this image contains text
j ..,,
j ,, 7
,, *l l7 ,f
j : :,dS
j, : b
j7 //.L SSb
j7, .*,, :
* j7, . :
j,,SSS :
:: j* : . :
:: jS7 , ll : :
:::::: : S7 S7,: : :* :.. ..: ...
: ,S : 7 :
: A7 S A Y S : : F U C K Y O U . --- -
: ,S/,7 .,
/, : Hey. Whats up? Im really pissed off. Some ,S
,j personnal affairs i wont talk about here.
: ,j : 7
: S Fuck the gap, i guess. ..:.
::::. 7S, I was talking with my mom about how id : .S
...:::: , like to go around and sport a PROUD CANADIAN .S
,tL baseball cap, with a canadian flag on it. b,7
7SS7 She went: Why dont you sport a IM A FUCKEN ,S7,d
MORON cap with a canadian flag on it ? *b,7
: :. ,/, , 7.
:::. / Im not even a proud canadian. So, fuck that
I was looking at system2 2. Well, you know, ,*
: zerostars group. I saw zs-t2.ans. I thought
: Oh, another tutorial.. meh. I decided to read
. it anyway, since zerostar is one of the
artists i really respect for his art. I
actually realized that my asciis would be *,,
really better with a background. I tried.
j ,, 7
,, *l l7 ,f
j : :,dS
j, : b
j7 //.L SSb
j7, .*,, :
* j7, . :
j,,SSS :
:: j* : . :
:: jS7 , ll : :
:::::: : S7 S7,: : :* :.. ..: ...
: ,S : 7 :
: A7 S A Y S : : F U C K Y O U . --- -
: ,S/,7 .,
/, : Hey. Whats up? Im really pissed off. Some ,S
,j personnal affairs i wont talk about here.
: ,j : 7
: S Fuck the gap, i guess. ..:.
::::. 7S, I was talking with my mom about how id : .S
...:::: , like to go around and sport a PROUD CANADIAN .S
,tL baseball cap, with a canadian flag on it. b,7
7SS7 She went: Why dont you sport a IM A FUCKEN ,S7,d
MORON cap with a canadian flag on it ? *b,7
: :. ,/, , 7.
:::. / Im not even a proud canadian. So, fuck that
I was looking at system2 2. Well, you know, ,*
: zerostars group. I saw zs-t2.ans. I thought
: Oh, another tutorial.. meh. I decided to read
. it anyway, since zerostar is one of the
artists i really respect for his art. I
actually realized that my asciis would be *,,
really better with a background. I tried.
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