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new school
b a t t l e - o n e c d v t b
.yy. .yy. .y. /
7k,..::k:: / .
: 7/7/y :
. *SSS* .77 bEE!
.yy,. :k.
.4/ 4l. .
j@@7. . / :/ :
:7 /
7@k,., ::: / :::: .yy.
* .y. / . .4. :k,.. .4k,.........,y. k. .4k ,,..4@@4k. .4 7 .4/k44 .dP4/ 47
.4 *SS* YP
who else can combine the wicked arts of new school / old school and block?
c 2002 cD!/tRS!
b a t t l e - o n e c d v t b
.yy. .yy. .y. /
7k,..::k:: / .
: 7/7/y :
. *SSS* .77 bEE!
.yy,. :k.
.4/ 4l. .
j@@7. . / :/ :
:7 /
7@k,., ::: / :::: .yy.
* .y. / . .4. :k,.. .4k,.........,y. k. .4k ,,..4@@4k. .4 7 .4/k44 .dP4/ 47
.4 *SS* YP
who else can combine the wicked arts of new school / old school and block?
c 2002 cD!/tRS!
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