this image contains text
Mirage Compendium VI : The Final Joke
This pack is dedicated to James L. Earl.
which I have no idea who he is, just sounds good
THIS IS THE MIRAGE COMPENDIUM VI Pronounced Vee Eye, er six.
This pack is SOOO big! Wow! Bigger then any other Mirage Compendium! Wow!
Im sure youll figure out why tho : ...
Top Ten Intros for the final Mirage Compendium Compiled by R.Noble
10 Star Trek/Beavis Butthead Intro
This is the final voyage of the StarShip Mirage. Its 6 Compendium
mission to bring you more and more vapor ANSIs, to explore new
worlds, and discover strange new members. To boldly do ANSIs that
Ren would never do. Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-huh huh huh... thats cool!
9 Toyota Salesmen Intro
Its here! The final pack from Mirage, Its bigger! Its brighter!
The ALL new 94 design comes with ANS, a smaller, compact size,
No VGAs, ALL standard, at a size everyone can cheer about! Starting
at under 100k, The Mirage Compendium VI model, is the newest on the
market, featuring dual NFO files, stainless steel ASCII codes, and
the all new, never seen before ANSIs! Yes, all this at your nearest
art oriented bulletin board system!
8 CyberLit Intro
There once was a group called Mirage, it was so nice and had members
in a caravan, much like a Dodge. Each artist was cool, and all of them
left for their own rules. But now, the end of the road is here, and boyz
become men, so now lets see the ANSIs that make us cheer.
7 Anonymous Intro
Shut up.
6 Tempus Subliminal Messages Intro.
Hi guys! join mirage Heres the last join mirage Pack from the group
join mirage Mirage. Weve been join mirage around for years, join mirage,
but lately, its been join mirage dead. But dont fret, join mirage we still
had producing artists join mirage that did work, just were never join
mirage put out. So heres the join mirage pack of their stuff, join mirage
and thanks for all join mirage that made it possible. And by the way, join
mirage dont bother asking for sites or membership join mirage, Mirage is
now, officially join mirage GONE! ... join mirage...
5 Shihear Kalizaad Intro
I would put it here, but when youre done reading it, Mirage wouldve
made another comeback and INC would be the 1 again
4 Defective Energizer Bunny Intro
Keeps going and going and go ng nd oi g a d g in n i ...
3 Pig Latin Intro
HisTay SIay HeTay AstLay IrageMay AckPay! AveHay UnFay OokingLay TAay it.
2 ANSI Intro
Ha! ANSI? From Mirage?! Whatever!
1 Snoopy Doggy Dog Intro
Beeeautch! Thiz iz duh muthaphuckin last azz Mirage Pack! So git your
hoes and beeautches and smoke sum phat azz dank and indo while yahz
be lookyn at thiz phat pack. Beeautch! 187 on doze iCE beeaautchs! sigh
A Programmers Intro
program LastPack output
writelnThis is the last Mirage Pack! Here it is!
until G.Washington TRUE
B Beez Intro
Amy Grant rules! I love her! Oh, yeah, Mirage pack is out. Go get it!
C G.Washington Intro
Well, he would write one, but hes too busy fighting Cobra and the
evil forces of the Decepticons
D Binary Digits Intro
E Rush Lambaugh Intro
Youre wrong. Im right, what else is there? I say this is the last pack,
and youre telling me Bill Clinton tells you that it isnt?!?! ...
F Waynes World Intro
Waynes World! Waynes World! Party On Garth! Party On Wayne! Okay, okay...
So guys, this is it, this is the last pack from Mirage, what else can we
say? Schwing!
G Ed McMahon Intro
You may have just won 10 Million copies of the Final Mirage Pack! Stay
tuned to your television, and watch Star Search 94!
H BatMan Intro
Who, who are you?! Im Batman. I want you to tell all your friends
about me.
what does that have to do with Mirage? Nothing, just sounds good
I Knights of Nee Intro
We are the Knights we say Nee! Give us a shrubery or we will give you
the last Mirage Compendium!
J Ugh... this is enough...
