this image contains text
:7 .yy. .4k.
lk,.,y. .4k. .,4k. .yy. .yy.4: .4: ll.4k.77l 7 47
.4l :: 7P. l **
j7 k4 . . 7: : l ,yk.
7 **.4 .y7 l : .
:7 l. k,4 . .l 7.
k......,. :: 7 k,,4: .. :
:l lk,.** 7 k4P
*SS* : *7 *SSS* ** cd! S* A . D .
master of operations:: c4nn telnet://to.bbs
::: : : :: LOGIN c4nn------------
PASSWORD ******----------::: : : ::::
snippity snip snip------------------------------------------------------------finally got around to this, copius amouts of ganga was consumed during the
making of this ascii. whast the fuckin telnet address?!?
cain si FAGGOT!!!
:7 .yy. .4k.
lk,.,y. .4k. .,4k. .yy. .yy.4: .4: ll.4k.77l 7 47
.4l :: 7P. l **
j7 k4 . . 7: : l ,yk.
7 **.4 .y7 l : .
:7 l. k,4 . .l 7.
k......,. :: 7 k,,4: .. :
:l lk,.** 7 k4P
*SS* : *7 *SSS* ** cd! S* A . D .
master of operations:: c4nn telnet://to.bbs
::: : : :: LOGIN c4nn------------
PASSWORD ******----------::: : : ::::
snippity snip snip------------------------------------------------------------finally got around to this, copius amouts of ganga was consumed during the
making of this ascii. whast the fuckin telnet address?!?
cain si FAGGOT!!!
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