this image contains text
16:37:54 shdlord otium says that u faggot
13:33:52 noches i send you my logos for mimic
13:33:54 noches pack
13:34:01 -noches- DCC Send Uruchom przegldark Internet Explorer.lnk
13:34:02 --- noches has offered UruchomprzegldarkInternetExplorer.lnk 390 bytes
13:34:05 noches ok?
13:37:11 --- DCC RECV connect attempt to noches failed errConnection timed out.
14:49:54 klumzee actually i think dy is one of the best ascii artists ever
14:50:37 julian too bad all of discyples asciis were drawn by a computer program
14:50:45 t-bob julian: gno
14:50:46 klumzee what?
14:50:51 klumzee what do you mean
14:50:58 julian he uses tiff2asc
14:51:00 klumzee haha
14:51:01 t-bob scott is not teh gif2ascii
14:51:08 julian yes
14:51:10 julian ask him
14:51:11 klumzee are you serious?
14:51:14 julian yes
14:51:25 klumzee tif2asc would be a lot more efficient than gif2asc wouldnt it.
14:51:32 julian yes
14:51:32 julian he wrote it himself
14:51:36 klumzee hah
14:51:39 julian it uses differential geometry
14:51:40 julian hes a math major
14:51:46 julian put the pieces together, people
13:33:52 noches i send you my logos for mimic
13:33:54 noches pack
13:34:01 -noches- DCC Send Uruchom przegldark Internet Explorer.lnk
13:34:02 --- noches has offered UruchomprzegldarkInternetExplorer.lnk 390 bytes
13:34:05 noches ok?
13:37:11 --- DCC RECV connect attempt to noches failed errConnection timed out.
14:49:54 klumzee actually i think dy is one of the best ascii artists ever
14:50:37 julian too bad all of discyples asciis were drawn by a computer program
14:50:45 t-bob julian: gno
14:50:46 klumzee what?
14:50:51 klumzee what do you mean
14:50:58 julian he uses tiff2asc
14:51:00 klumzee haha
14:51:01 t-bob scott is not teh gif2ascii
14:51:08 julian yes
14:51:10 julian ask him
14:51:11 klumzee are you serious?
14:51:14 julian yes
14:51:25 klumzee tif2asc would be a lot more efficient than gif2asc wouldnt it.
14:51:32 julian yes
14:51:32 julian he wrote it himself
14:51:36 klumzee hah
14:51:39 julian it uses differential geometry
14:51:40 julian hes a math major
14:51:46 julian put the pieces together, people
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