Anyways, this is the last, final, numero last, ANSI pack Mirage will ever
put out, unless some idiot wants to try and restart Mirage for nth time.
Cmon guys, after Metal Head left, Mirage was basically on a downhill from
then, right Ben?! : . Oh well. I would put all that stuff like where we
were started, when, etc etc, but thats too serious, and this is the last
pack, so might as well do anything that I can get away with, and this is
it. Lalala. Since there are no comic book rendering artists in Mirage,
were very sorry to disappoint those who love Chapel, Youngblood, and all
those other comic characters. Sucks for you! And if this pack sucks, SO
WHAT? Its out, dont ask us to do too many things at once...
Why we or I call it The Final Joke? For NO good reason, just sounds
good. Look at the dedication. And no Shihear, Im not drinking Sunny
Delight now! And this doesnt mean any of us are retiring, just that the
group is FINALLY, officially, no-fakin, DEAD and GONE! Id like to retire
the name, but I dunno if some idiot will use the name again. Oh well.
- R.Noble ...
Shadow Knight/Resinator/Ren/R.Noble/r.noble with all his crazy paragraphs.
Anyone else think hes crazy or just sick of da scene? More so than me?
But, hey.. he actually compiled the Compedium more or less. So, lets
give a hand for his great articles, posts, and introduction/conclusions.
Just had to get this last word in. Mirage has finally appeared to have
faded, but only after iCE melted.. a few times. :
- Sylk/Ricochet
Well it finally happened. Of course this Compendium VI has been promised
since June I believe it was. Kinda sad it took this long. Of course Mirage
had always just been hanging in by a thread. So today its OFFICIAL. Mirage
is dead, and if anyone tells ya different hes a FOOL!!!!!!!.
- Zandorf
Filename.MIR Description Size FileDate Time Key
2600MEET.ANS 2600 Meet 5748 12-19-93 22:39 -
AL-SONBM Sonic Boom 7834 12-19-93 22:01 -
BK-C2 C Squared 19889 9-23-93 0:22 -
BK-MIR2 Mirage Logo 3521 7-28-93 2:35 -
BK-TUW The Under World 3895 8-23-93 22:22 -
BK-WIRED HardWired 29335 10-12-93 17:04 -
BKBZ-SOH South of Hell 28061 10-10-93 14:46 + -
BZ-EBLUE lectric Blue 3764 11-11-92 15:53 * -
BZ-FON The Forest of Nee 5158 7-21-93 21:08 -
BZ-GENSS Genesis 16088 8-02-93 16:00 -
BZ-LOGO Mirage Logo 2626 11-08-93 15:56 -
BZ-KM Korova Milkbar 17312 6-04-93 10:47 * -
BZ-PENTA.ASC The Pentagon 556 11-26-93 17:41 -
BZ-PENTA The Pentagon 31039 10-10-93 8:52 -
KI-OUTL The Outland 276393 8-12-93 15:57 -
KF-INFFM Infoform 3670 5-08-92 11:51 * -
KK-FMODE Fractal Mode 3771 11-09-93 18:47 -
MI-BSHIT Infinite Darkness 57025 5-18-93 17:04 + -
OUT-NED .EXE Neds Atomic Dustbin 29852 12-06-93 19:04 -
PM-DARK Darkened Reality 14121 8-12-93 0:04 * -
PM-RUSH RUSH : Roll the Bones 16184 9-07-93 2:53 * -
RN-ATOM2 Atomic Cafe 14579 6-06-92 19:11 * -
RN-IPLG InterPool 3459 10-11-92 20:00 * -
RN-IRI Iridium Logo 3479 12-26-93 18:29 -
RN-PG The PowerGrid 4079 12-18-93 17:41 -
RN-TFED The Federation Logo 2109 12-17-93 20:30 -
T2-BTUSA Banned in the USA 3040 12-05-93 9:31 -
T2-CP Corrosive Poision 33664 10-24-93 3:49 -
T2-CZ Channel Zero 19071 12-27-93 8:28 -
T2-GOD Gates of Destiny 22914 12-23-93 2:33 -
