this image contains text
. .Q/.
mooo o
*Q7 4Q/**/QQ/*,.
j, l7 */*/QQ/*,.
j, ,*/QQ/*, j7 */4
j, 4Q/*7 j/*,, l
j, 47d7 j7 j
j, 47 j7 j7 j
j, 47 j7 j7 j
j, 47 j7 j7 j
j7 j7 j
j 47 j7 j j/
7Q/* meretz. israely
7Q/* social-democrats.
read www.meretz.org.il
now, when the israeli elections are one week away.and the israeli left is likelyto lose these elections, i thought i would still like to give what i can to myparty, israeli social democrats, which is startying an on-going effort to -replace and defeat the israeli center-light-leftwing so-called labour party.i hope the results of the elections will be better than the polls, and that thenew socialdemocrats party will prove to be the real Leftwing alternative for allisraeli peace-seekers and social justice demanders.
i will be there to do my best and make sure it happens
Peace in israel and Palestine NOW
End the israeli Occupation NOW
End palestinian Terror !
SOCIAL JUSTICE in Israel and Palestine NOW
Guy. 21/01/2003
. .Q/.
mooo o
*Q7 4Q/**/QQ/*,.
j, l7 */*/QQ/*,.
j, ,*/QQ/*, j7 */4
j, 4Q/*7 j/*,, l
j, 47d7 j7 j
j, 47 j7 j7 j
j, 47 j7 j7 j
j, 47 j7 j7 j
j7 j7 j
j 47 j7 j j/
7Q/* meretz. israely
7Q/* social-democrats.
read www.meretz.org.il
now, when the israeli elections are one week away.and the israeli left is likelyto lose these elections, i thought i would still like to give what i can to myparty, israeli social democrats, which is startying an on-going effort to -replace and defeat the israeli center-light-leftwing so-called labour party.i hope the results of the elections will be better than the polls, and that thenew socialdemocrats party will prove to be the real Leftwing alternative for allisraeli peace-seekers and social justice demanders.
i will be there to do my best and make sure it happens
Peace in israel and Palestine NOW
End the israeli Occupation NOW
End palestinian Terror !
SOCIAL JUSTICE in Israel and Palestine NOW
Guy. 21/01/2003
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