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17:16:08 @Entrope cygwin libraries are really big
17:16:17 @Entrope if you statically link them, your executable will also be really big
17:17:04 blkjack This big?
17:17:15 blkjack Or this big?
17:17:42 @Entrope im not sure how to translate whitespace into megabytes except literally, and in literal terms, it would be much more than either of those
17:16:17 @Entrope if you statically link them, your executable will also be really big
17:17:04 blkjack This big?
17:17:15 blkjack Or this big?
17:17:42 @Entrope im not sure how to translate whitespace into megabytes except literally, and in literal terms, it would be much more than either of those
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