T2-LT Legato Times 13855 12-06-93 2:49 -
T2-LZ Latitude Zero 2951 12-23-93 4:38 -
T2-NEON NeoNet Logo 2166 11-14-93 12:38 -
T2-PLOST Paradise Lost 4796 n/a n/a -
T2-PSY Psychosis Logo 2263 11-14-93 12:22 -
T2PSYMNU Psychosis 5 Menu 5213 11-15-93 21:42 -
TC-RE Razors Edge 18036 7-06-93 19:41 -
T2-ROD2 Realm of Destruction 42206 10-02-93 18:22 -
T2-SKY SkyNet 3070 12-06-93 22:26 -
TC-TF Terminal Frost 12709 8-03-93 20:29 -
TD-IRID Iridium Logo 2979 8-10-93 10:59 -
TD-RAM RAM Logo 2162 8-04-93 3:54 -
VI-DRZC Death Row 2236 12-16-93 11:38 -
VI-MIR Mirage Logo 2283 12-30-93 22:04 -
ZD-TRIC TRiC Logo 3212 8-19-93 15:43 -
HARMLESS.COM Mirage Virus!! 131 12-30-93 10:58 @
AL - Apocalyptic Lord BK - Bad Karma
BZ - Beez KI - Killer
KF - Kafka Kierkgaard KK - Kaska F. Kaska
OUT - Outlaw PM - Paul MaudDib
RN - R.Noble or Ren T2 - Terminator2
TC - The Carnage TD - The Drow
ZD - Zandorf
GW - G.Washington Find his ANSIs in the pack to win the
secret toy suprise!
* OLD ANSI. Then again, thats stupid, cuz all of these ANSIs are old.
+ Group ANSI.
- Excellent ANSI worthy of an A++++++ by Paradigm, Iridium, Critic, Encore,
and any other art reviewing group. NOT!
@ Mostly Harmless Mirage Virus, but dont count on it...
Greets and all that jazz...
- Kaska F. Kaska : Cant say it wasnt fun eh?
- Ricochet : Its over! Its over!
- G.Washington : Hows boot camp? btw, Mirage is gone. :
- Beez : God, leave the group for Tribe?! Oh well, have fun.
Amy rules...
- Metal Head : You Mirage killer! You sadistic, necrophiliac! You
sicko! ... I guess I can join iCE now. btw, As rule.
- Shihear K : Hey d00d.
- Deep Freeze : hmph... I dont know you. But I know your PW on
Corrosive Poison! Muahaha!!
- Zandorf : Judgement Something eh? Crack? Forget it!
- Black Ire : Pongee! Legacy was great, BUT it shouldve been Mirage!
ah well. hi.
- Midnight S : uh... wonder why I put that... uh.. hi!
- Terminator2 : Cant believe ya stayed so long, thanks man.
- Crushed Ice : who cares, youll probably never see this
- Voivod : Sorry for the short stay.
- Everyone else : Hi.
- Kaska F. Kaska : So, is this the end of yer ground? W/ it all started
out as PAC 51O - ELiTE - PE? Well, dont think
that those will never appear.. hint
- Ren/Resinator : Welp, looks like this is it. I never was part of the
rise of Mirage but viewed it as it did from BART on
up. Too bad, but it happens, doesnt it? ..but hey,
look, I told you youd reach the stage I did.. u just
reached it later. Youll reach the next one which is
what I was at a few months ago soon enough.. SaLaD 93!
- Zandorf : So is this what happens then? Too much work? I told
you youd burn out. The people within the group are the
people that really run it thats where the enthusiasm
and dedication come from. It comes from you originally,
but w/o any backup, a group goes nowhere.. good luck
w/ anything you do in the future my friend..
- Terminator2 : I hope you find a place in the art scene because you
sure are improving and can be made to be an excellent
artist, with the right people to guide you. Good luck.
- Kinslayer : Dude, why u so interested in all this now?! Its all
been played out. Exactly. Thaaanks. Puh-leaze.
