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Southern ComforT 5
1O-828-5439 v.32bis 14,4OObps
64O+ Megabytes
Plantinum Net51O System
ICENet Node JetNet 51O Hub
DrekkNet Node FUSiON Affiliate
Relaxed Ratios Operator:
Co-Operator: Sir ReaL 96OO+ Prefer
red No NUP
Presented by: Beez mirage, October 1992
MiRAGE. The Family Values Ansi group.
1O-828-5439 v.32bis 14,4OObps
64O+ Megabytes
Plantinum Net51O System
ICENet Node JetNet 51O Hub
DrekkNet Node FUSiON Affiliate
Relaxed Ratios Operator:
Co-Operator: Sir ReaL 96OO+ Prefer
red No NUP
Presented by: Beez mirage, October 1992
MiRAGE. The Family Values Ansi group.
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