this image contains text
the Scene project :QQ l :QQ
The ascii scene is :l :l
rather weak for qui- :l . QQQQ l :
te some time now. I :l : QQQQl :l
decided I would fol- :l :l
low the israely sce- : : :QQQ: : :QQQQQl
ners mart/kaz/ob : : :: : :l
create a system that :l l: :l :l
helps newbies to le- : :l lQQ :l :
arn become skille- : :l :l
d with ascii art.
project part 1: : :QQ
an ascii tutorial. LQb. 4: l: QQQQ :QQQQ
I would appreciate b. 4l :: :l l
it if more mimic an- :b. 4 :: l :l
d other artists wil- :b. :: QQQQl :l
l take the time to :b. :: : :l
help newbie artists. :4b.:: : :QQQ
: 4b: :l
once theres where : 4l :l keep reading
to learn - the scen- :: 4l :l
e grows and evolves. QQQ: 4QQQQ m7m
l: :::
welcome. this is my first ever attempt :
writing a tutorial. my grammar isnt per- :
: fect and im also quite busy nowadays. I
: hope itll be easy and helpfull.
:: i can sometimes be found on ascii on
:: efnet and on my email
:: for the older sceners among you : please
:: write your own tutorials and help other
:: people contribute to the ascii scene.
:: also, please check:
:: m7m.
the 1st step in learning how to draw very basic
ascii art should be practicing very primitive re-
ctangular-like fonts. this should help you contr- s t e p :
ol your keyboard and you might also get to know : o n e
your drawing software a bit better. recommanded
drawing programs are: aciddraw, itpdraw, empathy. ,. .
well here is a gggmmmggg gggmmmmmm gggmmnooo ggg ggg
quick example: gggggg
ggg ggg ggg ggg
ggg mmm
gggmmmggg gggmmmggg mmmgggmmm you may think its stupid
lets learn what to learn how to produce
is going on: such simple rect ascii,
if you already control
go down the very basics - you c-
an go on.
basic characters
s t e p :
m,n,o,u ... letters that end rather high are : o n e
used as lines. part 2
g,p,q,y... - gggmmmmmm ggg
gggggg - ,,,,,,
are used as ggg ggg
connectors high chars are used
with the li- as connectors with
ne below ggg the line above.
can also be used to
make a very simple
curve :
at this point you might want to take the time to try drawing
some quick fonts. in order to do so you might need to learn
aciddraw also itpdraws keyboard shortcuts for block edit.
Aciddraw keyboard shortcuts
s t e p :
: t w o
ALT+E : switchs between drawing pages 2 in aciddraw
ALT+B : start marking a block. once pressed you should move use this to copy
with arrow keys to make the block you want only up a basic shape
left - low right and then choose a command from - then change it
the upper command line on stats bar. if you do not to different le-
have a status bar, press CTRL+PrintScreen tters.
ALT+R : Undo - your last block action is canceled if you
have not yet pressed any char since.
ALT+U : Picks up the color of the char your cursor is on,
for example go here and press alt+u - boop
ALT+G : Global commands, allows to use the fill command on
the whole page color , fill with chars , etc.
ALT+H : More help on keyboard shortcuts.
now that youve mastered the shortcuts and rect
asciis its time to learn some basic shaping.
s t e p :
: t h r e e
4b. - please notice what letters are used to
make this curve on each side. b. , .d
.d7 - and 7 , 4
another curve , built with the chars l l
l,:, notice how each side looks , and :: ::
try making a quick line like this your- l l
self. l l
l l
more shaping:
s t e p :
: f o u r
top chars:
these are the chars commonly used
to connect a line with the line
above sorted by height.
bottom chars:
these chars are used to connect
a line with the line below.
now lets try to put some of those chars
together to create a larger Shape.
s t e p :
: f i v e
,gg, ,. .
:: - ok , well you might notice that besides
YY - the use of the chars we already know ,
*88* i also used :,j,Y,L to smooth the shape
a little. lets do this more slowly,
please follow the changing of the shape
rough edges
basic use of
g,*,8,,,,, added j,L added Ys added :s
,gg, ,gg, ,gg, ,gg,
- jL - jL jL
- YY - YY
*88* *88* *88* *88*
now we will use the simple shaping weve learned
so far to make a rather simple but pleasant loo-
king simple font: s t e p :
: s i x
.g88g. .g88g. .g88g.
j7 7L j7 7L j7 7L *8 8* ,. .
:Y Y: :l :Y Y: 8*. .*8
ll ll l8*. ll ll
oooooo l: l
wow now, i used some new curve chars, now slowly:
rather basic
.,g,8,,,:,l,o,L,j added 7,4 added Y added l,
.g88g. .g88g. .g88g. .g88g.
j L j7 4L j7 4L j7 4L
: : : : :Y Y: :Y Y:
l l l l l l ll ll
oooooo oooooo oooooo oooooo
some more basic shaping : looonger horizontal curves
please note these curves are copy-paste based s t e p :
and basically there are only bottom and top : s e v e n
for instance :
....... top string when placed together:
Q/*,........ again ,
Q/*,........ again Q/*,.
Q/*,. Q/*,.
Q* */Q
Q*...... again */Q
Q*...... again
...... bottom string
W ell now that weve learned some simple C losing :
curves , you might want to try to make some :
fonts by yourself. just pick a word for instance
- purge, mimic, ascii, g0at, peace, SOCIALISM ,. .
and start drawing ascii.
more tutorials next pack i hope!
Sceners , PLEASE WRITE MORE TUTORIALS. it helps the scene.
also check m7m-LFT.ans my Political Ascii Colly Project.
