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the extremist o5l294
mistigrisaphex ruleZ i do n
ot judgetempus ruleZ an artist byeerie sucks his gro
up,youngs k00l but on hissoi has a
-skillwhacky little
-styleraid sucks
so eerie
shiver sucks
sucksvor sucks
becauseacid sucks
he doesice ruleZ
phunkeerelic ruleZ
--we are like cool or sumthin..
phatyeah, we also rule phonterZ
this font sucks shouldnokturnal sucks too n o
k t u r n a l be bannedhope theyll suck less
n o k t u r n a l exceptsk00l sucks
mCac0llege sucks much more and mINOR tHREAT
mistigris no, all this black spa
ce ISNT wasted. the extremist
mistigrisaphex ruleZ i do n
ot judgetempus ruleZ an artist byeerie sucks his gro
up,youngs k00l but on hissoi has a
-skillwhacky little
-styleraid sucks
so eerie
shiver sucks
sucksvor sucks
becauseacid sucks
he doesice ruleZ
phunkeerelic ruleZ
--we are like cool or sumthin..
phatyeah, we also rule phonterZ
this font sucks shouldnokturnal sucks too n o
k t u r n a l be bannedhope theyll suck less
n o k t u r n a l exceptsk00l sucks
mCac0llege sucks much more and mINOR tHREAT
mistigris no, all this black spa
ce ISNT wasted. the extremist
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