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As a bonus, put first and foremost in any alphabetical sorting with leading exclamation points, you will find documents and artefacts pertaining to the 2017 Living Closet reunion art party at which this second commemorative best-of floppy disk compilation was attemptedly disseminated -- without a great deal more success than the first time around. But images of the collectable floppies, with their hand-drawn version of a Mist logo by Mattmatthew, circulated over social media and inspired @piquANSI to make a RexPaint textmode version of the floppy, which in turn yielded a second logo adapted by Cthulu into the FILEID.DIZ for the MIST0817 artpack collection. You see, nothing is wasted. Please also find attached recordings of songs performed at the event not event bootlegs, previously existing recordings, transcripts of a selection of poems performed, and photographs of artwork exhibited and created at the event.
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