Pace. So yer board is expected any day now. BTW: U
still suck at Mortal Kombat 2, teacha berry. grin
- Rad Man Dude : Hey, you still interested in what was discussed on IRC?
- Midnight Sorrow: CCi looks good. Not great, but good. Keep up the work,
enforce a bit more, and perhaps itll be like it was 2
years ago.
- InterPooL fans : There might be a network under 10 bases soon but even
smaller than what IP was. Perhaps.
- Adrenalin fans : Look out for an issue and stop applying damnit. To the
scene, we are inactive, but we are still in production
when we get the time. But hey, itll sure be nice when
issue three hits da fan.
- Everyone else : Lah, nine-qua in da house now. Cant we all rag so the
scene will even suck more? disgusted
- R.Noble : Hey too bad things didnt work out. I appreciate all the
help, but ricochet is right thats its the group that
makes it what it is. Without dedication from everyone
it never works. Good luck in iCE!.
- Ricochet : Thanks for letting Mirage use InterPooL, it sure saved
Mirage alot of time. Still appears the communication
problem never got solved, however I dont blame that
as the entire problem. stay in touch.. late.
- Slammer : Hey man dont worry about it. It was bound to happen
someday. A little unexpectedly soon, but ya guys in
the 516 Area code helped out alot, it looked like that
was the only thing going on.. too bad..
- Deep Freeze : Thanks for your advice, and help. Sorry VODs merger with
Mirage didnt work out. I dont think Im interested in
Strating another Group right now. My life is tooo busy
good luck with CRaCK or whatever ya do...
- Sly Boy : Hey dont worry what other people say about ya. Ya dont
Move up in the world by making enemys. Also thanks for
your help with Mirage. I know ya really wanted it to
work out. keep in touch..
- Pnakotic : You were right from the beggining. Hope the switch over
have the quality!!.
- To T2, Beez, Bad Karma and the rest of the crew. I appreciate ya guys
sticking in the way ya did. The dedication ya showed Mirage is beyond
words. I know ya guys have a bright future in the Art world if ya
stick it out. I wish ya guys all luck.. late
Mirage, the art that excites you ... - Metal Head ex-Mirage
Mirage, we have more ANSIs then brains! - Dar S LONG time ago d00d
If you think you cant draw and have no talent, you can still be iCE
Senior Staff! - Rasitlin ex-Mirage
And you can be in Senior Staff if you can draw really good women! - MH
Lamer. - Shihear Kallizad ex-Mirage
Shihear smells like cat urine. - Metal Head Rasitlin ex-Mirage
Mirage, the kind of word Jed cant pronoune. - Rasitlin ex-Mirage
- G.Washington
I love you Charles. - The Lord God Xerobe, Dan The Man
Im gonna piss in your skull! - Metal Head Imitation of R.Noble ex-Miragi
When I was in Mirage, I said,Here I am! Here I am Ren! Scat boy, you
annoy me. - Rasitlin, commenting the old Mirage ex-Mirage
Necromancer is a Nazi! - Rasitlin ex-Mirage
Touch the breasts to exit. - R.Noble ex-Mirage
* NOTE : Rasitlin has denied he was ever in Mirage.
Quotes were compiled during a session with iCE SS on 01/10/94 20:37PST
So where does leave Mirage? Nowhere. Bad Karma and Terminator2 joined ACiD,
Beez left to TRiBE, Kaska and Ricochet dont really care because the scene
sucks, and Zandorf and Deep Freeze are scheming for some new group or
something. As far as I know, those are the only members that did anything.
Me? Who knows. Who cares. Mirage was fun to have around and now its gone.
Oh well. I wish everyone would release packs like this one : ...
- r.noble ELiTE/PE, Mirage, ACiD, Legacy, Mirage, iCE
pft. And if youre wondering why we/I released the pack with no compression,
its because we/I wanted to make the last pack the biggest Mirage Compendium
and this was the only way to do it! ...
... R I P M i r a g e : 1/15/92 - 1/15/94 ...
