this image contains text
@// @
da capo
al segno
@-- ---//--- //--@
Here we are, the third artpack release in, god, the last month, squeaking
out both the last artpack of last year and the first artpack of this year. If
idle hands are the devils playground, we must be virtuous indeed! But... to
be fair, the digital underground has never exactly been about virtue, has it?
Where is he going with this? Damn, I hope you had some idea. Im just
coasting on infofile-composing autopilot! Lets move this thing along a bit!
No sooner did we release the music-themed MIST0118 this time last year,
in homage to the Blocktronics B-sides collection in December of 2017, than we
discovered an exciting crop of new artists with piles of fresh art made on
musical themes. What were we going to do, release two music-themed artpacks in
the same year? Not before we release a video games-themed collection, I can
assure you! But we knew wed need to be revisiting this theme as soon as we
could justify doing so, and with the anniversary of David Bowies death
anchoring us to January, we return again to this endlessly rewarding territory.
OK, with a couple of exceptions. Distinct from the rest of this months
musical contents, youll also see a couple of pieces celebrating the rollover
of the calendar odometer: December is too soon to air them, February too late.
What are we supposed to do, just walk away and leave them on the table?
One things for sure: Mistigris never leaves anything on the table. ldb, take
it away!
o/ /- .----------------.
Happy New Year
/ / 2019 !
So back to music. Not only does this collection feature a hundred-odd
varied works of visual artwork covering a range from Beethoven to the Notorious
B.I.G., global stars to regional heroes, perennial classics to recent hitmakers
and... you get the picture. But ALSO we are revisiting the realm of actual
music you can listen to, a traditional strength in the Mist Classic days but a
department where weve been asleep at the wheel since going monthly. Sharing
music over social media isnt straightforward and ... OK, well Im getting
ahead of myself. Theoricas great MP3s you can figure out how to play for
yourself, Onyxs long-buried tracker music works exactly the way it would have
in 1995 and VLC plays tracker music, so no worries!, but the most special
musical offering we include in this collection is an entire music disk worth of
tunes Melodia has composed to demonstrate her Mockingboard sequencer
microTracker, bundled with her Apple II sandbox MicroM8 which you can find
over at Paleotronic.com: after downloading it, mouse up to the top left corner,
click on Tools and select microTracker, then you can just drag the songs into
the window. You can hear a sample during the credits sequence of this packs
teaser trailer -- its chiptune at its purest.
All of the fresh blood this month is in the visual realm, however, so
wed really like to emphasize the big splash made by Dos Grog and PixardNeh
making their artpack debuts here this month. Many other contributors have only
appeared in brief cameo appearances here and there through the previous year,
never yet opening up and showing what they can really do until they hit their
favorite subject matter: impressing people with their taste in music. Others
are known for focusing on certain themes and this is a whole new hitherto
unexplored aspect into their inspirations! Whoever you are and whatever you
like listening to, surely youll find something here representing your tastes.
And all of us stand to learn quite a bit about the Italian music scene this
month 8
Special recognition is also due to Smooth of Fuel, performing plastic
surgery triage on our FILEID.DIZ for the second time in three packs.
OK, thats enough out of me! Well see you all again in February, with
a collection of computer art on love and lust and all that good stuff, but
maybe Ill cut myself some slack and allow an entire month to pass between
releases this time. Who am I kidding, its surely you our audiences who need
the time to recover!
I am using this musical
sign incorrectly, but
gee whiz it sure looks
cool, doesnt it?
da capo
al segno
@-- ---//--- //--@
Here we are, the third artpack release in, god, the last month, squeaking
out both the last artpack of last year and the first artpack of this year. If
idle hands are the devils playground, we must be virtuous indeed! But... to
be fair, the digital underground has never exactly been about virtue, has it?
Where is he going with this? Damn, I hope you had some idea. Im just
coasting on infofile-composing autopilot! Lets move this thing along a bit!
No sooner did we release the music-themed MIST0118 this time last year,
in homage to the Blocktronics B-sides collection in December of 2017, than we
discovered an exciting crop of new artists with piles of fresh art made on
musical themes. What were we going to do, release two music-themed artpacks in
the same year? Not before we release a video games-themed collection, I can
assure you! But we knew wed need to be revisiting this theme as soon as we
could justify doing so, and with the anniversary of David Bowies death
anchoring us to January, we return again to this endlessly rewarding territory.
OK, with a couple of exceptions. Distinct from the rest of this months
musical contents, youll also see a couple of pieces celebrating the rollover
of the calendar odometer: December is too soon to air them, February too late.
What are we supposed to do, just walk away and leave them on the table?
One things for sure: Mistigris never leaves anything on the table. ldb, take
it away!
o/ /- .----------------.
Happy New Year
/ / 2019 !
So back to music. Not only does this collection feature a hundred-odd
varied works of visual artwork covering a range from Beethoven to the Notorious
B.I.G., global stars to regional heroes, perennial classics to recent hitmakers
and... you get the picture. But ALSO we are revisiting the realm of actual
music you can listen to, a traditional strength in the Mist Classic days but a
department where weve been asleep at the wheel since going monthly. Sharing
music over social media isnt straightforward and ... OK, well Im getting
ahead of myself. Theoricas great MP3s you can figure out how to play for
yourself, Onyxs long-buried tracker music works exactly the way it would have
in 1995 and VLC plays tracker music, so no worries!, but the most special
musical offering we include in this collection is an entire music disk worth of
tunes Melodia has composed to demonstrate her Mockingboard sequencer
microTracker, bundled with her Apple II sandbox MicroM8 which you can find
over at Paleotronic.com: after downloading it, mouse up to the top left corner,
click on Tools and select microTracker, then you can just drag the songs into
the window. You can hear a sample during the credits sequence of this packs
teaser trailer -- its chiptune at its purest.
All of the fresh blood this month is in the visual realm, however, so
wed really like to emphasize the big splash made by Dos Grog and PixardNeh
making their artpack debuts here this month. Many other contributors have only
appeared in brief cameo appearances here and there through the previous year,
never yet opening up and showing what they can really do until they hit their
favorite subject matter: impressing people with their taste in music. Others
are known for focusing on certain themes and this is a whole new hitherto
unexplored aspect into their inspirations! Whoever you are and whatever you
like listening to, surely youll find something here representing your tastes.
And all of us stand to learn quite a bit about the Italian music scene this
month 8
Special recognition is also due to Smooth of Fuel, performing plastic
surgery triage on our FILEID.DIZ for the second time in three packs.
OK, thats enough out of me! Well see you all again in February, with
a collection of computer art on love and lust and all that good stuff, but
maybe Ill cut myself some slack and allow an entire month to pass between
releases this time. Who am I kidding, its surely you our audiences who need
the time to recover!
I am using this musical
sign incorrectly, but
gee whiz it sure looks
cool, doesnt it?
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