
00000001 00001000 00000111 moFo
this ascii says : OLD
00000001 00001000 00000111 moFo
this ascii says : OLD
00000001 00001000 00000111 moFo
this ascii says : PDA
00000001 00001000 00000111 moFo
this ascii says : PDA
no gimmicks version
00000001 00001000 00000111 moFo
this ascii says : RETRO
00000001 00001000 00000111 moFo
this ascii says : PLAGUE
..... - P L A G U E - W O R L D - H E A D Q U A R T E R S - .....
00000001 00001000 00000111 moFo
this ascii says : HG
+---/ / /---+ Harley Greenbrook/Xtra
or wises pick, he likes this one best
/ / / / Harley Greenbrook/Xtra!
/ / / / / Harley Greenbrook/Xtra!
Isnt it amazing how guys that are the only ones releasing during
98 and 99 suddenly think they own the whole scene? - Xcz
t h a t i s a m a z i n g a n d t h e y k n o w w h o t h e y a r e
+--------- g r e e t s ------------------------------- -
ryan, necrom, jeff, hiro, sixkskskkzkxxxx, whirr, omi, o7, volatile,
triballininiz, red mah brother if yer watching, cat-dog, mark ryder, cmang
vapor, radman, kayozz.. thatd probably be it
* mimic crew * remorse * true *
some last words
Jeff-im gonna work on a full length jedi arts release next so mimic will
have to be put on hold if thats possible
Mark Ryder-I dunno whos right or whos wrong but i am enjoying very much
reading you shoot your mouth off at some people again heh.
jediarts@mobsters.com for requests
+------------------ or if you want to give me ftp sites with psx warez : --+
y e a h , l i k e t h e m o v i e .......................................
w i s e - k .. A K A .. M i r a S o r v i n o
* w i s e * w a s * d a y 1 6 * c o m p l i a n t * t h i s * m o n t h *
m y 3 r d w o r k f o r m i m i c
t h i s i s w h e r e i t s t a r
t s t o g e t s t a l e . . . . .....................
finally, the wise, HAS COME BACK, to your screen. .....
just a few logos that have probably already been given to the peeps that
asked for them by the time you see this, but i figured it counts as a release
if the general public see them in text format so why not.
mmmm, today I read those ascii charts written by dezibel
i must say, i like the concept, xczs ascii gazzette is different tho so i
dont know what he was on about there, he never really reviewed each ascii
collection. gave me a little inspiration of my own to do some ascii anyway
and it felt like there was a scene again, even if the facts or the people
say there isnt.
00000001 00001000 00000111 moFo
this ascii says : KIRRA
:: / /:: k i r r a ::
00000001 00001000 00000111 moFo
this ascii says : SODA
00000001 00001000 00000111 moFo
this ascii says : OLD
00000001 00001000 00000111 moFo
this ascii says : OLD
00000001 00001000 00000111 moFo
this ascii says : PDA
00000001 00001000 00000111 moFo
this ascii says : PDA
no gimmicks version
00000001 00001000 00000111 moFo
this ascii says : RETRO
00000001 00001000 00000111 moFo
this ascii says : PLAGUE
..... - P L A G U E - W O R L D - H E A D Q U A R T E R S - .....
00000001 00001000 00000111 moFo
this ascii says : HG
+---/ / /---+ Harley Greenbrook/Xtra
or wises pick, he likes this one best
/ / / / Harley Greenbrook/Xtra!
/ / / / / Harley Greenbrook/Xtra!
Isnt it amazing how guys that are the only ones releasing during
98 and 99 suddenly think they own the whole scene? - Xcz
t h a t i s a m a z i n g a n d t h e y k n o w w h o t h e y a r e
+--------- g r e e t s ------------------------------- -
ryan, necrom, jeff, hiro, sixkskskkzkxxxx, whirr, omi, o7, volatile,
triballininiz, red mah brother if yer watching, cat-dog, mark ryder, cmang
vapor, radman, kayozz.. thatd probably be it
* mimic crew * remorse * true *
some last words
Jeff-im gonna work on a full length jedi arts release next so mimic will
have to be put on hold if thats possible
Mark Ryder-I dunno whos right or whos wrong but i am enjoying very much
reading you shoot your mouth off at some people again heh.
jediarts@mobsters.com for requests
+------------------ or if you want to give me ftp sites with psx warez : --+
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