Mirage Compendium VI : The Final Joke
This pack is dedicated to James L. Earl.
which I have no idea who he is, just sounds good
THIS IS THE MIRAGE COMPENDIUM VI Pronounced Vee Eye, er six.
This pack is SOOO big! Wow! Bigger then any other Mirage Compendium! Wow!
Im sure youll figure out why tho : ...
Top Ten Intros for the final Mirage Compendium Compiled by R.Noble
10 Star Trek/Beavis Butthead Intro
This is the final voyage of the StarShip Mirage. Its 6 Compendium
mission to bring you more and more vapor ANSIs, to explore new
worlds, and discover strange new members. To boldly do ANSIs that
Ren would never do. Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-huh huh huh... thats cool!
9 Toyota Salesmen Intro
Its here! The final pack from Mirage, Its bigger! Its brighter!
The ALL new 94 design comes with ANS, a smaller, compact size,
No VGAs, ALL standard, at a size everyone can cheer about! Starting
at under 100k, The Mirage Compendium VI model, is the newest on the
market, featuring dual NFO files, stainless steel ASCII codes, and
the all new, never seen before ANSIs! Yes, all this at your nearest
art oriented bulletin board system!
8 CyberLit Intro
There once was a group called Mirage, it was so nice and had members
in a caravan, much like a Dodge. Each artist was cool, and all of them
left for their own rules. But now, the end of the road is here, and boyz
become men, so now lets see the ANSIs that make us cheer.
7 Anonymous Intro
Shut up.
6 Tempus Subliminal Messages Intro.
Hi guys! join mirage Heres the last join mirage Pack from the group
join mirage Mirage. Weve been join mirage around for years, join mirage,
but lately, its been join mirage dead. But dont fret, join mirage we still
had producing artists join mirage that did work, just were never join
mirage put out. So heres the join mirage pack of their stuff, join mirage
and thanks for all join mirage that made it possible. And by the way, join
mirage dont bother asking for sites or membership join mirage, Mirage is
now, officially join mirage GONE! ... join mirage...
5 Shihear Kalizaad Intro
I would put it here, but when youre done reading it, Mirage wouldve
made another comeback and INC would be the 1 again
4 Defective Energizer Bunny Intro
Keeps going and going and go ng nd oi g a d g in n i ...
3 Pig Latin Intro
HisTay SIay HeTay AstLay IrageMay AckPay! AveHay UnFay OokingLay TAay it.
2 ANSI Intro
Ha! ANSI? From Mirage?! Whatever!
1 Snoopy Doggy Dog Intro
Beeeautch! Thiz iz duh muthaphuckin last azz Mirage Pack! So git your
hoes and beeautches and smoke sum phat azz dank and indo while yahz
be lookyn at thiz phat pack. Beeautch! 187 on doze iCE beeaautchs! sigh
A Programmers Intro
program LastPack output
writelnThis is the last Mirage Pack! Here it is!
until G.Washington TRUE
B Beez Intro
Amy Grant rules! I love her! Oh, yeah, Mirage pack is out. Go get it!
C G.Washington Intro
Well, he would write one, but hes too busy fighting Cobra and the
evil forces of the Decepticons
D Binary Digits Intro
E Rush Lambaugh Intro
Youre wrong. Im right, what else is there? I say this is the last pack,
and youre telling me Bill Clinton tells you that it isnt?!?! ...
F Waynes World Intro
Waynes World! Waynes World! Party On Garth! Party On Wayne! Okay, okay...
So guys, this is it, this is the last pack from Mirage, what else can we
say? Schwing!
G Ed McMahon Intro
You may have just won 10 Million copies of the Final Mirage Pack! Stay
tuned to your television, and watch Star Search 94!
H BatMan Intro
Who, who are you?! Im Batman. I want you to tell all your friends
about me.
what does that have to do with Mirage? Nothing, just sounds good
I Knights of Nee Intro
We are the Knights we say Nee! Give us a shrubery or we will give you
the last Mirage Compendium!
J Ugh... this is enough...
