this image contains text
1st step - annie/mcdcs
press button to scroll down //
and another one to scroll up //
this way
hello. i am new in here.
and i am already late, but
luckily there seems to be some demand
for ascii-logos. ive got some requests
and done some gifts and now i would
like to present the result to you.
no perfect quality here, but hey!
this one is my first collie.
b l u p :
: annie / mcdcs :
i n d e ks !
says for
o1 simulaatio simulaatio org
o2 jumalauta jumalauta
o3 funkp ricky martin
o4 bukkake unseenf8
o5 dual crew sh.. dcs
o6 dawning unseenf8
o7 psion tribe
o8 pen15 pen15
o9 arctic circle nup
1o unique unique
11 ninja ninja
12 ephidrena ephidrena
13 eph ephidrena
14 matt current matt current
15 enhet flow
16 icecube icecube org
ok, so this is me.
this is a cloud.
oO / /
this is a flower.
my shoes are way too large.
got it?
these are ascii-logos:
/ / / o1 simulaatio
// for simulaatio organizers /
/ simu / /
laatio 03. / / an
/ / / o2 jumalauta
// for jumalauta /
/ an
j u m a l a u t a !
/ / / o3 funkp
// for ricky martin /
:::: f u n k p ::::
- ------/---------//-----//-----//--/-an---
/ / / o4 bukkake
// for unseenf8 /
/ / // // // // an
b u k k a k e / // //
/ / / o5 dual crew shining
// for dcs /
:::: --- // ----- / ---- // -------- / -an ::::
:::: :: .. - d u a l c r e w - s h i n i n g - .. :: ::::
/ / / o6 dawning
// for unseenf8 /
:: d a w n i n g ::
/ / / o7 psion
// for tribe /
/ p s i O n .
/ / / o8 pen15
// for pen15 /
/ p e n 1 5 ! //
/ / / / / / an
my ascii penis is larger than yours!
yes it truly is. one important message to you:
you need ascii-logo for your group/ftp/board/whatever!
catch me somehow and ask me to draw it for you.
janne.toivanen @ kolumbus.fi
back to logos.
/ / / o9 arctic circle
// for nup /
.------//----/-----/---- -an.
arctic circle bbs
/ / / 1o unique
// for unique /
u N I QUE // an
/ / / 11 ninja
// for ninja /
/ n i n j a s t y l e e
/ an
/ / / 12 ephidrena
// for ephidrena /
. .------ / --- --- / -an-------.
: e p h i d r e n a
/ / / 13 eph diz
// for ephidrena /
/ / / 14 matt current
// for matt current /
matt // / / / / / // / //
current //
/ / / 15 enhet
// for flow /
e n h e t /
// // . an //
/ / / 16 icecube
// for icecube organisers /
/ an
i c e c u b e // 2 0 0 3
// phew. too many underscores /
and backslashes for me!
this is the ... /
// // /an
1st step - annie/mcdcs
press button to scroll down //
and another one to scroll up //
this way
hello. i am new in here.
and i am already late, but
luckily there seems to be some demand
for ascii-logos. ive got some requests
and done some gifts and now i would
like to present the result to you.
no perfect quality here, but hey!
this one is my first collie.
b l u p :
: annie / mcdcs :
i n d e ks !
says for
o1 simulaatio simulaatio org
o2 jumalauta jumalauta
o3 funkp ricky martin
o4 bukkake unseenf8
o5 dual crew sh.. dcs
o6 dawning unseenf8
o7 psion tribe
o8 pen15 pen15
o9 arctic circle nup
1o unique unique
11 ninja ninja
12 ephidrena ephidrena
13 eph ephidrena
14 matt current matt current
15 enhet flow
16 icecube icecube org
ok, so this is me.
this is a cloud.
oO / /
this is a flower.
my shoes are way too large.
got it?
these are ascii-logos:
/ / / o1 simulaatio
// for simulaatio organizers /
/ simu / /
laatio 03. / / an
/ / / o2 jumalauta
// for jumalauta /
/ an
j u m a l a u t a !
/ / / o3 funkp
// for ricky martin /
:::: f u n k p ::::
- ------/---------//-----//-----//--/-an---
/ / / o4 bukkake
// for unseenf8 /
/ / // // // // an
b u k k a k e / // //
/ / / o5 dual crew shining
// for dcs /
:::: --- // ----- / ---- // -------- / -an ::::
:::: :: .. - d u a l c r e w - s h i n i n g - .. :: ::::
/ / / o6 dawning
// for unseenf8 /
:: d a w n i n g ::
/ / / o7 psion
// for tribe /
/ p s i O n .
/ / / o8 pen15
// for pen15 /
/ p e n 1 5 ! //
/ / / / / / an
my ascii penis is larger than yours!
yes it truly is. one important message to you:
you need ascii-logo for your group/ftp/board/whatever!
catch me somehow and ask me to draw it for you.
janne.toivanen @ kolumbus.fi
back to logos.
/ / / o9 arctic circle
// for nup /
.------//----/-----/---- -an.
arctic circle bbs
/ / / 1o unique
// for unique /
u N I QUE // an
/ / / 11 ninja
// for ninja /
/ n i n j a s t y l e e
/ an
/ / / 12 ephidrena
// for ephidrena /
. .------ / --- --- / -an-------.
: e p h i d r e n a
/ / / 13 eph diz
// for ephidrena /
/ / / 14 matt current
// for matt current /
matt // / / / / / // / //
current //
/ / / 15 enhet
// for flow /
e n h e t /
// // . an //
/ / / 16 icecube
// for icecube organisers /
/ an
i c e c u b e // 2 0 0 3
// phew. too many underscores /
and backslashes for me!
this is the ... /
// // /an
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