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thrashed reality underground scene message group
email thrashedreality-subscribe@yahoogroups.com to subscribe
thrashed reality is the response of a few members of the underground scene
to the scenes declining level of activity. it is an attempt to cure this
ailment the best way we know how through conversation.
i do not believe that this is the magical cure for all of the problems the
scene is facing today. everyone knows that recently there has been a severe
lack of new faces, new groups, and group activity. however, i do believe
in stimulating conversation and developing unity inside of the existing
underground scene. i believe that by doing this, the scene we all know and
love has a chance to rebuild itself to a higher level of activity. i believe
that through communication among ALL of the underground scene, including
all genres of art, coding, and music, we can create new projects and develop
new ideas beyond the rusted old boundaries of the scene today.
so, lets band together, as a community, to kick-start the scene that we have all worked so hard for, the scene that we have all grown to love.
send an email to thrashedreality-subscribe@yahoogroups.com to subscribe.
zerostar of mimic ascii / sense ansi
email thrashedreality-subscribe@yahoogroups.com to subscribe
thrashed reality is the response of a few members of the underground scene
to the scenes declining level of activity. it is an attempt to cure this
ailment the best way we know how through conversation.
i do not believe that this is the magical cure for all of the problems the
scene is facing today. everyone knows that recently there has been a severe
lack of new faces, new groups, and group activity. however, i do believe
in stimulating conversation and developing unity inside of the existing
underground scene. i believe that by doing this, the scene we all know and
love has a chance to rebuild itself to a higher level of activity. i believe
that through communication among ALL of the underground scene, including
all genres of art, coding, and music, we can create new projects and develop
new ideas beyond the rusted old boundaries of the scene today.
so, lets band together, as a community, to kick-start the scene that we have all worked so hard for, the scene that we have all grown to love.
send an email to thrashedreality-subscribe@yahoogroups.com to subscribe.
zerostar of mimic ascii / sense ansi
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