Anyways, this is the last, final, numero last, ANSI pack Mirage will ever
put out, unless some idiot wants to try and restart Mirage for nth time.
Cmon guys, after Metal Head left, Mirage was basically on a downhill from
then, right Ben?! : . Oh well. I would put all that stuff like where we
were started, when, etc etc, but thats too serious, and this is the last
pack, so might as well do anything that I can get away with, and this is
it. Lalala. Since there are no comic book rendering artists in Mirage,
were very sorry to disappoint those who love Chapel, Youngblood, and all
those other comic characters. Sucks for you! And if this pack sucks, SO
WHAT? Its out, dont ask us to do too many things at once...
Why we or I call it The Final Joke? For NO good reason, just sounds
good. Look at the dedication. And no Shihear, Im not drinking Sunny
Delight now! And this doesnt mean any of us are retiring, just that the
group is FINALLY, officially, no-fakin, DEAD and GONE! Id like to retire
the name, but I dunno if some idiot will use the name again. Oh well.
- R.Noble ...
Shadow Knight/Resinator/Ren/R.Noble/r.noble with all his crazy paragraphs.
Anyone else think hes crazy or just sick of da scene? More so than me?
But, hey.. he actually compiled the Compedium more or less. So, lets
give a hand for his great articles, posts, and introduction/conclusions.
Just had to get this last word in. Mirage has finally appeared to have
faded, but only after iCE melted.. a few times. :
- Sylk/Ricochet
Well it finally happened. Of course this Compendium VI has been promised
since June I believe it was. Kinda sad it took this long. Of course Mirage
had always just been hanging in by a thread. So today its OFFICIAL. Mirage
is dead, and if anyone tells ya different hes a FOOL!!!!!!!.
- Zandorf
Filename.MIR Description Size FileDate Time Key
2600MEET.ANS 2600 Meet 5748 12-19-93 22:39 -
AL-SONBM Sonic Boom 7834 12-19-93 22:01 -
BK-C2 C Squared 19889 9-23-93 0:22 -
BK-MIR2 Mirage Logo 3521 7-28-93 2:35 -
BK-TUW The Under World 3895 8-23-93 22:22 -
BK-WIRED HardWired 29335 10-12-93 17:04 -
BKBZ-SOH South of Hell 28061 10-10-93 14:46 + -
BZ-EBLUE lectric Blue 3764 11-11-92 15:53 * -
BZ-FON The Forest of Nee 5158 7-21-93 21:08 -
BZ-GENSS Genesis 16088 8-02-93 16:00 -
BZ-LOGO Mirage Logo 2626 11-08-93 15:56 -
BZ-KM Korova Milkbar 17312 6-04-93 10:47 * -
BZ-PENTA.ASC The Pentagon 556 11-26-93 17:41 -
BZ-PENTA The Pentagon 31039 10-10-93 8:52 -
KI-OUTL The Outland 276393 8-12-93 15:57 -
KF-INFFM Infoform 3670 5-08-92 11:51 * -
KK-FMODE Fractal Mode 3771 11-09-93 18:47 -
MI-BSHIT Infinite Darkness 57025 5-18-93 17:04 + -
OUT-NED .EXE Neds Atomic Dustbin 29852 12-06-93 19:04 -
PM-DARK Darkened Reality 14121 8-12-93 0:04 * -
PM-RUSH RUSH : Roll the Bones 16184 9-07-93 2:53 * -
RN-ATOM2 Atomic Cafe 14579 6-06-92 19:11 * -
RN-IPLG InterPool 3459 10-11-92 20:00 * -
RN-IRI Iridium Logo 3479 12-26-93 18:29 -
RN-PG The PowerGrid 4079 12-18-93 17:41 -
RN-TFED The Federation Logo 2109 12-17-93 20:30 -
T2-BTUSA Banned in the USA 3040 12-05-93 9:31 -
T2-CP Corrosive Poision 33664 10-24-93 3:49 -
T2-CZ Channel Zero 19071 12-27-93 8:28 -
T2-GOD Gates of Destiny 22914 12-23-93 2:33 -
