this image contains text
Wow, Aciddraw.
I havnt been on this screen for a long-ass time. As I watch this, old memories
flood me. memories of old friends, of ascii group, of the days I thought a bunchof low-res ascii characters will make a difference.
Well it doesnt, and I probably dont know how to draw ascii much anymore,
but what the heck, lets have a go at a small colly. Its called:
new times, same styles and I dedicate it to all of my friends who have
disappeared through lifes adventures, first and foremost - antik, mankind and
d2macroman, my 3 best ascii friends. Ive not a clue where you guys are,
but I love you. Karma 4ever!
... scroll down for some ascii loving.
,. / // // t i m e s
i /
, // martzK4//
s t y l e s
I havnt been on this screen for a long-ass time. As I watch this, old memories
flood me. memories of old friends, of ascii group, of the days I thought a bunchof low-res ascii characters will make a difference.
Well it doesnt, and I probably dont know how to draw ascii much anymore,
but what the heck, lets have a go at a small colly. Its called:
new times, same styles and I dedicate it to all of my friends who have
disappeared through lifes adventures, first and foremost - antik, mankind and
d2macroman, my 3 best ascii friends. Ive not a clue where you guys are,
but I love you. Karma 4ever!
... scroll down for some ascii loving.
,. / // // t i m e s
i /
, // martzK4//
s t y l e s
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