The ascii scene is :l :l
rather weak for qui- :l . QQQQ l :
te some time now. I :l : QQQQl :l
decided I would fol- :l :l
low the israely sce- : : :QQQ: : :QQQQQl
ners mart/kaz/ob : : :: : :l
create a system that :l l: :l :l
helps newbies to le- : :l lQQ :l :
arn become skille- : :l :l
d with ascii art.
project part 1: : :QQ
an ascii tutorial. LQb. 4: l: QQQQ :QQQQ
I would appreciate b. 4l :: :l l
it if more mimic an- :b. 4 :: l :l
d other artists wil- :b. :: QQQQl :l
l take the time to :b. :: : :l
help newbie artists. :4b.:: : :QQQ
: 4b: :l
once theres where : 4l :l keep reading
to learn - the scen- :: 4l :l
e grows and evolves. QQQ: 4QQQQ m7m
l: :::
welcome. this is my first ever attempt :
writing a tutorial. my grammar isnt per- :
: fect and im also quite busy nowadays. I
: hope itll be easy and helpfull.
:: i can sometimes be found on ascii on
:: efnet and on my email
:: for the older sceners among you : please
:: write your own tutorials and help other
:: people contribute to the ascii scene.
:: also, please check:
:: m7m.
the 1st step in learning how to draw very basic
ascii art should be practicing very primitive re-
ctangular-like fonts. this should help you contr- s t e p :
ol your keyboard and you might also get to know : o n e
your drawing software a bit better. recommanded
drawing programs are: aciddraw, itpdraw, empathy. ,. .
well here is a gggmmmggg gggmmmmmm gggmmnooo ggg ggg
quick example: gggggg
ggg ggg ggg ggg
ggg mmm
gggmmmggg gggmmmggg mmmgggmmm you may think its stupid
lets learn what to learn how to produce
is going on: such simple rect ascii,
if you already control
go down the very basics - you c-
an go on.
basic characters
s t e p :
m,n,o,u ... letters that end rather high are : o n e
used as lines. part 2
g,p,q,y... - gggmmmmmm ggg
gggggg - ,,,,,,
are used as ggg ggg
connectors high chars are used
with the li- as connectors with
ne below ggg the line above.
can also be used to
make a very simple
curve :
at this point you might want to take the time to try drawing
some quick fonts. in order to do so you might need to learn
aciddraw also itpdraws keyboard shortcuts for block edit.
Aciddraw keyboard shortcuts
s t e p :
: t w o
ALT+E : switchs between drawing pages 2 in aciddraw
ALT+B : start marking a block. once pressed you should move use this to copy
with arrow keys to make the block you want only up a basic shape
left - low right and then choose a command from - then change it
the upper command line on stats bar. if you do not to different le-
have a status bar, press CTRL+PrintScreen tters.
ALT+R : Undo - your last block action is canceled if you
have not yet pressed any char since.
ALT+U : Picks up the color of the char your cursor is on,
for example go here and press alt+u - boop
ALT+G : Global commands, allows to use the fill command on
the whole page color , fill with chars , etc.
ALT+H : More help on keyboard shortcuts.
now that youve mastered the shortcuts and rect
asciis its time to learn some basic shaping.
s t e p :
: t h r e e
4b. - please notice what letters are used to
make this curve on each side. b. , .d
.d7 - and 7 , 4
another curve , built with the chars l l
l,:, notice how each side looks , and :: ::
try making a quick line like this your- l l
self. l l
l l
more shaping:
s t e p :
: f o u r
top chars:
these are the chars commonly used
to connect a line with the line
above sorted by height.
bottom chars:
these chars are used to connect
a line with the line below.
now lets try to put some of those chars
together to create a larger Shape.
s t e p :
: f i v e
,gg, ,. .
:: - ok , well you might notice that besides
YY - the use of the chars we already know ,
*88* i also used :,j,Y,L to smooth the shape
a little. lets do this more slowly,
please follow the changing of the shape
rough edges
basic use of
g,*,8,,,,, added j,L added Ys added :s
,gg, ,gg, ,gg, ,gg,
- jL - jL jL
- YY - YY
*88* *88* *88* *88*
now we will use the simple shaping weve learned
so far to make a rather simple but pleasant loo-
king simple font: s t e p :
: s i x
.g88g. .g88g. .g88g.
j7 7L j7 7L j7 7L *8 8* ,. .
:Y Y: :l :Y Y: 8*. .*8
ll ll l8*. ll ll
oooooo l: l
wow now, i used some new curve chars, now slowly:
rather basic
.,g,8,,,:,l,o,L,j added 7,4 added Y added l,
.g88g. .g88g. .g88g. .g88g.
j L j7 4L j7 4L j7 4L
: : : : :Y Y: :Y Y:
l l l l l l ll ll
oooooo oooooo oooooo oooooo
some more basic shaping : looonger horizontal curves
please note these curves are copy-paste based s t e p :
and basically there are only bottom and top : s e v e n
for instance :
....... top string when placed together:
Q/*,........ again ,
Q/*,........ again Q/*,.
Q/*,. Q/*,.
Q* */Q
Q*...... again */Q
Q*...... again
...... bottom string
W ell now that weve learned some simple C losing :
curves , you might want to try to make some :
fonts by yourself. just pick a word for instance
- purge, mimic, ascii, g0at, peace, SOCIALISM ,. .
and start drawing ascii.
more tutorials next pack i hope!
Sceners , PLEASE WRITE MORE TUTORIALS. it helps the scene.
also check m7m-LFT.ans my Political Ascii Colly Project.
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