T2-LT Legato Times 13855 12-06-93 2:49 -
T2-LZ Latitude Zero 2951 12-23-93 4:38 -
T2-NEON NeoNet Logo 2166 11-14-93 12:38 -
T2-PLOST Paradise Lost 4796 n/a n/a -
T2-PSY Psychosis Logo 2263 11-14-93 12:22 -
T2PSYMNU Psychosis 5 Menu 5213 11-15-93 21:42 -
TC-RE Razors Edge 18036 7-06-93 19:41 -
T2-ROD2 Realm of Destruction 42206 10-02-93 18:22 -
T2-SKY SkyNet 3070 12-06-93 22:26 -
TC-TF Terminal Frost 12709 8-03-93 20:29 -
TD-IRID Iridium Logo 2979 8-10-93 10:59 -
TD-RAM RAM Logo 2162 8-04-93 3:54 -
VI-DRZC Death Row 2236 12-16-93 11:38 -
VI-MIR Mirage Logo 2283 12-30-93 22:04 -
ZD-TRIC TRiC Logo 3212 8-19-93 15:43 -
HARMLESS.COM Mirage Virus!! 131 12-30-93 10:58 @
AL - Apocalyptic Lord BK - Bad Karma
BZ - Beez KI - Killer
KF - Kafka Kierkgaard KK - Kaska F. Kaska
OUT - Outlaw PM - Paul MaudDib
RN - R.Noble or Ren T2 - Terminator2
TC - The Carnage TD - The Drow
ZD - Zandorf
GW - G.Washington Find his ANSIs in the pack to win the
secret toy suprise!
* OLD ANSI. Then again, thats stupid, cuz all of these ANSIs are old.
+ Group ANSI.
- Excellent ANSI worthy of an A++++++ by Paradigm, Iridium, Critic, Encore,
and any other art reviewing group. NOT!
@ Mostly Harmless Mirage Virus, but dont count on it...
Greets and all that jazz...
- Kaska F. Kaska : Cant say it wasnt fun eh?
- Ricochet : Its over! Its over!
- G.Washington : Hows boot camp? btw, Mirage is gone. :
- Beez : God, leave the group for Tribe?! Oh well, have fun.
Amy rules...
- Metal Head : You Mirage killer! You sadistic, necrophiliac! You
sicko! ... I guess I can join iCE now. btw, As rule.
- Shihear K : Hey d00d.
- Deep Freeze : hmph... I dont know you. But I know your PW on
Corrosive Poison! Muahaha!!
- Zandorf : Judgement Something eh? Crack? Forget it!
- Black Ire : Pongee! Legacy was great, BUT it shouldve been Mirage!
ah well. hi.
- Midnight S : uh... wonder why I put that... uh.. hi!
- Terminator2 : Cant believe ya stayed so long, thanks man.
- Crushed Ice : who cares, youll probably never see this
- Voivod : Sorry for the short stay.
- Everyone else : Hi.
- Kaska F. Kaska : So, is this the end of yer ground? W/ it all started
out as PAC 51O - ELiTE - PE? Well, dont think
that those will never appear.. hint
- Ren/Resinator : Welp, looks like this is it. I never was part of the
rise of Mirage but viewed it as it did from BART on
up. Too bad, but it happens, doesnt it? ..but hey,
look, I told you youd reach the stage I did.. u just
reached it later. Youll reach the next one which is
what I was at a few months ago soon enough.. SaLaD 93!
- Zandorf : So is this what happens then? Too much work? I told
you youd burn out. The people within the group are the
people that really run it thats where the enthusiasm
and dedication come from. It comes from you originally,
but w/o any backup, a group goes nowhere.. good luck
w/ anything you do in the future my friend..
- Terminator2 : I hope you find a place in the art scene because you
sure are improving and can be made to be an excellent
artist, with the right people to guide you. Good luck.
- Kinslayer : Dude, why u so interested in all this now?! Its all
been played out. Exactly. Thaaanks. Puh-leaze.
Pace. So yer board is expected any day now. BTW: U
still suck at Mortal Kombat 2, teacha berry. grin
- Rad Man Dude : Hey, you still interested in what was discussed on IRC?
- Midnight Sorrow: CCi looks good. Not great, but good. Keep up the work,
enforce a bit more, and perhaps itll be like it was 2
years ago.
- InterPooL fans : There might be a network under 10 bases soon but even
smaller than what IP was. Perhaps.
- Adrenalin fans : Look out for an issue and stop applying damnit. To the
scene, we are inactive, but we are still in production
when we get the time. But hey, itll sure be nice when
issue three hits da fan.
- Everyone else : Lah, nine-qua in da house now. Cant we all rag so the
scene will even suck more? disgusted
- R.Noble : Hey too bad things didnt work out. I appreciate all the
help, but ricochet is right thats its the group that
makes it what it is. Without dedication from everyone
it never works. Good luck in iCE!.
- Ricochet : Thanks for letting Mirage use InterPooL, it sure saved
Mirage alot of time. Still appears the communication
problem never got solved, however I dont blame that
as the entire problem. stay in touch.. late.
- Slammer : Hey man dont worry about it. It was bound to happen
someday. A little unexpectedly soon, but ya guys in
the 516 Area code helped out alot, it looked like that
was the only thing going on.. too bad..
- Deep Freeze : Thanks for your advice, and help. Sorry VODs merger with
Mirage didnt work out. I dont think Im interested in
Strating another Group right now. My life is tooo busy
good luck with CRaCK or whatever ya do...
- Sly Boy : Hey dont worry what other people say about ya. Ya dont
Move up in the world by making enemys. Also thanks for
your help with Mirage. I know ya really wanted it to
work out. keep in touch..
- Pnakotic : You were right from the beggining. Hope the switch over
have the quality!!.
- To T2, Beez, Bad Karma and the rest of the crew. I appreciate ya guys
sticking in the way ya did. The dedication ya showed Mirage is beyond
words. I know ya guys have a bright future in the Art world if ya
stick it out. I wish ya guys all luck.. late
Mirage, the art that excites you ... - Metal Head ex-Mirage
Mirage, we have more ANSIs then brains! - Dar S LONG time ago d00d
If you think you cant draw and have no talent, you can still be iCE
Senior Staff! - Rasitlin ex-Mirage
And you can be in Senior Staff if you can draw really good women! - MH
Lamer. - Shihear Kallizad ex-Mirage
Shihear smells like cat urine. - Metal Head Rasitlin ex-Mirage
Mirage, the kind of word Jed cant pronoune. - Rasitlin ex-Mirage
- G.Washington
I love you Charles. - The Lord God Xerobe, Dan The Man
Im gonna piss in your skull! - Metal Head Imitation of R.Noble ex-Miragi
When I was in Mirage, I said,Here I am! Here I am Ren! Scat boy, you
annoy me. - Rasitlin, commenting the old Mirage ex-Mirage
Necromancer is a Nazi! - Rasitlin ex-Mirage
Touch the breasts to exit. - R.Noble ex-Mirage
* NOTE : Rasitlin has denied he was ever in Mirage.
Quotes were compiled during a session with iCE SS on 01/10/94 20:37PST
So where does leave Mirage? Nowhere. Bad Karma and Terminator2 joined ACiD,
Beez left to TRiBE, Kaska and Ricochet dont really care because the scene
sucks, and Zandorf and Deep Freeze are scheming for some new group or
something. As far as I know, those are the only members that did anything.
Me? Who knows. Who cares. Mirage was fun to have around and now its gone.
Oh well. I wish everyone would release packs like this one : ...
- r.noble ELiTE/PE, Mirage, ACiD, Legacy, Mirage, iCE
pft. And if youre wondering why we/I released the pack with no compression,
its because we/I wanted to make the last pack the biggest Mirage Compendium
and this was the only way to do it! ...
... R I P M i r a g e : 1/15/92 - 1/15/94 ...
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